The new coronavirus app, COVIDSafe has been released by the Federal Government.The app has been promoted as a way to help slow the spread of coronavirus and its download and use is voluntary.Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said the app was released on Sunday at 6pm and by 10.30pm, 1 million Australians had downloaded it.Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan said he has already downloaded the app, and said “it is going to “help us lift restrictions and get businesses open sooner”.The Federal Government has previously said 40% of Australians — or 10 million people — need to take up the contact-tracing app for it to be a success.How it works“To be effective, users should have the app running in the background when they are coming into contact with others,” Mr Hogan said.Your phone does not need to be unlocked for the app to work. It then securely makes a “digital handshake”, which notes the date and time, distance and duration of the contact. All information collected by the app is securely encrypted and stored in the app on the user’s phone. No-one, not even the user, can access it.Unless and until a person is diagnosed with COVID-19, no contact information collected in the app is disclosed or able to be accessed. Then once the person agrees and uploads the data, only the relevant public health officials will have access to information.“The only information they are allowed to access is that of close contacts – when a person has come within approximately 1.5 metres of another app user for 15 minutes or more.”Health Minister Greg Hunt said the app cannot be used to enforce quarantine restrictions or any other laws, and the app can be deleted at any time.He also said you can use a fake name when registering and any contact data stored on your phone will be deleted after 22 days; and any data sent to the government will be stored on an Australian server and only State and Territory authorities can access the encrypted data.ConcernsLismore MP Janelle Saffin has also downloaded the app, after listening to President of the Australian Law Council, Pauline Wright talking about privacy issues and worries for people using the app. “I listened to her concerns, but often when making these decisions, you are balancing one thing against another for the sake of our health,” Ms Saffin said.“She said privacy concerns had been addressed - and I would prefer all regulatory frameworks were in place before we download the app.”Mr Hogan said “by downloading this app, you will save lives and you will save livelihoods”."Once the coronavirus pandemic is over and Australia no longer needs the app, the app and the information on it will be deleted permanently,” he said.“It’s important Australians know we are winning this battle, but it’s not over yet,” Mr Hogan.“Downloading the app will get us one step closer to normality resuming.“The more people who download this app, the safer our community will be and the sooner restrictions can be safely lifted.“This uses technology to automate and improve what health officials already do manually.”The App can be downloaded from the App stores.Find out moreTo find out more about the COVIDSafe app,The Lismore App has created a link to it under the Coronavirus button: COVIDSafe App