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Stop blood suckers and liver damage: Treat your herd now
Stop blood suckers and liver damage: Treat your herd now

07 May 2020, 11:45 PM

If you have livestock, now (Autumn) is the most important time of year to treat animals for liver fluke.North Coast Local Land Services District Veterinarian Jocelyn Todd said liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) is a widespread parasite of the North Coast Region, particularly in high rainfall, swampy or poorly drained areas.“The disease can lead to poor growth rates, reduced milk production and even death in susceptible animals such as sheep, goats, camelids and cattle,” she said.“It also has an economic cost to the meat industry due to condemned livers.”Damage may be caused by the immature stages of the fluke migrating through the animal's liver.These immatures develop into adults that suck blood from the lining of the bile ducts, causing significant blood loss and liver damage in heavy infestations. Death usually occurs due to blood loss from haemorrhage within the liver.Clinical signs indicating animals have Liver Fluke include: bottle jaw (swelling of the tissues below the jaw); weight loss or failure to gain weight; jaundice (yellowing of mucous membranes such as gums, eyelid conjunctiva and vagina; anaemia (loss of red blood cells characterised by the paleness of mucous membranes as above).“The good news is that there are several effective flukicides that target different stages of liver fluke infestation” Jocelyn Todd. “Now is the time to eliminate infestations picked up during summer and spring.“All classes of stock should be drenched for liver fluke with an effective product, containing Triclabendazole or Nitroxynil, to target both immature and adult fluke.“Products vary in their suitability for different species and classes, and have variable withhold periods, so be sure to read the label before treating.“There is some resistance forming to Triclabendazole, if you use a product with this ingredient and don't see symptoms improve, consider further testing to assess its effectiveness.”Many tests for liver fluke infestation are available.Other control options for liver fluke includes:•    fencing to exclude some or all livestock from swampy areas•    quarantine and drench all animals that come from a liver fluke area•    grazing management of swampy areas only by less-susceptible stock (adult cattle)For more information on identifying and controlling liver fluke on your property, please contact your North Coast Local Land Services District Veterinarian on 1300 795 299 or your local vet.

Council lays out Lismore's sporting future in new draft plan
Council lays out Lismore's sporting future in new draft plan

07 May 2020, 6:25 AM

Despite Lismore City Council’s new budget postponing projects like the creation of an athletic performance centre and developing Lismore Lake area for recreational use, the new Lismore Sport and Recreation Draft Plan is ready for community feedback. It's time to have your say on it.Council’s Sport and Recreation project officer James Voght said the draft plan was developed after extensive community consultation and looks to “cement Lismore’s position as a regional sports hub to drive economic growth and increase sport and recreational opportunities for local families to improve well-being and quality of life”.The draft plan has six priorities:• Deliver Lismore Parklands,• Increase physical activity/participation by developing a walking and cycling strategy,• Continue to develop Lismore as a Sports Hub,• Support the Rail Trail development,• Develop an Open Space strategy, and• Ensure existing and new facilities are sustainable. “This is an opportunity for residents to have their say about the future of our city and villages," James said. "We encourage everyone who is interested to make as submission before May 29.”The Plan is on public exhibition for community comment until May 29 and submissions must be received by close of business that day.Submissions can be made online or emailed to, or sent to the General Manager, Lismore City Council, PO Box 23A, Lismore, NSW 2480. It can be viewed online via Lismore City Council’s community engagement hub Your Say Lismore at copies cannot be viewed as Council’s office is currently closed due to Covid-19.

Say thanks and shout a hospital hero a cuppa
Say thanks and shout a hospital hero a cuppa

07 May 2020, 2:50 AM

Say thanks and shout a hospital hero a cuppa by donating a few dollars to the new Hospital Heroes campaign.The campaign is run by local charity, Our Kids and fundraising coordinator Rebekka Battista said just $4 will shout one hospital hero a cuppa.“On May 13, Our Kids has arranged for everyone on shift that day to receive a free hot beverage to say thank you, from WHSmith Fresh+, the café operators inside Lismore and Tweed hospitals,” Rebekka said. “This has been an extraordinary time for our Hospital Heroes, they take care of all of us when we are sick, and through this season they have been ever diligent to ensure we are safe and well.“Whether you give $4 to shout one hospital hero a cuppa, or $40 to shout ten hospital heroes a cuppa, it all counts and is a way together we can say thank you."Rebekka invites the whole community to join with Our Kids and their Platinum Partners to say a huge thank you during these unusual times. To donate, head to more information on how you can help, contact the Our Kids Office on 0438 417 085. Our Kids Board and Platinum Partners are: Southern Cross University, Far North Coast Law Society, The Northern Star, Lismore Echo, Telstra, NBN TV, Events Party Hire, Hurford Hardwood, Byron Bay Coffee Company, Beach Byron Bay, Suzette Pearce, Damian Chapelle, Kevin Carter, Chris Ingall, Tanya Jones, Tania Kirkland, Luke Hoolihan, Sean Radburn and Rebekka Battista. 

No easing of restrictions in time for Mother's Day
No easing of restrictions in time for Mother's Day

07 May 2020, 2:38 AM

While we were hoping for an easing of lockdown restrictions in time for visiting mums on Mother’s Day this Sunday, it looks like it’s going to remain the same in NSW – at least until after the weekend. NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said this morning that National Cabinet will meet tomorrow to consider easing social distancing restrictions to allow indoor gatherings of up to ten people by Mother’s Day on Sunday.However, she said “I doubt that NSW will be in a position to implement anything before Mother’s Day”.Ms Berejiklian said NSW had already taken a “huge step forward" compared to where it was a month ago and said over the next few months we will likely see more easing of restrictions."Please know that two adults and children can visit any mother at any one time, and a mother can accept multiple visits a day," Ms Berejiklian said.“To all mothers out there, please know that you will be able to accept those visitors."I suspect by the end of June, life will feel much more normal than it does now and even during May, life will feel much more normal.”Other States have also been making changes to restrictions, with Queensland allowing up to five members of one household to visit a second household from Sunday.Victoria has announced no restrictions changes in the near future.Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein said he will announce its restrictions "road map" after National Cabinet's meeting tomorrow.

Virtual Lismore Lantern Parade lights up on Saturday, June 20
Virtual Lismore Lantern Parade lights up on Saturday, June 20

07 May 2020, 2:00 AM

The iconic Lismore Lantern Parade is another event that is going 'virtual' in 2020.A virtual Lantern Parade will be similar to ANZAC Day with one addition.Step 1 is to go on-line and purchase your Diamond or Pyramid lanterns from the Lismore Lantern Parade website ( for $15.You can either pick up your lantern from Creative Director/CEO Jyllie Jackson and her team at 289 Keen Street or they can be delivered for a small fee of $5 within the Northern Rivers. Diamond lanterns can be posted to your family and friends throughout Australia so they too can participate for only $10 giving you up to 4 diamond kits per post.Each lantern kit will contain your lantern, colourful tissue paper shapes to help you decorate your lantern, a tub of pva glue, sponge and an LED candle to go inside your finished lantern.You are encouraged to take photos of you and your family decorating your lantern and the finished product and email them to Jyllie (details later) or upload on your favourite social media site with the hashtag #lightntheheart. Jyllie does say "it doesn't need to be fancy".Step 2 is show your decorated lantern by gathering with family and friends at the end of your driveway, on your street, or your garden (socially distancing of course) or on your balcony, window or shop front at 6pm on Saturday June 20. The Virtual Lantern Parade will Live Stream at about 7pm.If everyone gets behind the 2020 Virtual Lismore Lantern Parade we can show support to the wonderful work that Jyllie Jackson and her team of volunteers do each and every year as well as brighten our neighbourhoods during the winter solstice and "Bring light to our hearts in this challenging time!", adds Jyllie.The Lismore App is a proud sponsor for the 2020 Virtual Lismore Lantern Parade.

Powermax Computer shop reopens for Apples
Powermax Computer shop reopens for Apples

06 May 2020, 11:24 PM

When Powermax computers reopens its doors on Magellan Street next Monday, the good news is that Apple computer and device owners can finally get their tech fixed. The bad news is that if you want to buy a new Apple product, you’ll have to wait until May, when the next orders of products finally arrive.As the only authorised Apple repair shop in the Lismore village, Powermax owner Alex Clarke said he’s been getting calls every day from desperate people keen to get their devices fixed. “There’s so much demand out there, we are happy to meet the demand,” Alex said.“People are working at home more on their devices now and desperate to have them running.“Since we closed the shop five weeks ago, we have been offering other service options that involve contacting Apple help on the phone or by mailing the device to Apple in Sydney. “There’s not many options for people to get Apple devices repaired without driving to Coffs Harbour to a shop there.”Alex said there was a shortage of new technology products (including all brands of phones and computers) across the world at the moment because all manufacturers in China closed during December, January and February.“So, there’s a three month supply gap and that’s why it’s hard to get new Apple products while they ramp production back up again,” he said.“We will have people wanting to buy things, but we can’t get them until the end of May."With low coronavirus transmission rates in the Northern Rivers, and the government easing restrictions, Powermax Computers joins other Lismore businesses that have decided it’s time to reopen again.“Apple reopened their stores world wide today too,” Alex said. “They shut every store on March 1, except for China. We didn’t know that would happen when we were deciding to reopen.”Alex said every safety precaution will be taken with devices in care and that physical distancing measures would be implemented to limit the number of people in the shop.“Every machine or device will be disinfected at drop off and pick up time and hand sanitiser will be used at all times,” he said.Alex said all the shop’s smiling staff will be back on board again, thanks to the government’s Jobkeeper payments.Powermax Computers will be open from Monday, May 11, with weekday opening hours 10am-4pm, Saturdays 10am-1pm and closed Sundays.

Volunteers needed to support the vulnerable in Lismore
Volunteers needed to support the vulnerable in Lismore

06 May 2020, 9:16 PM

Volunteers are needed to help support vulnerable people in Lismore during the Covid-19 period.People willing to help out are encouraged to sign up to a new online volunteering platform - along with oganisations in need of support.The NSW Government has partnered with the Centre for Volunteering to develop the platform, which is also operating in Victoria and Western Australia. State Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin said volunteers are being empowered to provide welfare checks, deliver supplies and offer essential transport to vulnerable people through a new online platform linking community members with charities, NGOs and local councils. “The pandemic is placing a significant strain on volunteer-driven organisations who support vulnerable members across the Lismore Electorate, and many require more people to help meet demand,” Ms Saffin said. “This platform allows you to register your details online and an organisation in your local area will get in touch and offer volunteering opportunities when they arise. “NSW Shadow Minister for Seniors and Volunteers Jo Haylen has visited my electorate and knows how much volunteering we already do, and are doing through Covid-19. “For me, this is an additional platform that helps connect people who have a desire to help others.” NSW Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services Gareth Ward said the platform promotes informal voluntary opportunities that prioritise safety and wellbeing of participants during Covid-19. “Volunteers are the backbone of our communities and in times of need it is inherent for Australians to rally around each other and do whatever is needed to support those struggling,” Mr Ward said. “I encourage any organisation in need of assistance, and any person willing to give up their time to help someone else, to register online today.” For more information and to register, visit

New map reveals where the free parking is at Lismore Base Hospital
New map reveals where the free parking is at Lismore Base Hospital

06 May 2020, 5:08 AM

If you haven't already heard, parking at Lismore Base Hospital is now free in the 10-hour zones.If you are now asking where the 10-hour zones are, then the new handy parking map is what you need to navigate your way to parking bliss.Lismore City Council has produced the parking map to help residents with the introduction of free parking and changed parking restrictions around Lismore Base Hospital.This map can be found at: City Councillors voted last month to introduce free parking in the 10-hour zones on Hunter and Dalziel streets for the next six months and waive parking restrictions on Weaver Street, Laurel Avenue and Mckenzie Street to enable all-day parking for the same six month period. Mayor Isaac Smith said at the time that this was done in recognition of the critical and selfless role our local health care professionals in caring for our community during this pandemic. Lismore City Council’s Manager Development & Compliance Chris Watts said street signage around the hospital precinct has also been amended to reflect the changes. “Council staff have also been educating drivers about the changes to on-street parking around the hospital precinct over the last couple of weeks to ensure people are aware of the changes,” he said, adding that parking patrols re-commenced this week. The parking map can be found on Lismore City Council’s COVID-19 webpage

Virtual MardiGrass sees quiet pot protest march in Nimbin
Virtual MardiGrass sees quiet pot protest march in Nimbin

06 May 2020, 4:47 AM

While cannabis reformers met online to discuss all things hemp, a quiet, socially distanced MardiGrass protest took place on Nimbin’s main Street last weekend.The virtual forum was a first for Nimbin’s MardiGrass, which took all the usual components of the annual cannabis law reform protest - like the HEMP Olympix joint rolling and pot poetry - and brought them into an online environment. Nimbin Hemp Embassy president Michael Balderstone said the usual protest - which would normally have hundreds of people crowding the streets of Nimbin - was reduced to a few dedicated Nimbin locals. Social distancing“Everyone was conscious of coronavirus social distancing,” Michael said. “We didn’t promote the rally because prohibition has created disrespect for good laws too.“Aboriginal Elder Auntie Linda appeared and led the march in the traditional way and there was a dig player at front.“It was one of the nicest marches in years - peaceful and with no crowds – and 1000 or more people watched it online.”A scene from the MardiGrass protest in previous years...PoliceOther elements of the annual protest also still happened at a small scale, such as the interaction with the local police force.“We walked to the Nimbin cop shop and when we got there, they weren’t there,” Michael said. “When we left, they drove up.“The police were good this year. They came and saw the Hemp Embassy on Friday and left us to it.”Hemp Embassy raidLouise from the Hemp Embassy said the police raided the embassy last year just before MardiGrass got underway.“Last year, they barged in and it was a bit traumatic at first, but it melted away,” Louise said.“I work in the medicinal cannabis area and left our medicine alone and were only interested in green material lying around.“When they pulled up people on the street and they had our medicine, they left it alone – the police were not interested in medicinal cannabis. It was a good clarifying moment.”Luddite to Zoom roomMichael, a self-confessed luddite, said by the end of the virtual MardiGrass weekend, he knew a lot more about the Zoom platform and found it a great way to engage in in-depth talks with small audiences. “Some people logged into Discord and Zoom and we could talk as long as we liked,” he said. “It was good to watch everyone choofing at home – it was a lot of fun for people.”“John Teh was a great speaker about medical cannabis and we had good information about hemp plastics on the Sunday.Michael said numbers were not huge in the online forums, but some of the talks were recorded on Facebook and YouTube.“But what happened in the Zoom room stays in the Zoom room,” he said.Micheal said the HEMP Olympix was funny, with people sending in videos of entries and in the usual Kombi convoy, a solitary Kombi came through."Smoke at home"“We only postponed MardiGrass, but by the sound of the government, it could be a long time before big gatherings can happen again,” he said.“If we can go ahead in May next year, we will incorporate some virtual forums from now on – it could save money flying people from California to speak.“We know people just want to smoke at home and with the road blocks and saliva testing, the crowd numbers have been reducing anyway. “It’s killed the crowd – so if we have it live online, they can it watch from anywhere.”Read more: No police, no saliva tests at virtual MardiGrass this weekend

When home is not safe from violence, help is here
When home is not safe from violence, help is here

06 May 2020, 2:32 AM

Tough times don’t excuse tougher times at home: that’s the message from the Federal Government as Covid-19 restrictions bring a heightening of violence within people’s homes.  A new Help is Here campaign is now being rolled out to make sure people know that there is free, confidential help available for anyone experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence.The campaign will include advertising across television, digital, social media, radio, magazines and newspapers as well as in shopping centres, hospitals and GP surgeries.Since the coronavirus pandemic began, calls to helpline numbers have increased - and many of the calls have been coronavirus specific.More than 15% of contacts for the MensLine Australia number have been Covid-19 specific. The help number 1800RESPECT has also seen an 11% increase in people accessing support compared with the same time last year.Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan said “for many women and children, home is not a safe place to be”.“For many weeks, Australians have been heeding the Government’s call to stay at home to control the spread of COVID-19,” Mr Hogan said.“I want our community to know, including those at risk of using violence, there is free and confidential help available at all hours, every day. “Increased stresses at a time like this are understandable, but they are not an excuse for causing physical or psychological harm. “You can get help and talk directly and confidentially with trained counsellors via online chat or phone.” The new Help is Here awareness campaign promotes the two national helplines - 1800RESPECT and MensLine Australia, as part of the Federal Government’s $150 million Domestic Violence Support Package to help support services meet demand during these unprecedented times. Further information is available at you or someone you know is experiencing or at risk of domestic, family or sexual violence contact 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) or MensLine Australia (1300 789 978)

Rochdale Theatre undergoing COVID improvements
Rochdale Theatre undergoing COVID improvements

06 May 2020, 1:12 AM

Those that drive on Ballina Road and pass the Rochdale Theatre would have noticed building scaffolding all around the building.Publicity officer Jenny Dowell said planned work to replace the roof and install insulation is going ahead. This is part of the cultural grant money received by the Lismore Theatre Company in 2019. "The works were planned for this time of the year but with the coronavirus pandemic, the timing makes doing the works easier", Jenny said, "when we finish we will have a sparkling old building that will look really good""Now we just need restrictions to lift so people can come back to the theatre", she added.Educating Rita was to be the first play for the 2020 season on March 20 before the coronavirus crowd gathering restrictions delayed the start. This is still the plan when restrictions are eased."The set is as it was so gathering dust", Jenny mentioned, "it will add atmosphere to the professors office when we get underway".The children's pantomime show "Puss In Thongs" has also been postponed and was scheduled for the first school holidays will be moved to the first available school holiday period.In the meantime new plays are starting their audition process so it will be a busy theatre season when it can get underway.At least the Rochdale Theatre will look better as well as be more comfortable with the roof and insulation adding to the already painted exterior and air conditioning installed in 2019.

"Back to Basics" Council budget given the green light
"Back to Basics" Council budget given the green light

06 May 2020, 12:30 AM

Councillors approved the 2020/21 draft budget for public exhibition at last nights council meeting but it was a close vote 6 for and 5 against.All councillors ,whether they voted for or against the draft budget, said that this was a "tough budget" for the community to swallow and it would be unpopular.Unpopular because a number of projects that councillors had committed to in their four year term have had to be shelved again as council tries to get their financial situation under control then build some reserves for the future. It was acknowledge that this will take a few years.Projects like the beautifying the Lismore Lake area or upgrading footpaths in the CBD will now be deferred and included in the next Community Strategic Planning document for public submissions.The cause of this "Back to basics with no lollies for the community" budget as Councillor Neil Marks called it, was due to an initial cashflow deficit of $2.3 million. After the numbers were re-crunched using the zero based modelling process that deficit has been cut to $282,000. This meant the removal of non-essential community projects.Of the $2.3 million deficit, $1 to 1.5 million was estimated to be caused by the coronavirus pandemic.Those Councillors against the draft budget mentioned lack of time to read and understand the document fully, lack of detail, lack of involvement in the budget process and the continued operations of loss making facilities like GSAC, the Quarry and the Airport.Councillor Guise said "I have no confidence in this budget......the airport will lose $750,000 and the Quarry 450, can we continue to operate these loss making assets".While Councillor Lloyd said "there has not been accurate reporting systems on our financial position" and Councillor Bautista said "we need to stop looking back and stop wasting money".Those Councillors who voted for the draft budget acknowledged that they too are "unhappy" with some projects being taken off the table but the measure suggested by council staff were necessary to return this council back to a sound financial position, something that can built on for the future.Councillor Bird saying "it will be a bumpy and difficult road to get there" and Councillor Ekins saying that "it is just not us but other councils too (that are in this financial position)". Councillor Cook said "no one is happy with this is up to us to shoulder these tough will cause a lot of pain". What was acknowledged is that Lismore has suffered through a number of extraordinary circumstances in the last few years with the flood, the drought, the tip fire and now COVID-19. Can we liken it to the Paul Keating comment in 1990 when he said "this is the recession we had to have". Is this the budget that LCC need to have?Now the draft budget for 2020/21 has been approved for public exhibition, it is up to you to take the time to read it, understand it and make comments.The draft budget will be live on the Your Say Lismore website ( from next Wednesday May 13.

Popular author online for free library talk tomorrow
Popular author online for free library talk tomorrow

05 May 2020, 6:45 AM

Popular Australian author Sandie Docker will present an exclusive online interactive talk tomorrow, Wednesday, May 6 at 10am for Richmond Tweed Regional Library members.To join the interactive talk which will be screened live via Youtube, visit grew up in Coffs Harbour and is the author of The Kookaburra Café and The Cottage at Rosella Cove. Her latest novel The Banksia Bay Beach Shack was released in March. Sandie’s love of fiction began when she first read Jane Austen for the HSC, but it wasn’t until she was taking a translation course at university that her Mandarin lecturer suggested she might have a knack for writing.Sandie first decided to put pen to paper when living in London. Now back in Sydney with her husband and daughter, she writes every day.The Banksia Bay Beach Shack is a heartwarming family saga. A year is a long time in the memory of a small town. Stories get twisted, truths become warped and history is rewritten. When Laura discovers an old photo of her grandmother Lillian with an intriguing inscription on the back, Laura heads to the sleepy seaside town of Banksia Bay to learn the truth of Lillian’s past. But, when Laura arrives she finds a community where everyone seems to hiding something.If you want to read some of Sandi’s books, you can find them in the Richmond Tweed Regional Library catalogue. You can click here to reserve Sandie's books. Pick them up with your next Click and Collect!

Tahiti Hut closes after decades in business
Tahiti Hut closes after decades in business

05 May 2020, 4:45 AM

Through decades of changing fashions, Lismore's go-to place for a formal dress - Tahiti Hut - has finally closed.A shop that was once filled with racks of women’s clothing and accessories is now reduced to just a few piles of dismantled shelves and clothes racks. Tahiti Hut owner Reg Bailey said after 45 years in business, the process of packing up the shop was an important one, as he processed so much time being in business.“It’s been good to pull down the shelving and racks because there’s a lot of grieving and sadness in closing the shop,” Reg said.“So, as I pull it all apart, I’m able to process and let it go.“It’s been a great business and a great shop. But after the floods, drought, fires and then the virus, I knew it was time to close.”Roy has seen a lot of changes in fashion - and in the Lismore CBD over the decades – from the early days in the 1970s, when his brother Roy opened the shop, right through to the Covid-19 crisis.While there are more women’s clothing boutiques in Lismore now that there used to be, once Tahiti Hut was the main place you would visit for a new dress if you had a special occasion or a formal coming up.“That’s why we survived so long,” Reg said. “We were unique in what we sold.”Reg said that when he announced on Facebook that the shop was closing, loyal customers came down to the shop and bought up most of his stock.“I’m ready for retirement now though,” Reg said. “I plan to travel to Europe once travel opens up across the world again.”Read more business news: More smiles, less fear, as more shops open in the CBD

What do Yellow Crazy Ants, crystals and a koala dog have in common?
What do Yellow Crazy Ants, crystals and a koala dog have in common?

05 May 2020, 12:14 AM

When Lismore was invaded by the pesky Yellow Crazy Ants (YCA) last year, experimental water crystal baits and a retrained koala odour detection dog were two of the innovative techniques used to eradicate them.The successful experimental techniques have brought recognition to the North Coast Local Land Services in partnership with the Department of Primary Industries at this year’s Australian Biosecurity Awards.The Yellow Crazy Ant response was the recipient in the Government Category which recognises individuals, groups or organisations within the government that have demonstrated a significant contribution to maintaining Australia’s biosecurity integrity.North Coast Local Land Service general manager Louise Orr said the award was a credit to everyone involved, including many dedicated and determined community members. “This award recognises the enormous effort made by our community, including staff. Together, we all play a vital role in helping to protect against pests, and support biosecurity in our community,” she said. “YCA are highly destructive environmental pests that can impact on human amenity, agricultural production and the horticultural industry."When YCA were detected on the NSW north coast, a well-executed and coordinated response plan helped control and eradicate this significant invasive pest.Following a report from a member of the public, established infestations were identified at Lismore and Terania Creek. The detection was especially significant, given Terania Creek is the location of a rainforest protection campaign that helped shape the modern Australian environmental movement. Various innovative approaches were used, including experimental water crystal baits the use of a retrained koala odour detection dog to detect YCA. “The response plan was a success, with proof of freedom confirmed at both sites and statistical modelling indicating that it is highly unlikely that other infestations remain undetected nearby,” Louise said.“The response plan was widely promoted, with significant local engagement undertaken by Local Land Services. “As a result, the aim to eradicate Yellow Crazy Ants gained excellent and broad support from the people of Lismore and Terania Creek.”North Coast Local Land Services and NSW DPI were nominated by Invasive Species Council chief executive, Andrew Cox.

Why are our rubbish bins not being collected?
Why are our rubbish bins not being collected?

04 May 2020, 1:16 AM

Our roads have been eerily quiet in the mornings lately. Depending on your garbage collection day, the sound of council garbage trucks have been missing.Facebook groups have been asking the question "why"?The Lismore City Council offered this explanation."Lismore City Council has experienced some issues with kerbside waste collection last week. A combination of a number of factors has resulted in collection trucks being unable to complete daily bin collections.With some staff on overdue leave, an unexpected truck break down, combined with unplanned leave and issues with extended overtime periods being accrued resulted in a several hundred bins not being collected last week. Council’s Director of Infrastructure Services Peter Jeuken said: “We have experienced issues that normally we would be able to roster around, but when we have multiple issues impact our collection service there is not a lot of spare capacity in our resourcing to cover a large gap in this service.”“The garbage truck is currently being repaired and will be back on the road in several days, collection truck drivers are doing additional hours and shifts and we are looking at external resources to help us catch up on our missed bin collections.”Residents with missed bins have been asked to leave their bins out for collection and it is expected Council staff will be able to get all the missed bins from last Thursday and Friday collected by the end of this week.It is also important to make sure people put their bins out the night before collection, because Council will need to do some bin collections in the early hours of the morning because we are down one collection truck".This response may not satisfy some residents but at least we all know what's going on.

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