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Eat The Street two days away with weather looking good

The Lismore App

Simon Mumford

12 March 2020, 3:12 AM

Eat The Street two days away with weather looking good

Eat The Street is only two days away and according to the Bureau of Meteorology the weather is looking good.

The BOM is saying there is a medium chance of rain in the late afternoon or evening BUT it should only bring 1mm at best, if anything. After the week we've had with on and off showers, that is a positive forecast.

Another concern for some people is the dreaded 'C' word...coronavirus.

As we know from our previous story Coronavirus - The Facts (Coronavirus in the Northern Rivers - the facts) hand sanitiser and regular washing of your hands is the best way to not contract coronavirus.

With this in mind the Lismore City Council will be placing additional handwash stations through Eat The Street as well as more hand sanitiser across the event. Feel free to bring your own hand sanitiser from home.

If you are unwell 'stay at home' is the message from LCC. If you do have a cough or sneezing fit due to other elements like hay fever please cover your mouth with your arm.

The 2020 Norco Eat The Street kicks off at 12 noon on Saturday with over 35 food stallholders dishing out some amazing food, bring your appetite! This does include many local restaurant, café's and food providers like Cafe Capello, Lanna Pad Thai, The Garden Plate and Mayfields Market Kitchen.

The Lismore App is giving away two double passes to the new Garden Party. This is an area of relaxation in the Back Alley Gallery where you will experience a private bar, seating, shade area, private entertainment and four (4) tasting vouchers to be used throughout the event.

Entries close at midday tomorrow (Friday March 13) so head to the WIN! button on the front page and fill in your details now.

The winners will be drawn before 5pm tomorrow and notified by phone and email.

Good luck and roll on the weekend!

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