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The Weekend Wrap

The Lismore App

Simon Mumford

28 February 2020, 4:00 AM

The Weekend Wrap

We have had our fair share of rain recently especially on the weekends so it is with pleasure, and a little hope, that I can tell you we will have some sunshine over the two days.

Take a look at this photo I took on Wednesday night in Goonellabah just before the storm hit us. The sky can provide some spectacular sights sometimes.

The BOM has said a 60% chance of rain later this evening plus the same chance of showers and a possible storm tomorrow evening with the days looking pretty good. Sunday is the pick with only a 20% chance of rain and tops of 28 glorious degrees.

Our fingers are crossed for David Lander and the team at Lismore Speedway for this Saturday night's meeting. They haven't had one now for five weeks because of the wet weather so they are due some luck and we are due some great racing action at the Showground track. The V8's Modified Dirt Scramble is the main event with the street stocks, national 4's plus for lovers of old cars the Legend Cars are back at the Lismore Speedway. Action starts at 5:30pm. Get down and show some love for the speedway.

Hopefully, we will see a full round of sport this weekend also. Check out what's on in Sport.

If your Friday night is vacant, you could try being spontaneous and check out some live theatre at Lismore City Hall. One of Australia's favourite performers Jonathon Biggins plays Paul Keating, our former PM. The Gospel According to Paul is a comedy so no need to worry about which side of the political fence you sit. The show gets under way at 7:30 with tickets $59 adults and $53 Seniors and Concessions.

Maybe live music is your scene? Live Baby Live the Inxs tribute show is on tonight at the Workers Club from 7:30 for some more spontaneity. Relive the songs from one of the biggest bands in the world in the 80's with Devil Inside, Need You Tonight and New Sensation.

The leap year brings an extra day of entertainment with the Cath Simes Band playing at Mary G's on Saturday night from 9:30.

The Lismore Farmers Markets are on again tomorrow morning from 8am. Say g'day to Scott and Kristin in their Mayfields Market Kitchen food van, their omelette is very good but beware it is also large!

The Blue Knob Markets open their doors at 8:30am tomorrow then on Sunday the Lismore Car Boot Markets are on again from 7:30am to 2pm.

With the weather looking positive, it is a good time to get your walking in for Relay For Life coming up on March 28. I will do a shameful plug for the Lismore App team, you can find us here. We would love as many people as possible to join our team or if you cannot make it for the walk please donate some of your hard earned cash to help those who are suffering from or in recovery from cancer. Like many businesses ours is made up of some wonderful people who have had first hand experience of this dreadful disease. Push on this link to join or donate

If you are in the market for a new or update on your car, check out the Cars/Bikes For Sale button. We welcomed Lismore Nissan, Lismore Used Car Superstore and Lismore Motorcycles this week so there is plenty to choose from Cars/Bikes For Sale.

Finally, Saturday March 14 is fast approaching so invite your extended family and friends to the Norco Eat The Street food festival in the CBD now. The food, drink and entertainment has been ordered, now for the weather.

Enjoy the sun and enjoy your weekend!

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