Liina Flynn
28 April 2020, 6:44 AM
With everyone cooking at home more through these days of coronavirus isolation, The Lismore App's new recipe section could hold a few recipes that could entice you to move beyond cooking with pre-made cake mixes (especially if the supermarket has run out).
The Lismore App invites readers to send in their recipes and we'll publish them in our Coronavirus > Recipes section.
Simply send us your recipe, including ingredients, cooking method and (if you want to) a short spiel about why you like to cook it to:
If you have a photo of your food, send us that too - and others can enjoy making your recipe.
Sweet and soy chilli sauce
Lismore resident Tessalie Parker kicks off The Lismore App's recipe section with her recipe for sweet and soy chilli sauce.
"I originally got this recipe from friends of mine, but I changed it to have more of a Thai flavour," Tess said.
"It’s like a Thai hot sweet chilli sauce with fish sauce – if you wanted a vegetarian option, add coconut amino fish sauce, or use double the amount of soy sauce or tamari instead.
“It’s great to eat with anything - I like to eat it with dumplings or Thai fish cakes or chicken stew. I like a dollop on steamed vegetables.
“I like to cook and use what’s in my garden when I have an over-abundance. Then I find recipes to go with the excess from the garden.
“In my garden now, I just finished an overabundance of cucumbers, so I made dill pickles.
“I’ve also got kale, silverbeet, mizuna and sorrel growing. I’m waiting to find some broccoli seedlings to plant – but everyone keeps buying them. It’s probably best to wait a while to plant them because the cabbage moths are eating broccoli seedlings at the moment.”
Read the recipe here: Recipes