Liina Flynn
27 April 2020, 11:20 PM
Retired Nationals Party politician Ian Causley has died.
The former Page MP died on Monday evening, April 27, aged 79.
Mr Causley represented the Federal Division of Page from 1996 to 2007 and held a long career in both state and federal politics for over 20 years – also serving as the Member of Clarence from 1984 to 1996.
He was a fourth-generation canegrower who was born in Maclean and was a company director before entering politics.
Mr Causley served as a minister in the Greiner and Fahey state governments and federally as Deputy Speaker for the House of Representatives from 2002 to 2007, the final five years of the Howard government.
On his 66th birthday, Mr Causley announced he would quit politics after 23 years, and his words of advice for those wishing to fill his shoes were that they “had to put in the hard yards”.
“People will have to get to know the new candidate so they will have to get out there and work hard because it’s a fairly big electorate with a large coastal population,” he said.
Mr Causley said he would like to be remembered as “someone who stood up for what he believed and who stood up strongly for the local area”.
“I’ve had some arguments along the way,” he said.
“Everyone’s different but people look for someone prepared to stand up strongly and expect you to represent their area... sometimes you make decisions you know are unpopular but in the best interests of the country.”
Current Federal Member for Page, Kevin Hogan expressed his sadness over the death of Mr Causley.
“My sincere thoughts are with his children Craig, Marcelle, Derek, Shane and their families,” Mr Hogan said.
“Ian would always say to me in my role as an MP, ‘Don’t worry if people don’t always agree with you, as long as they respect you’.
“He was a passionate advocate for our region. May in Rest in Peace.”