Dressing up in silly costumes, walking around for hours in a big circle and generally acting the clown may seem like a lot of meaningless fun, but the 800 participants expected for this year’s Relay for Life in Lismore have a very serious goal in mind.And that’s to contribute to finding a cure for cancer, by raising funds for the Cancer Council to go towards research on finding solutions to the dreadful disease.Few of those participants – and none of the 126 survivors and carers taking part – have been unaffected by cancer, says Lyn Paisley, whose Clowns for a Cure team has been a regular participant since 2010, and under other names before that, since the relay’s beginning in 2002.She and her husband John have both had scary brushes with the disease and so, by default, has their youngest son, Mark, whose enthusiasm for the Relay as a Year 10 student at Lismore High School 18 years ago pulled the family into taking part.Clowns for a Cure started donning red noses 10 years ago, after the Relay organisers encouraged those taking part to dress up and create a party atmosphere.Because, says Erin Turnbull, the local Community Relations Co-ordinator, while the Relay is a memorial to those lost to the disease, it is also a celebration of those who have survived it, and their carers – the event’s “guests of honour”.Teams – a massive 62 this year – have been busy organising every conceivable type of fundraising event, from trivia nights to barefoot bowls and tomorrow night (Saturday, March 13) Lyn’s Clowns for a Cure are holding a “Back to Wyralla” dance and social at Wyralla Hall in Bridge Street.Lyn has fond memories of being a young woman going to dances at the hall, and hopes the event will encourage a few other long-term locals to come out and enjoy some nostalgia.There’s a $10 admission fee, sandwiches and drinks extra, and the “old-time and rock ‘n’ roll” music provided by popular duo Ann and Bill.“I’m really positive it’s going to be a success,” says Lyn.Her Clowns team (which includes her well-known firefighting hubby) were the third top fundraisers one year and this year “it’s looking quite promising”, she says.Despite people already “digging deep” to help with the bushfire crisis recovery, Lyn said the “wonderful” local community was continuing to give.Relay for Life takes place at the Southern Cross University campus on March 28-29.To register your team, contact Erin Turnbull at Cancer Council NSW on 6639 1300 or visit www.cancercouncil.org.au/lismorerelay