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Pirlos shelves re-stocked after crazy panic shopping
Pirlos shelves re-stocked after crazy panic shopping

20 March 2020, 4:59 AM

Yes, Pirlos does sell toilet paper. You can only buy it in individually wrapped rolls, but if you are in need because everywhere else has run out, Pirlos Fruit Barn on Union Street, South Lismore could be your saviour.Pirlos owner Suzanne Singh-Dhesi said on Tuesday this week, the shelves of her local business were empty after a rush of panic buying from customers.“We had nothing left - no pasta or nuts or jars on the shelf,” she said.“Our staff have been working until 11.30pm each night, unloading deliveries and re-stocking the shelves.“People have gone crazy shopping in the threat of coronavirus.Plenty of pasta on the shelves of Pirlos.“Once Woolworths, Coles and Aldi have nothing left, people are thinking about where else they can buy things and they start thinking about local businesses like us. “Big supermarkets are making out it’s Armageddon - they are scaring people rather than calming them down.“People should realise that groceries are not going to stop, they are just dwindling in. Australia is just beginning its quarantine and we haven’t caught up to other countries yet. China is back in production now and will start manufacturing and exporting again.“We might be in quarantine for a while and the unknown is scaring people.”Suzanne reassures people that Pirlos is still receiving deliveries from Italy every few weeks of Italian pasta and other specialty staples, and will not run out of stock.She said other local business owners that sell fruit, vegetables and staples are sticking together and supporting each other in the midst of these unusual times – and she encourages the people in Lismore to support them - not to just give their money to the large supermarkets.“Here people are lucky we still have a few family businesses that stay afloat – Tropicana owner Alex is Greek, Frank from Lombardos is Italian and in Pirlos, we are Indian," she said. “We are all from families that have been there for generations. We’ve been friends for many years and we help each other out. “Just because we are in opposition doesn’t mean we can’t help each other. “Sometimes I get a pallet of stock and if their stuff has been left behind, I’ll help them out and we work together – whereas big companies like Aldi, Woolies and Coles are greedy. “With local businesses like us, the money people spend stays here.”In Goonellabah, Joan Lombardo said she has enough stock of fruit and veg for the rest of the week and will get more stock on their weekly delivery.Joan and her late husband started Lombardo in 1973 and have been in the same location on Ballina Road.If you do shop at the big supermarkets and items are running out, here are two very good local options that will keep you in stock for fruit and veg.The Lismore App wants to remind you to support local businesses at this time. Your patronage keeps the doors open and protects the livelihoods of people in our community.You can read more about Pirlos and Suzanne's story in this week's Sunday Profile on The Lismore App.

The Weekend Wrap
The Weekend Wrap

20 March 2020, 4:00 AM

With indoor events restricted to under 100 people and outside events to 500, it does make it difficult to fill an article for what is on this weekend.Firstly, the weekend weather should be the best we have experienced for about 8 weeks. Maximums of 29 and 30 degrees say the BOM with a 10% chance of rain on Sunday so basically a 'bottler' of a weekend in store Weather.The Lismore Farmers Markets are running as usual but under certain restrictions outlined below.1 a strict 450 people at any time policy2 no Mayfields Kitchen as we are not serving food3 throw away cups for coffee. Do NOT bring your own cup.4 no tables and chairs5 a strict no shaking hands policy6 hand sanitisers on entry7 toilet facilities only available for stall holdersWe also ask that immediately you have purchased your local produce and supported local farmers you exit the market.These are difficult times and we thank you for your support.Please check back here as Government directives could change things without notice.The Blue Knob Markets will be open tomorrow from 8:30am.There is some uncertainty regarding the future of the markets as the Blue Knob Gallery will be closing from Sunday but this will be determined during the week. For now, get along and support local growers.The Josie's Inspiration Charity Golf Day set down for Sunday has been postponed indefinitely. This was a re-scheduled date from February that due to coronavirus is proving impossible to run the event.The Gollan Hotel has some hard rock on tonight with Toecutter, Numskull and Iki-Jima. There are restrictions on numbers as you would expect. The first 99 people get in, this number will then be maintained and includes staff.Insomnia were to be playing at Mary G's but that is no more because all live music has been cancelled at Mary G's until further notice.So, what can we do this weekend?Put the family in the car and experience some of our great walks like Protester Falls, Rocky Creek Dam, Minyon Falls or Mount Matheson loop. The rain has the water flowing and the re-growth following the devastating bushfires is strong and something to see. Check out all your walking options here Walks.Rollerworld is still operating in North Lismore under increased restrictions. Numbers are limited to under 100 with the practice of social distancing to 1.5 metres and more hygienic options for patrons throughout the centre.The other option is for you to go to the CBD and shop locally.Many people are crowding into the big supermarkets without a concern for social distancing or getting outside so why not the CBD? Our local businesses are hurting and need our support if they are to survive so if you are able please go into the CBD tomorrow and spend some money.The Lismore App wants to remind you to support local businesses at this time. Your patronage keeps the doors open and protects the livelihoods of people in our community.Let's end the Weekend Wrap on a light note because we all need a laugh!Hope it works!

Lismore Lantern Parade date change to November 14!
Lismore Lantern Parade date change to November 14!

19 March 2020, 10:35 PM

UPDATE ON THE NOVEMBER DATEYesterday we reported that the iconic Lismore Lantern Parade was postponed to November 7 this year. Well, cross that date off your calendar and change it to November 14!In an email this morning CEO/Creative Director Jyllie Jackson said "It is surely strange times, In our enthusiasm to find a new date for our beloved Lantern Parade we have since found out it clashes with some other local events and the availability of key people for the Lantern Parade, such as the Relay for Life, The Channon Market, Jacaranda Festival. OOOOPPsAll being well this will be a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together after this difficult time. We apologise for any confusion.The new date for the Lantern Parade will be 14 November 2020.!! We will announce detail of an exciting new event in the near future!!That was an intriguing statement so a phone call ensued where Jyllie added "it will be an event that brightens our lives in lockdown".No doubt more to come on this in the coming weeks.Jyllie Jackson, CEO/Creative Director of our beloved Lismore Lantern Parade has released a statement confirming what everyone thought might occur, the postponement of the Lantern Parade until November 7.The statement reads;We are living in challenging times, festivals and events are being cancelled across the country and the world. And sadly the iconic Lismore Lantern Parade is not immune from this dreadful virus.So we are disappointed to announce that the 2020 Lismore Lantern Parade must be postponed. However, we are a truely positive bunch at LightnUp and we believe we have a role in bringing the whole community together in a special celebration - we did it in 2017 after Cyclone Debbie and we plan to do it once again after CONVID-19We have looked at the opportunities 6 months ahead, by then hopefully we will be through this difficult time, and we can celebrate by lighting up the hearts of Lismore and the Northern Rivers. Everyone will all be in great need to come together and laugh and cry, dance and share our stories, and carry our lanterns high.In the meantime we have plans to keep our spirits high and we will be telling you about this soon.The fabulous Lismore Lantern Parade will be shining brighter than ever on the 7 NOVEMBER 2020, fingers crossed!and remember #Beethechange #beekind #stay safe #washyourhandsSo, the bad news in June becomes good news for November. Importantly, the Lismore Lantern Parade is alive in 2020.

Fifth case of coronavirus confirmed in Northern Rivers
Fifth case of coronavirus confirmed in Northern Rivers

19 March 2020, 4:27 AM

Dr Jane Jelfs, Acting Director of North Coast Public Health Unit has confirmed another case of COVID-19 this afternoon within the LHD, takeing the total number of cases of COVID-19 in Northern NSW Local Health District to five.All five cases are currently in self-isolation and are being monitored daily.To date, four of the five cases had returned from overseas and the source of acquisition for the fifth case is under investigation at the time of this release.North Coast Public Health Unit is contacting people who had been in close contact with the two new cases. Close contacts are asked to self-isolate for 14 days from their last contact with the case, or to be tested if they develop symptoms. As with other cases, these individuals will be followed-up daily and supported with ongoing advice.As mentioned in our earlier story this morning, one confirmed case travelled on Virgin Australia flight VA1141 from Sydney to Ballina, arriving 10 March 2020. Contacts were in rows 7 – 11 Fourth local case of coronavirus confirmed.The risk to those passengers is considered low because of the flight time, however as a matter of caution, we do ask that people who were seated in those rows 7 – 11 be alert to signs and symptoms of COVID-19.Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose and sometimes shortness of breath.If you develop these symptoms, call your doctor and let them know that you were in those seats on that particular flight.There are two COVID-19 / flu clinics in NNSWLHD at present, located at The Tweed Hospital and Lismore Base Hospital. These clinics are open from 10am to 6pm daily.There are no other locations that pose an ongoing risk to members of the public at this time. NNSWLHD is closely monitoring the volume of respiratory presentations at our facilities, and will use this information to determine when and if additional COVID-19/ flu clinics need to opened at other hospitals in the District.We encourage everyone to play their part in containing the spread of COVID-19 by washing your hands often, covering coughs and sneezes, maintaining social distance and staying home if you’re unwell. Visit the NSW Health website for more advice. 

Coronavirus puts strain on animal rescue group
Coronavirus puts strain on animal rescue group

19 March 2020, 4:24 AM

Pet cats and dogs cannot get coronavirus - that's the message from Animal Rights and Rescue (AARG) Group’s rescue centre manager Suzanne Lavis.In other places, people have been dumping pets due to misguided fears from their owners, but luckily in Lismore, that's not the case. However, the numbers of pets being surrendered to AARG on a daily basis hasn’t decreased and the community service is still receiving six to seven ‘surrender’ phone calls a day, as well as experiencing a reduction in financial donations.VolunteersSuzanne also said the already stretched volunteer-run service is about to find itself short of volunteers as the coronavirus situation develops. Fifth case of coronavirus confirmed in Northern Rivers“We just received a call from TAFE advising that all their student placements have been suspended, due to insurance company concerns relating to Covid-19,” Suzanne said. “So, we may find ourselves very short of volunteers from next Monday. Due to this shortage of volunteers, we may have to stop the number of new animals we can take into care.”Suzanne said that many of the people who call AAEG looking to find new homes for their pets have situations that can be rectified without having to surrender their animals.Dog strategies“Someone might ring saying their dog keeps escaping or chewing things and help them work out what’s going on,” she said. “Maybe there’s been a change in the family, or a new child arrives which can be affecting the animal’s behaviour, or someone has taken in a headstrong dog that isn’t right for their family. “We ask people to call back if the suggested strategies don’t work, and can recommend dog trainers who can help.While Winter is a quieter time for the numbers of cats being surrendered (due to them not breeding), Suzanne said it’s not just dogs and cats, but chickens, goats, sheep and pigs that are being surrendered.“When the Lismore Pound gets full, they transfer animals to Ballina and call us and ask to help,” Suzanne said. “We can squeeze in a couple more little dogs, but it’s harder with bigger dogs."DonationsSuzanne said AARG have noticed money donations have dropped dramatically since floods, fires and now coronavirus has impacted on the local area. “We are struggling financially to pay our vet bills,” she said. “This month one vet bill alone cost us $5,000.“It’s getting harder and it would be great if someone had time to do some fundraising for us. Crisis pens needed“We have some crisis pens we’d like to finish building for elderly or homeless dogs who we are minding until we can sort something out. If we had more pens, we could have helped more animals caught in fire and floods.”AARG rescues and rehabilitates (mostly) domestic animals and has been providing a service to the people and animals of the Lismore area for 25 years.The service, based in Lismore Industrial Estate also helps look after animals if people go into hospital, jail or overseas, nursing homes, hospices, we can also help them too.The service is 100% no kill and all animals up for adoption have been rehabilitated, desexed and microchipped. Help out or adoptIf you want to help out in any way with AARG, whether volunteering to care for animals or help raise money, visit the website AARG also has a number of animal in care needing homes, such as Calvin the dog (pictured above). If you'd like to adopt him, visit

Streets and cafes quiet in wake of coronavirus
Streets and cafes quiet in wake of coronavirus

19 March 2020, 1:02 AM

The streets of Lismore have been quiet over the last few days, with fewer shoppers than ever venturing out into the CBD.It’s a tough time for local retailers, as the people of Lismore isolate themselves and stay away from public spaces in the midst of the coronavirus situation. The Lismore App reported yesterday that local cafe the French Bench closed its doors this week due to a downturn in customers who are bunkering down at home.The French Bench closes in coronavirus downturnSo, we decided to see what was going on in other businesses in Lismore, with the take away message from local retailers being: please keep coming in and shopping local.The Garden PlateOwner of Garden Plate café on Magellan Street, Vanessa MacMullen, said she had already cut back staff hours due to a downturn in business over the last week.“Everybody has heard that the French Bench has closed down - and that will happen to us if people don’t support us,” Vanessa said.“We are still here after four years in business and we are going to keep going – so don’t forget about us.”Cafe CapelloCafé Capello owner Tony Pilati said he doesn’t subscribe to the “doom and gloom” that’s out there about the virus.“We want to stay positive, so come on down to Café Capello and have a coffee,” Tony said.“Our customers have been great – still coming in and supporting us – they don’t want to see me close the café."Dragonfly CafeDragonfly Café owner Lisa Yacopetti said business had definitely slowed down and wanted to reassure people that café staff are being vigilant with their hygiene protocols.“Please keep supporting local businesses while you can,” Lisa said. “The knock on effects are massive if you don’t.”Keen Street in front of Shoppe One-17. Shoppe One-17Shoppe One-17 on Keen Street has also been quiet this week.Company Director Graeme Palmer said things are “looking a bit scary”.“At this stage, we are expecting to stay open and trade as usual all the while the authorities say it’s OK,” Graeme said.  “I have to say though, takings are well down, and that will mean some changes to costs if we are to survive into 6 months. “If customers aren’t coming in so much, we can close one of our two doors and operate on half the staff.“Of course, we will try and distribute that small salary across our entire roster. “Also, if we receive any cash from the government, we will spend that on salary as well. “If things get super tough, we can close the doors and promote online sales with local free delivery.”The Lismore App wants to remind you to support local businesses at this time. Your patronage keeps the doors open and protects the livelihoods of people in our community.For information about coronavirus, you can visit the Lismore App section: CoronavirusFourth local case of coronavirus confirmedPanic buying runs supermarkets dryMan arrested after assaulting customers and staff at local supermarketCouncil closes Revolve Shop

Fourth local case of coronavirus confirmed
Fourth local case of coronavirus confirmed

18 March 2020, 10:43 PM

A fourth local case of COVID-19 in the Northern New South Wales Local Health District (NNSWLHD) has been confirmed by health authorities.NNSWLHD chief executive Wayne Jones told ABC North Coast this morning that the fourth case was confirmed yesterday evening and that all cases “are doing well”."One is requiring care in hospital but improving dramatically,” Mr Jones told the ABC."The others are self-isolating at home."Mr Jones says there are no specific locations that pose an ongoing risk to the public.ABC North Coast also reported Mr Jones as saying that no further details relating to an individual's location will be made to the public."It's just ensuring that people don't worry about a particular spot,” he said. “That think that geography A is more risky than geography B, therefore I can relax."We want people to be vigilant everywhere they go. So, there's no value in us identifying a particular spot where a patient has turned positive, because that may, by default, make people more relaxed in other areas."If there is a cluster in a certain geographical area, and we believe there would be public benefit in the community knowing, we'll make that call."Meanwhile, NSW Health is alerting passengers who were close contacts of one of the cases on Virgin Australia flight VA1141 from Sydney to Ballina, arriving 10 March 2020.Close contacts were in rows 7 – 11.People are advised to monitor for symptoms, and contact their GP, but call ahead first, or call healthdirect on 1800 022 222, or visit a NSW Health COVID-19 / Flu assessment clinic should they become unwell.

Council closes Revolve Shop
Council closes Revolve Shop

18 March 2020, 10:00 PM

Two days ago the Lismore City Council closed the Lismore library and now the Lismore Revolve Shop is closed indefinitely. David Hanna, Council’s Commercial Services Manager, said the closure was a preventative measure to support the health and wellbeing of the community and staff and volunteers at the Lismore Recycling & Recovery Centre in Wyrallah Road. The Lismore Revolve Shop can have up to 150 customers in a single day, Mr Hanna said, with sometimes lengthy discussions between staff and customers. “Staff do not have the ability to monitor or supervise these numbers of people, who may attend and gather in groups within the shop. The closure will also help Council with resource planning to keep other services up and running," he said. “Council has decided that closing the shop now is a sensible precautionary measure aimed at protecting community members and staff, and slowing the spread of the virus within the community. The safety of our communities, customers and employees is our top priority.” Council has also implemented some changed practices at the Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) bulk collection centre to minimise person-to-person contact. After a short closure period this week to implement these measures, the CDS bulk collection centre returned to service this afternoon. “We ask that customers work with the interim arrangements at the centre, and follow instructions from facility staff so the centre is able to continue operating,” Mr Hanna said. Council has also closed the Lismore and Goonellabah Libraries until further notice. Community members can still access services via the eLibrary online at or via the Richmond Tweed Library app. If you have enquiries, phone Lismore Library on 6621 2464 or Goonellabah Library on 6625 1235.  Lismore City Council will continue to communicate any changes to facilities or services as the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation unfolds. Ongoing updates are available at all health advice, information and resources, go to

Panic buying runs supermarkets dry
Panic buying runs supermarkets dry

18 March 2020, 8:30 PM

Panic buying is seeing food supplies in Lismore run out by the end of the day with many shelves empty.These photos were taken at Coles and Woolworths Goonellabah and Aldi Lismore yesterday.(photo Mark Bailey)The Northern Rivers has three confirmed cases of Coronavirus which, according to Northern NSW Health, was contracted from overseas travel and not from local community transmission.Is it Crowd Psychology at work again? Where people act out an irrational fear after watching and hearing other people act a certain way. Or is it a result of legitimate stockpiling of basic food items in the family home in case Coronavirus causes a food shortage? Only time will tell.To try and ease the food shortage Lismore City Council has removed all restrictions, delivery curfews and planning constraints on supermarket loading bays to help them meet current demand in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.The move is consistent with current government advice.“We are trying to proactively respond to the current surge in demand, which is expected to last at least several weeks,” Lismore Mayor Isaac Smith said.“This will assist with restocking shelves more quickly and increase the public’s confidence. This is an unprecedented health event and we need to work together as a community during these challenging times.”The real solution lies in all of us, do not panic buy. Shop normally and there will be enough food and basic items for everyone.

Man arrested after assaulting customers and staff at local supermarket
Man arrested after assaulting customers and staff at local supermarket

18 March 2020, 7:00 PM

A man has been arrested following an investigation into an assault of staff and shoppers at a supermarket in Lismore yesterday.About 3.30pm (Tuesday 17 March 2020), police received reports a man assaulted multiple people after becoming agitated when he was unable to find items he wanted to buy in the Coles supermarket at Lismore Square.It is alleged the man pushed his trolley into two women, believed to be aged in their 70s, knocking one to the ground. He then then pinned a 45-year-old female store attendant against the shelving and punched her in the face and chest.The store manager and a security guard approached the man and were also allegedly assaulted, before the man was removed from the premises.The 45-year-old woman sustained bruising and swelling to her left jaw, bruising and swelling to her left forearm, a small laceration to her left forearm, stiffness to her neck, bruising to her chest but declined medical assistance.The two older women left the store without leaving their details and it’s unknown if they were injured.Following a public appeal, a 63-year-old man was arrested by officers from Richmond Police District on Nimbin Road, North Lismore and taken to Lismore Police Station.Inquiries are continuing, and charges are expected to be laid.Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report crime via NSW Police social media pages.

Southern Cross University changes to online mode
Southern Cross University changes to online mode

18 March 2020, 4:27 AM

Southern Cross University will deliver all its study programs online as of next Monday, March 23, while its campuses remain open.Vice Chancellor Professor Adam Shoemaker announced the move today as a response to the continuing impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. “We have made this move in the best interests of our students and our teaching staff,” Professor Shoemaker said. “While every degree that we offer will now be available online, all of our campuses remain open.” This includes Lismore, Coffs Harbour and Gold Coast regional campuses, as well as metropolitan campuses in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.   All teaching will convert to the online mode by Monday March 23, 2020. “Unless otherwise advised, classes will be delivered online at the same time that face-to-face classes would have occurred. Students timetables will not change, but how they engage with classes will,” Professor Shoemaker said. “Some activity which cannot be undertaken online — such as clinical placements in Health and Teaching practicums—will continue unless otherwise advised.  “If, however, a site at which students are undertaking a placement closes they should contact the University on for support. “While essential campus facilities remain available, we are reducing every risk we can identify. “The University is in close and constant communication with state and federal health authorities and responding as appropriate.  Significant measures undertaken include:• Graduation ceremonies scheduled between now and until July 1 have been cancelled.• International Travel has stopped. Domestic Travel is severely curtailed.  • Enhanced our cleaning protocols across the campuses.• The Gold Coast Virtual Gym and Coffs Harbour Gym will be closed from today until further notice.• SCU Fitness Centre and Pool at Lismore will remains open with reduced opening hours of 6 am to 8 pm. Additional staffing will ensure equipment is cleaned on a regular basis.All fitness centre patrons will be required to clean all equipment they use with the disinfectant wipes available throughout the gym and make use of the hand sanitiser provided at the front desk when they enter and leave the premises. Anyone who is unwell is asked to rest at home and leave their training until they are healthy and well again.   “There are currently no identified cases of COVID-19 at Southern Cross University,” Professor Shoemaker said.“But we remain vigilant and aware of the highly contagious nature of this virus.”Read more: Third local case of coronavirus confirmed

Third local case of coronavirus confirmed
Third local case of coronavirus confirmed

18 March 2020, 2:21 AM

A third confirmed case of COVID-19 has been recorded today in the Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD). North Coast Public Health Unit acting director Dr Jane Jelfs said this case is among the 267 total cases recorded for NSW so far.“As with the other two cases recorded within the NNSWLHD, this case was acquired overseas, and is not the result of local community transmission,” she said. “The individual is self-isolating, and the North Coast Public Health Unit has already followed up close contacts of the case. “No further details relating to the individual’s location will be made public at this time. There are no locations that pose an ongoing risk to members of the public. “We can also confirm that all close contacts of the previous two recorded cases in NNSWLHD have been identified, contacted and followed up by Public Health officers. “NSW Health COVID-19 / Flu assessment clinics are up and running across the state however, we stress these clinics are for those most at risk with respiratory symptoms or fever, those returning from overseas or in contact with a COVID-19 case, or people like our health workers. People without symptoms do not need to be tested.”Large indoor gatherings bannedThe third case of coronavirus in the local area coincides with Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s announcement today that non-essential indoor gatherings of over 100 people are now banned. Outdoor gatherings of 500 people or more were banned on the weekend as the federal government tries to curb the spread of the disease.The ban does not apply to essential activities such as public transportation facilities, medical and health care facilities, pharmacies and emergency service facilities.Also exempt are correctional facilities, courts, Parliaments, food markets, supermarkets and grocery stores, shopping centres, office buildings, factories, construction sites, and mining sites. Settings like gyms, indoor fitness centres and swimming pools are also not required to close, providing they meet standard requirements for social distancing and cleaning. These standards include being able to maintain a distance of 1.5 metres between patrons; as well as having hand hygiene products and suitable waste receptacles available, with frequent cleaning and waste disposal.PM Morrison said government was considering more guidance and rules for non-essential indoor gatherings of fewer than 100 people (including staff) in places such as cinemas, theatres, restaurants/cafes, pubs, clubs, weddings and funerals. Disability and aged care centres are exempt from the ban, but are subject to other restrictions, such as a maximum of two immediate social supports being allowed to visit at one time, per day. No school groups of any size will be allowed to visit aged care facilities.Schools will remain open, with Prime Minister Scott Morrison pointing to Singapore as an example."In Singapore they have been quite effective in managing and limiting the transmission of this virus in that country," he told reporters in Canberra.Mr Morrison praised employers who had ensured employees were working from home during the pandemic.Travel adviceAustralia has upgraded its international travel advice to the highest level, with all citizens being told not to travel overseas because of coronavirus.Prime Minister Morrison said it was the first time travel advice has been escalated to "do not travel" abroad."Do not go overseas. That is very clear, that instruction," he told reporters in Canberra on Wednesday."For those who are thinking of going overseas in the school holidays, don't. Don't go overseas."Mr Morrison said the biggest risk of spreading the disease had been from Australians returning from overseas."It is very important that Australians do not travel abroad at this time," the Prime Minister said.He said the ban on travel was indefinite, noting other countries had similar restrictions on arrivals.Read more: The French Bench closes in coronavirus downturnSouthern Cross University changes to online modeNORPA and Lismore Gallery suspend public programsCoronavirus

Melanoma treatments expand into public health
Melanoma treatments expand into public health

17 March 2020, 9:47 PM

With our local electorate area having some of the highest melanoma rates in NSW, people living with advanced melanoma will benefit from new and expanded treatment options on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). The current PBS listing of Opdivo® (nivolumab) has been expanded to include adjuvant treatment of completely resected stage IIIB, IIIC, IIID and stage IV malignant melanoma. Opdivo® is a breakthrough immunotherapy which works by blocking proteins and helping the body’s own immune system to find, attack and destroy cancer cells. Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan said the patients in the Page electorate will benefit. “It is estimated more than 1,500 patients might otherwise pay more than $100,000 per course of treatment without the PBS subsidy,” Mr Hogan said. “These significant expansions will provide melanoma patients with a new breakthrough form of treatment, with less side effects and a greater chance of recovery.” “Price reductions put more money back in Australian’s pockets. Patients will save and taxpayers will save.” The Government is also expanding the listing of Opdivo® and Yervoy® (nivolumab and ipilimumab) to allow use as a first-line therapy in the treatment of BRAF V600 mutant positive Stage III or Stage IV unresectable or metastatic melanoma. Each of these listings has been recommended by the independent Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee. Since 2013, the Australian Government has listed more than 2,300 new or amended listings on the PBS. This represents an average of around 30 listings or amendments per month – or one each day – at an overall investment by the Government of $10.9 billion.

NORPA and Lismore Gallery suspend public programs
NORPA and Lismore Gallery suspend public programs

17 March 2020, 5:18 AM

The arts and creative industries are feeling the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation as NORPA and Lismore Regional Gallery announced this afternoon that all public performances and programs are suspended or cancelled until further notice.NORPAA statement from NORPA announced that all performances at NORPA and Lismore City Hall between now and April 30 have been cancelled or postponed, and new dates for shows will be confirmed in the future by email and social media.Following is a list of affected performances: Postponed – new dates to be confirmedRoss Noble | Tues 24 March 2020; Backbone | Fri 27 & Sat 28 March 2020; Taylor Henderson | Sat 18 April 2020; and World of Musicals | Sun 17 May 2020. CancelledSleeping Beauty | Mon 30 & Tues 31 March 2020; and The Choir of Man | Fri 3 April 2020. The NORPA Box Office will make contact with ticket purchasers for the cancelled performances via email and/or phone. “We'll be in touch with ticket purchasers for postponed performances when new dates are confirmed, which we expect to happen in the coming weeks”, a NORPA statement said. “This is a very challenging time for NORPA, arts workers and the wider industry. “If you’re able, you can support us by choosing a gift voucher for future use or a tax-deductible contribution instead of a refund. Your generosity and support will help NORPA survive beyond this extraordinary scenario. “Theatre connects us and nurtures community. As we navigate our way through this precarious time for NORPA and the wider arts community, we appreciate and thank you for your support."Lismore Regional GalleryLismore Regional Gallery exhibition space is still open, but public programs in the Gallery and the Quad are suspended until further notice.This includes upcoming exhibition openings, the Dorian Gary performance, Renjie Teoh workshop, Biennale of Sydney public talk, Thursday Night Live, Hannah Cabinet openings, our very first Quick Draw Club (sad emoji) and the Lismore Youth Festival. Quad program Tai Chi will be cancelled until further notice.Lismore Regional Gallery director Brett Adlington said existing ticket holders for workshops will receive a refund if the event is not going ahead, or for those people taking part in our after-school workshops – a partial refund.“At this stage we will remain open to the general public, but given the shifting nature of this event, full closure of the gallery may be a likely scenario,” Mr Adlington said.“We will naturally advise if this eventuates.“We will be working with some of our partners to investigate delivering aspects of our programming remotely.“These are very peculiar times as we all navigate our way through this together. While our day to day lives are being impacted upon – please remember the power of the arts. “Read, watch movies, play music, dance, share stories (and don’t forget to exercise!). Also think about those artists who will be dramatically affected by this situation. “So many will be doing it tough in the coming months, so please assist where you can so that we can all bounce back to keep our culture alive.”Other cancellations and closures in Lismore:Relay For Life postponed to later in the yearFriends of Koala cancel toursPublic libraries to close for two weeks Gemfest, Speedway and Rochdale Theatre - the latest cancellationsCoronavirus - what is happening to our local events?Coronavirus

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