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Give the gift of presence over presents this Christmas
Give the gift of presence over presents this Christmas

07 December 2024, 10:38 PM

As the festive season gets into full swing, Triple P – Positive Parenting Program experts are encouraging parents and carers across Australia to shift their focus from the pressure of buying presents to the invaluable gift of quality time with their children and being grateful for each other. Creating a strong, joyful bond with children doesn’t require a big budget, just a little presence.Triple P’s 2024 National Parenting Survey found families are likely to be going into the end of the year feeling stressed about how they’ll afford to buy their kids gifts, with almost 9 out of 10 families having had to cut back on their spending because of the rising cost-of-living. Triple P founder from The University of Queensland’s School of Psychology, Professor Matt Sanders, said many families feel pressured to buy things or deliver expensive experiences, but the real impact on a child's wellbeing comes from spending quality time together and expressing gratitude. “That’s not to say that you shouldn’t buy your kids presents; it’s normal for loved ones to want to give their kids gifts,” said Matt. “Spending even the smallest moments of time together along with encouraging gratitude in our children can have a positive impact on their overall wellbeing and strengthen relationships.” Professor Sanders added, “Parents and carers play an important role in shaping our kids’ values, and it is often the memories of festive times and traditions with loved ones that our children truly cherish, not just the thoughts of any gifts they received.” Triple P ideas to strengthen family bonds and promote gratitude this holiday period:Take time to enjoy the season together. This could include decorating your house, listening to music, sharing jokes, or going for a walk. Inspire kids to be grateful. Model being gracious by saying thank you when receiving presents and showing children how to be appreciative in those everyday moments.  Start a family tradition. These could be free or low-cost, such as checking out the local holiday lights, or having a festive baking session. Spread the joy by sharing the results with friends and family, being grateful for the opportunity to enjoy the moment together. Encourage kindness and goodwill. If your children buy or make gifts, or do something nice for someone, praise them for thinking of others and showing festive spirit.After what has been a stressful year for many families in our community, parents, carers, and children will benefit from giving the gift that truly lasts a lifetime — the security, joy, and confidence that comes from knowing you are truly loved and valued,” Professor Sanders said.Delivery of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program to parents and carers of children in Australia is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care under the Parenting Education and Support Program. Parents and carers can access free, online parenting support 24/7 at

Christmas lights shine bright in 2024: Here's the list so far
Christmas lights shine bright in 2024: Here's the list so far

07 December 2024, 9:00 PM

Putting the family in the car and driving the streets of Lismore looking at Christmas lights with Christmas songs blasting through the car speakers is a favourite pastime this time of year.Many will be doing exactly that after tonight's Carols in the Heart at Oakes Oval finishes at 9 o'clock.However, finding a list of those houses to drive by is getting more difficult each year.The Lismore has launched its Christmas Lights square in the Christmas 2024 button on the front page of the Lismore App.The list of streets that are listed is sorted through GPS, so the streets on top of the list are the ones closest to you. Refresh your screen and it will update.There are some impressive Christmas Lights in the Lismore LGA. The mantle of Best Christmas Lights has been up for grabs for the past two years following the retirement of Bruce and Bev Supple at Grevillia Grove in Goonellabah.One man adding Christmas decorations slowly each year to make his own impressive Christmas Light display is Goonellabah local Braiden Davis.Braiden has been putting up Christmas lights for ten years at his house on Allambie Drive."I add a little bit each year, but it's difficult because of finance," Braiden told the Lismore App."This year, I have a new 2.4-meter blow-up gingerbread man, and I have a waving Christmas Santa in a boat that sits up on the roof there. I've got a few different little ones sitting on the grass that are new, too."The set-up each year is getting longer as Braiden adds more festive items to his collection."I do a little bit each day, so it took me about two weeks. But if I did it all at once, it would take me probably two or three days."As was the case with Bruce and Bev Supple, the biggest issue is storage space."I'm right for this year, but somewhere in the future, I have to figure out another solution. At the moment, they are in the garage and the shed, it's only a tiny shed. My parents are across the road, so I might ask them if I can store stuff there."If you see some Christmas Lights that are not on the Lismore App, email with the address, so we can add it to the growing list.

Liz of Lismore’s creatures brings big smiles to everyone she meets
Liz of Lismore’s creatures brings big smiles to everyone she meets

07 December 2024, 8:00 PM

Occasionally, you meet one of those incredible people who, despite adversity, push through to recreate their destiny, which involves spreading joy and goodwill to others.Liz is one of those people, and if she hasn’t already, she is determined to put more Liz into Lismore!In 1996, Liz was diagnosed with breast cancer, and so started a journey of treatments involving radiotherapy, a mastectomy and a legacy of injury that she is still being treated for in hospital twice a week. The mastectomy, which happened in 2020, uncovered a range of damage from the radiotherapy, broken ribs, unhealed tissue and an aggressive tumour - Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. The prognosis was a brief 3 to 6 months.Liz had been through a bit, as you can imagine. She is a caring lady with a gentle soul.  However, Liz recalls that day clearly. As she and her husband, Allan, left the doctors office, she turned to him and said, “That’s bullshit. That’s not going to be me!”That was over two years ago.In her first cancer experience, Liz said, “Back in '96 when they said “cancer” I went through all the horror stories. My two youngest children were seven and eight. It was a pretty rugged deal when I had to leave them alone for seven weeks while I went to treatment.”This time, the options were much further from ideal, “They can't operate because of my ribs. They could theoretically just go in and cut that piece of lung out. But they would have to cut my ribs. They can't cut ribs because they won't heal. They’ll kill me. I wasn't real keen on that.”So the Klemms returned home, and life went on with the main difference, that Liz started a hobby. “I started making these little animals. I gave them to everybody everywhere I went. Including the people in the waiting room at the doctors.”Three months later, Liz went for a check-up, “When we went in, they had a look and nothing had changed. The cancer was still pretty much the same size as it was on the first one.”The doctors told her, “We're not doing chemo or immunotherapy until there are symptoms or problems.”So for 12 months, Liz kept going for checkups, “In that entire time, it had grown one millimetre.”The doctors told Liz, “Whatever you are doing, keep doing it!” And she told them, “Well, what I'm doing is making little animals and giving them to people, so I get lots of smiles!”(Image supplied by Liz Klemm)The way Liz looks at it is, “I'll just leave a bit more of Liz all over Lismore.”Liz says she has made hundreds of these little heirlooms and distributed them to as many people. When she thought more about it, she said, “It's funny because a couple of days ago, Allan ordered some more little hangers for them for me. We buy them in 300 at a time. He's done that about six times.”After some quick maths - that is close to the thousands!“That's half the problem,” says Liz with a smile in her voice, “Allan’s a complete enabler. He keeps getting on the computer and ordering things for me!” Allan also likes to watch what Liz calls “rubbish” TV, so it gives her plenty of time to crochet as the pair enjoy each other's company.Liz started with a book with 15 patterns in it. Then, she started experimenting with her own designs. Ideas would come from anywhere. Liz was out with her granddaughter, who said, “Look Grammy, bin chickens!”“So I had to work out how to make an Ibis!”Liz walks around with a bag of 15 to 20 of them to choose from when she gets the opportunity to gift one away.  Can you spot the Ibis in this group? (Image supplied by Liz Klemm)When she is out shopping, Liz has taken to keeping an eye out, “In supermarkets and when small children are on the verge of playing up, I ask their parents if it's alright if I give them a little animal. “Nine times out of 10, they're still clutching it when they get to the checkout, and they've behaved themselves.”There is no doubt that people like Liz need to be celebrated. She is one of Lismore's unsung heroes.

Breakthrough obesity treatment: a micro cure for a big problem
Breakthrough obesity treatment: a micro cure for a big problem

07 December 2024, 6:58 PM

As obesity rates continue to rise, many are turning to prescription medicines like Ozempic for weight loss. But with significant side effects, accessibility and cost issues, alternatives are needed.University of South Australia researchers have created a new, food-grade, natural solution for obesity, that not only cuts the kilos and improves metabolic health but does so without the nasty side effects. Engineered from a plant fibre coating (inulin) and a combination of coconut and palm kernel oils (medium-chain triglyceride – or MCT – oils), the new InuMCT microcapsules reduce inflammation and improve metabolic markers, such as blood glucose levels. Through in vivo testing over a 21-day period, the study shows that InuMCT microcapsules: Significant overall reduction in western diet-induced weight gain after 21 days - Western diets are typically high in fats and contribute towards obesity.Lowered blood sugar by 15% - Blood sugar is an essential factor in managing obesity and diabetes.  Reduced inflammatory markers by 78% - Inflammation is a key contributor to obesity-related and other diseases. Reduced liver enzyme levels by up to 47% - High liver enzymes are linked to poor diet and obesity.Improved protective gut bacteria by 8.3-fold - Protective gut bacteria support the gut lining and help prevent ‘leaky gut’ syndrome. In Australia, obesity affects two-thirds of adults and more than a quarter of children. Globally, one in eight people is obese, with at least 2.8 million people dying each year as a result. UniSA PhD researcher Amin Ariaee says that InuMCT presents a natural approach for metabolic health and obesity-related conditions. “Obesity is a global epidemic with multifaceted health problems that extends far beyond weight gain,” Ariaee says. “We know obesity is a state of systemic inflammation, resulting from complex biochemical pathway, rather than simply excess calories. But despite this, current treatments tend to ignore role of the gut microbiome, instead focusing on downstream effects, such as body weight and hyperglycaemia. “Anti-obesity drugs also tend to upset the gut microbiome, which not only leads to unpleasant side effects such as nausea, stomach pain, and diarrhea but can also exacerbate long-term inflammation and weight gain. “Our research is changing this. The new InuMCT microcapsules are created from food-grade, natural products that actively promote a healthy gut microbiome, reduce inflammation, and significantly reduce excess weight. And the results we’re seeing are extremely positive – both for weight reduction and metabolic health.” Smaller than a red blood cell, the InuMCT microcapsules are created by spray drying an MCT nanoemulsion with a liquid form of inulin. This unique combination enhances its dispersion and anti-inflammatory effects in a solid dosage form that can be taken as a tablet or capsule. Senior researcher Dr Paul Joyce says that combining food-quality InuMCT with other obesity treatments can dually promote weight loss and long-term gut health. “Cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, kidney disease, and even mental health conditions are all associated with obesity. But rather than addressing just one symptom, such as excess weight, we’re taking holistic approach to treatment to address all,” Dr Joyce says. “Our InuMCT microcapsules deliver a viable and effective means to target obesity and metabolic disease, while concurrently supporting gut health. “In this way, they can regulate body weight and better manage metabolic health without the uncomfortable side effects so commonly reported with pharmaceutical obesity treatments. “Obesity is a modifiable disease. InuMCT offers a promising strategy for addressing obesity and improving overall health.” This pioneering research offers a new perspective on gut-based therapies, providing an innovative, natural option for managing obesity. The researchers now plan to investigate InuMCT’s potential as an adjunct therapy in clinical settings.

Man charged over alleged DV and pursuits in Lismore and NRs
Man charged over alleged DV and pursuits in Lismore and NRs

06 December 2024, 10:51 PM

A man will appear in court today after being charged over an alleged domestic violence incident and a number of police pursuits that occurred in Lismore and the Northern Rivers.On Sunday, 17 November 2024, Lismore Police commenced an investigation following an alleged domestic violence incident.An arrest warrant was issued for a 22-year-old man.Officers will allege in court the man engaged in pursuits on Monday, 18 November 2024, Monday, 2 December 2024 and Wednesday, 4 December 2024 in a bid to avoid arrest.About 5:45pm yesterday (Friday, 6 December 2024), the 22-year-old was located traveling south on the M1 Motorway, Tweed Heads in a four wheel drive.When officers attempted to stop the vehicle, a pursuit was initiated before being terminated due to safety concerns.A short time later, the four-wheel drive exited the motorway at Minjungbal Drive, Banora Point and allegedly collided with a sedan, which was stopped at traffic lights, pushing the stationary vehicle into a marked police car travelling in the opposite direction.The 22-year-old man allegedly abandoned the four-wheel drive and forcibly removed a male rider from a moped before driving off.The man allegedly drove at police vehicles on the M1, before falling off the bike and attempting to run from the scene.He was arrested by officers and taken to Tweed Heads Police Station and charged with:Reckless grievous bodily harm (DV);Drive recklessly/furiously or speed/manner dangerous;Negligent driving (no death or grievous bodily harm);Drive motor vehicle during disqualification period;Drive conveyance taken wihtout consent of owner;Use class A vehicle with unauthorised number plate affixed;Police pursuit - not stop - drive dangerously;Destroy or damage property;Not give particulars to other driver;Assault with intent to take/drive motor vehicle-Drive recklessly/furiously or speed/manner dangerous;Police pursuit - not stop - drive dangerously;Hinder or resist police officer in the execution of dutyHe was refused bail to appear before Parramatta Local Court today (Saturday, 7 December 2024).

NSW Govt to help fund regional waste solutions
NSW Govt to help fund regional waste solutions

06 December 2024, 9:01 PM

Waste has been an issue for Lismore City Council for a number of years. It has been one of the reasons council has been in the red for more than a decade.Council has stated in the past that the Waste & Recovery operations made an annual loss of $4.31 million across three consecutive financial years starting with 2019/20, and the estimated loss for 2023/24 of $6.52 million.A comprehensive review of council's Waste & Resource Recovery Operations was undertaken followed by council adopting Balanced Model C in December 2023.Balanced Model C included the outsourcing of kerbside waste collection. Kerbside waste collection will now be delivered in-house due to the $5 million NSW Government grant for nine (9) new modern garbage trucks in 2025.More good news for Lismore City Council this week when the NSW Government announced a further $6 million in funding will be available for regional councils to help them transform, modernise or close old landfills that no longer accept waste.Councils can apply for the grants under round five of the Landfill Consolidation and Environmental Improvement Program, which has already awarded $12 million across four previous funding rounds.Better management of high-risk landfill sites will reduce potential health risks for the community and lower the risk of contamination and illegal dumping incidents.Financial support is available across three targeted streams:Up to $300,000 for consolidating landfills and closing landfills, and building transfer stationsUp to $250,000 for site upgradesUp to $25,000 for professional services such as feasibility studies, closure plans, engineering designs and education coursesPreviously, this program has supported the closure of 57 landfills, the environmental improvement of 89 landfillsand the establishment of 37 transfer stations.Applications to improve landfills in regional levy-paying and non-levy areas are open until 21 March 2025, and a panel of industry experts will assess eligible proposals.For more information and to apply, visit: together/grants/councils/landfill.NSW Minister for the Environment Penny Sharpe said, “This $6 million program will transform waste infrastructure across regional and remote NSW to deliver cleaner, healthiercommunities by reducing impacts like odour, dust, contamination and illegal dumping.“It empowers local councils to tackle legacy waste issues by closing poorly performing, under-resourced or full landfills and overhauling sites to meet updated environmental standards.“Under this program, regional councils can connect with specialists in landfill management, helping to extend a facility's lifespan.“Extending this program for a fifth round means the regions will have the resources they need to manage waste more sustainably, create better local outcomes, and safeguard communities for future generations.”State Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin said five councils in our Northern Rivers region – Tenterfield Shire, Tweed Shire, Byron Shire, Lismore City and Kyogle are eligible for this transformative grant to either close their landfill, upgrade their operations or plan a more sustainable waste management approach.“NSW Minister for the Environment Penny Sharpe and her team are moving full steam ahead to help local communities create cleaner and greener communities,” Ms Saffin said.“Reuse and recycle ♻️ will take on a new impetus in the consolidation of the circular economy.”Lismore City Council did not comment on the funding at the time of writing this story.

Our GPs get a good report for improving our health
Our GPs get a good report for improving our health

06 December 2024, 8:00 PM

Local general practices are outperforming other areas according to national performance indicators on making sure we are kept in the best health we can be.A recent report from the Australian Institute of Health and Wellbeing (AIHW) shows that general practices across the North Coast have exceeded national averages in nine out of ten Quality Improvement Measures. The Practice Incentives Program Quality Improvement (PIP QI) is a national program from AIHW to support quality improvement for patients and the delivery of best-practice care, used by a range of medical practitioners and their support teams.General practices enrolled in the PIPQI program commit to continuous quality improvement activities that support them in managing patients’ health. There are 145 general practices enrolled in the PIPQI program across Northern Rivers NSW. Monika Wheeler, CEO of Healthy North Coast, was thrilled with the results showing local general practices were delivering quality patient care. “Our region is facing unique health challenges with higher rates of chronic and complex disease and disability, an ageing population, and higher rates of socio-economic disadvantage. It is so important that we perform strongly when it comes to the quality of health care. “Congratulations to our general practice teams on these excellent results. It is encouraging to see these outstanding results as our primary health care system undergoes significant reform.”The Goonellabah Medical Centre takes part in the PIP QI program. Diane Kerr, the practise manager, has seen first-hand the advantages their patients have benefited from PIP QI measures.“The business targets different areas with specialised teams from doctors, diabetes education and dietitians. We can provide that all under the one roof here at the practice. So, looking at our high-risk patients becoming unwell it's definitely improved the care that we can provide them.  “An example is part of a program, which was a winter strategy a few years prior to COVID, that was run under HNC, and that was identifying those patients of ours that were high risk of frequent hospitalisation if they become unwell with flu. We were set up so they could call our practice, and we knew that they needed an appointment on the day.”Di has seen the difference it has made to their patients. “We are able to keep them as healthy as we can. We are also much more aware and diagnosing those patients that may be at risk of chronic disease conditions in the future and being able to prevent that from happening or prolong it from happening the best that we can.“We now have what we call chronic disease management meetings that bring the clinical staff, nursing staff, myself, and also administration staff together. Then we work out for the next quarter what area we're going to target for our chronic disease patients.”“I would definitely recommend this program for any practitioner. Doctors are busy. Staff are busy, but it's making the time for better results.”  The Quality Improvement Measures that have been recently measured are following:QIM1: Proportion of regular clients with diabetes by types, with an HbA1c result recorded in their GP record within the previous 12 months National average = 69.6%HNC figures = 76.2% QIM2a: Proportion of regular clients aged 15 years and over whose smoking status has been recorded in their GP record.National average = 68.7% HNC figures = 73.8% QIM3a: Proportion of regular clients aged 15 years and over whose height and weight have been recorded in their GP record National average = 24.4% HNC figures = 30.2% QIM4: Proportion of regular clients aged 65 years and over with an influenza immunisation status recorded in their GP record within the previous 15 months National average = 55.9% HNC figures = 55.4% QIM5: Proportion of regular clients with diabetes with an influenza immunisation status recorded in their GP record within the previous 15 months National average = 48.4%HNC figures = 55.5% QIM6: Proportion of regular clients aged 15 years and over with COPD with an influenza immunisation status recorded in their GP record within the previous 15 months National average = 58.4% HNC figures = 58.9% QIM7: Proportion of regular clients aged 15 years age and over with an alcohol consumption status recorded in their GP record National average = 68.3%HNC figures = 68.6% QIM8: Proportion of eligible regular clients aged 45-74 years with a record of the necessary risk factors in their GP record for CVD risk assessment National average = 58.8% HNC figures = 66.6%QIM9: Proportion of regular female clients aged 25-74 years with an up-to-date cervical screening test record in their GP record within the previous 5 years National average = 40.0% HNC figures = 45.9% QIM10: Proportion of regular clients with diabetes with blood pressure recorded in their GP record within the previous 6 months National average = 57.8% HNC figures = 64.2% Based on data submitted for the quarter ending 31 July 2024 Regular reports are published by the AIHW to provide nationally consistent, comparable data against specified measures that contribute to the assessment of needs and to the improvement of regional and national health outcomes.

Lismore to Bentley section of NRs Rail Trail opens Saturday December 14
Lismore to Bentley section of NRs Rail Trail opens Saturday December 14

06 December 2024, 7:01 PM

Get ready to get on your bikes and ride next Saturday (14 December). That is the official date the long-awaited Lismore to Bentley section of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail will open.The project was first funded in October 2021 after Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan announced a $9.9 million dollar grant that would allow ongoing work on the rail trail to extend another 16.3km from Bentley to Lismore Railway Station. Of course, the February 2022 flood occurred, diverting attention to the flood rescue and then recovery.Importantly, the 16.3km of stunning scenery will be open for the Christmas/New Year holidays. New pushbikes, e-bikes, skateboards and rollerblades will get a workout throughout December and January.The Lismore to Bentley section starts adjacent to the heritage-listed Lismore Railway Station. The trail winds through lush farmland, passing the hamlets of Tuncester, Leycester and Fernside. You will discover historic bridges, such as the incredible Back Creek Bridge at Leycester, before ending at Bentley or continuing on to Casino for those a little fitter. Total length just short of 30km.Lismore City Council has outlined the highlights: 29 historic bridges showcasing the region’s railway heritage Constructed using compacted gravel for durability with asphalt and concrete sections at key entry points for improved accessibility. Rest stops with shelters, seating, and picnic areas A seamless connection to the Richmond Valley section for a 29.7km journey of the southern end of the Rail Trail from Lismore to Casino!Next Saturday's official ceremony will occur at the Lismore Railway Station, with speeches and a ribbon cutting from 9am to 10am.Below is what will be available on the day:Visitor Information (Sat 9am to 2pm, Sun 9am to 12pm) - Free maps, local guides, and info on South Lismore businesses.Better by Bike, Bike Hire (8am to 4pm) - Explore the trail with e-bikes, regular bikes, or e-trikes. Prices start at $35.Cycling Without Age (10am to 2pm) - Free 20-minute trishaw rides for elderly or less-mobile visitors. No booking required!Bike n’ Blend - Pedal for 30 seconds to create a free smoothie, thanks to NRRT Inc. and Lismore City Council.Live Music by Luke Vassella (8:30am to 12:30pm) - Local legend performing live.NRRT Supporters Information Stand (8:30am to early afternoon) - Bungabbee Road Carpark Activities:Westpac Rescue Helicopter ServiceSausage sizzle fundraiser supporting 24/7 aeromedical servicesBentley Carpark Fun:Snow Cones & Soft Serve VendorsBentley Fire Brigade DemonstrationsFor more information or to keep up to date with further information, click Northern Rivers Rail Trail.

The Weekend Wrap
The Weekend Wrap

06 December 2024, 5:02 AM

We are in store for a real summer weekend with warm minimums (18-19 degrees) and hot maximums (31-34 degrees).Saturday is the pick of the two days with a mostly sunny forecast, while Sunday has a 60% chance of rain in the afternoon and evening and the chance of a thunderstorm.The showers look set to stay with us for the rest of next week.The big event this weekend is on Sunday afternoon when the 2024 Carols in the Heart rocks Lismore at Oakes Oval.Gates open at 3pm with carols beginning at 4pm, along with children's activities and local food vendors and ending with the spectacular laser light show at 9pm.International star of stage and film Rachael Beck is headlining Carols this year and will be supported by the likes of Luke Vasella, Rhydian and the Residuals and more.Parking will be available in the Harold Fredericks Carpark. Disabled Parking in Magellan Street, Lismore.(Last year's spectacular laser light show at Oakes Oval)To kick off the weekend, the Lismore Farmers Markets will swing into action from 7:30 at the Lismore Showground tomorrow morning.Fresh fruit & veg, Christmas gifts, plants, flowers, coffee/tea and breakfast all on offer until 11:30am.The monthly Channon Markets make their Christmas appearance on Sunday between 9am and 3pm at Coronation Park.They say, "Bring your baskets, bags and boxes, buy local and support our regional providers, artisans and creators!:Gift wrapping by donation at the market office!It's all here at The Channon Craft Market.Charity of the Day: The Channon PreschoolBand of the Day: Leopard, Zebra, TigerTiny Tent Musicians: Two Tears in a BucketFor live music, the Lismore Jazz Club has its final performance for 2024 when The Clarence Jazzmen hit the stage at the Lismore City Bowling Club on Sunday afternoon at 2.The cost is $15 for members and $20 for non-members. It is cash at the door.At the Northern Rivers Hotel, Al Cole's Drummer Not Included plays tonight from 6:30pm, DJ Deb is on Saturday night from 6:30pm and for the Sunday Session from 2pm The Donnybrooks will play their final gig along with Cerberus, Mick Medew & Ursula 4.Check out the live music in 2025 at the Lismore Workers Club (click here), it includes Forever Olivia - A Tribute to Olivia Newton-John, Reputation - the Ultimate Taylor Swift Tribute Show and The Fab Four - the Ultimate Tribute to The Beatles.Once again, fuel prices have not changed from last week. Ballina is easily the cheapest place to fill your tank for everything apart from diesel, where Lismore is the cheapest option.Here are the cheapest fuel prices in each town:E10 is 178.9 across those that serve E10 in Lismore, 166.5 at The United on Johnston Street in Casino, with The Metro and the Mobil on River Street in Ballina cheapest at 161.9.Unleaded 91 is 175.9 at the Astron on Ballina Road, Lismore, 168.5 at The United on Johnston Street in Casino and 163.9 at the Metro and the new Mobil in Ballina.U95 is 188.9 at the Independent on Wyrallah Road, East Lismore, Northside Liberty and Bakers Corner at North Lismore and the Liberty on Ballina Road, 184.9 at the EG Ampol on Canterbury Street in Casino and 174.9 at The Metro and the Mobil in Ballina.U98 is 195.9 at the Astron on Ballina Road, Lismore, 188.9 at the two Liberty's on Hare Street and Centre Street in Casino and 183.9 at The Metro and the Mobil on River Street, Ballina.Diesel is 172.9 at the Ampol Foodary at 237 Union Street, South Lismore, 179.5 at The United on Johnston Street in Casino and 182.5 at The Metro and the Mobil in Ballina.Have a great weekend!

Man charged with 17 offences after Bruxner Hwy police pursuit
Man charged with 17 offences after Bruxner Hwy police pursuit

06 December 2024, 3:02 AM

A 24-year-old male will appear in Lismore Local Court today (6th December 2024) charged following a pursuit incident in Richmond Police Command on Thursday, 5 December 2024.About 3.30pm yesterday (Thursday, 5 December 2024) Police at Tabulam attempted to stop a motor vehicle, which was allegedly seen travelling at speed along the Bruxner Highway. Upon direction by Police to stop, the vehicle failed to do so and a pursuit was initiated. The pursuit travelled at speeds of 120-130km/h and travelled over 30 km. When in a locality known as Alice, the vehicle abruptly stopped. The pursuing Police Officer also stopped and approached the accused’s vehicle to effect an arrest.At this point, the 24-year-old male driver of the vehicle has exited his car, and it is alleged by Police that he pointed a loaded pistol at the Police Officer. The Officer, in response to a fear of being shot and in order to arrest the offender, was able to utilise his Police Taser to subdue the accused.Following the arrest of the accused, a subsequent search of the offending vehicle located a quantity of drugs, cash, an assortment of firearm ammunition and magazines, a bladed weapon and other drug paraphernalia.A check on the pistol produced by the alleged suspect revealed it to be reported stolen as well as being loaded.The accused has been charged with 17 offences in respect to this incident including Firearm offences (4), Disqualified driving, Police pursuit, use weapon to avoid apprehension, Supply (deemed) drug, Assault and Intimidate Police, resist arrest and knowingly deal with the proceeds of crime (2).The accused has been bail refused by Police to appear at Lismore Local Court today (6th December 2024).

Ballina man charged after allegedly threatening bank staff with toy gun
Ballina man charged after allegedly threatening bank staff with toy gun

05 December 2024, 10:00 PM

A man has been charged after allegedly threatening bank employees in Ballina yesterday.Police were told about 11am (Thursday, 5 December 2024), a man entered a financial institution on River Street, Ballina, and allegedly threatened staff before showing an employee what appeared to be a firearm.Police allege that about 11am Thursday, 5 December 2024 the male entered a Ballina Bank Branch whilst having a toy gun tucked into the front of his waistband. The male is alleged to have accused staff of giving all of his money away before turning to exit the building. Police will allege that as he exited, he has turned back towards staff and threatened to shoot the legs of one of the employees. As he made the threat, he has raised his shirt revealing what the employees believed to be a firearm, secreted in his waistband.The male has then walked across the street and entered another financial institution making assertions that he had money with them. However, it is alleged that he did not, and staff were aware that he was not a customer. During this interaction, the male again lifted his shirt revealing a black and blue coloured object resembling a firearm tucked into his waistband.The male then left the location and was a short time later located by Police. When searched by Police, it is alleged that located on the male was a black/blue coloured fake toy firearm concealed in his waistband.The male was subsequently charged by Police with 2 sequences of 'Stalking or intimidation with intent to cause fear of physical or mental harm'.He was refused bail and appeared before Ballina Local Court yesterday (Thursday, 5 December 2024) and is now bail refused, to appear before the same court on Thursday, 23 January 2025.

Have your say on Bruxner Hwy between Wollongbar and Goonellabah
Have your say on Bruxner Hwy between Wollongbar and Goonellabah

05 December 2024, 8:00 PM

The community is being invited to have its say on the recommended corridor for the upgrade of the Bruxner Highway between Wollongbar and Goonellabah.Feedback received will help finalise the preferred alignment for a proposed eight-kilometre upgrade from Sneaths Road at Wollongbar to Kadina Street at Goonellabah, and allow for land to be secured for the future development of the road corridor.A Transport for NSW spokesperson said preserving the land from development was the first step towards the upgrade and would help with land use planning.“The Bruxner Highway is a key east-west corridor connecting people with health, education and other essential services as well as providing essential freight links,” the spokesperson said.“Transport has been planning improvements along the full length of the highway, including options to improve safety for all road users, reduce congestion as well as improve pedestrian and cycle connectivity between Ballina and Lismore.“As part of that planning, Transport for NSW reassessed a historical single-carriageway alignment to the north of the existing highway between Wollongbar and Goonellabah from the 1970s.“We examined where improvements could be made to enhance safety and efficiency of the highway, identify community impacts and make the corridor less susceptible to flooding.“The latest assessment confirmed that, with some minor adjustments, the preferred corridor should be on the historical alignment north of the existing highway.”The Transport spokesperson said community feedback was an important part of the planning process, helping Transport for NSW determine if refinements were needed before working with other agencies and councils to incorporate the preferred corridor into local environment plans.“No funding has been allocated for the design or construction of an upgrade of the Bruxner Highway between Wollongbar and Goonellabah, but having plans in place will mean work can start quickly when funding becomes available,” the spokesperson said.“It will mean the preferred corridor can be preserved for a future highway upgrade and will help us deliver a safer, more efficient and resilient highway to support population growth in the region.”For more information, visit Submissions close 5pm Friday 20 December.

It is time to get out and train for Lismore’s biggest fitness challenge - the Samson! 
It is time to get out and train for Lismore’s biggest fitness challenge - the Samson! 

05 December 2024, 7:00 PM

The Samson is coming! For all the people who want to build team relationships and fitness and tick off an achievement, this one is for you!The Samson Challenge is happening on March 1 next year - 85 days until contestants line up at the starting line. It is a perfect time to start training…“The Samson is a four-person team event with each team put through twelve gruelling challenges, which include a farmers walk with jerry cans, a prowler push, a 130 kg truck tyre flip, a burpee challenge, a 2x2 km run, a 1km team swim, a sled pull, and an obstacle course to complete.”It is a popular event, and people come from quite a distance to compete in it. Only the fastest team to finish gets the Samson Title; however, many participate just to boast they have completed the course.The excitement is tangible - the Our Kids team, one of the GSAC fitness trainers and one of the sponsors, who is also a volunteer, caught up at GSAC to launch the 2025 Samson event.Chris Vanbibber, the GSAC trainer, was giving Rebekka Battista (Our Kids Fundraising Coordinator) and Samantha Gordon, who assisted Rebekka, some pointers on the tyre lift. Heaving and pushing, the women triumphed, only to take on the jerry can lift and the prowler push.Samantha and Rebekka are all smiles at training!Chris gave a few pointers for those who want to get into it, “It's best to start training now and progressively work your way up. Don't start with all the big and heavy stuff, just start with where you're at. “Get around people who've done it before and learn from them. Watch the videos that they have on the Samson website, and find some gyms that can offer some training specifically geared towards the type of exercises in the event.”This is Chris’s 8th year of competing. “Crossing that finish line is a triumphant experience. It feels like you've dominated a very large challenge in life. “It's a memorable experience because you do it with a team - usually people that you really bond with over things that you don't normally do together with people. I've done it with my family members. I've done it with people here at the gym and just friends of mine, and each time, it's been a really rewarding experience.”Samantha has done a couple of Samsons, and being involved, she revealed a great tip, “Tony Curtis is the man that sets up the course. I joined Tony Curtis’s training that he does during the weeks and on the weekends before the event. “So we did the actual obstacles leading up to it to prepare as a team. He even sets up a wall, and they teach you how to get over the wall as a team.”If anyone is unsure whether they should put in an entry, Samantha has some advice, “Just give it a go. It is great fun. And you're capable of so much more than you think you are. When you get across that finish line, it is a fantastic feeling of achievement.”Rebekka had the tyre flip down pat, so it was surprising to learn she hadn’t run the Samson event, “Organising the whole thing, I feel like I did the Samson several times in the lead-up, particularly on the setup day!”Michelle, Rebekka, Samantha and Chris walking all over the tire challenge!The Samson Event is a fund raiser, and it started 15 years ago to bring a large obstacle-style fitness challenge to Lismore, and raise much-needed funds for Our Kids.This fundraiser is looking to finance an expensive piece of equipment ($165,000) for premature babies and their eye care called a Retcam. One device will be able to service between Tweed, Lismore Base and Grafton Hospitals, preventing families having to travel to the Gold Coast at a potentially difficult time.Rebekka explains, “The Icon Go Retinal Imaging System helps our premature babies, who are vulnerable and need examination for Retinopathy of Prematurity. It is cutting-edge technology that will give a picture of the back of the eye so that the local team can send pictures immediately to the Queensland Paediatric Team, which can provide specialist treatment remotely.“This equipment is needed as some babies are at risk of going blind at 35 weeks. Having this equipment locally and portable means that the local medical team can do a scan on any day and at any given hour, and treatment can commence immediately.“For context, retinopathy of prematurity was the cause of Stevie Wonder's blindness.”Michelle Gosling wears two hats when it comes to The Samson. Michelle represents the major sponsor, NBN, “We are really honored to be a part of Our Kids and support this event. It's really important for Lismore and for the regional area.”Getting involved in The Samson, Michelle plays a very important role as a volunteer. At least 120 people are needed to make the event what it is. “Being on the sidelines is probably just as rewarding as doing it,” says Michelle, “Supporting and encouraging people to get through the event and seeing their success at the end, it's just awesome.”Samantha confirms how much it is appreciated when you are working hard, and Rebekka adds that the feedback the event gets is how great the volunteers are at making the event so good.If you are interested in getting involved and supporting, keep March 1st free and keep an eye out for the volunteer drive that will happen in February.“From now on, you will see more groups of four treading the pavement between GSAC and Hepburn Park,” says Rebekka.The jerry can lift and the prowler push were harder...“This event has become important to the city, not just for the individual and team achievements, but economically. One flow-on effect is at gyms and their business, which picks up in December, which was traditionally one of their quietest months of the year!”If you are ready to kick the membership into overdrive, registration for The Lismore Samson Fitness Challenge 2025 is open.The Early Bird registration fee is $350 per team. Registrations are online, and for more details on the course, head to more information, please get in touch with the Our Kids office on (02) 6620 2705 and Tony Curtis’ Facebook page for the special obstacle course training that he puts on closer to the event.

Legends of Cricket is back at Oakes Oval in February 2025
Legends of Cricket is back at Oakes Oval in February 2025

05 December 2024, 5:15 AM

"We're bringing back the legends of cricket game," was how Lismore Mayor Steve Krieg began his press conference this morning, standing in the middle of Oakes Oval with former Australian cricketer Steve O'Keefe and Deputy Mayor Jeri Hall.The date to lock away in your diary or to write on your calendar is Saturday, 15 February 2025. However, there will be a golf day on Friday, 14 February and a breakfast on the 15th heading into the Legends game at 3pm.Once again, the two teams will be led by Mayor Krieg and arguably the world's best wicketkeeper/batsman, Adam Gilchrist.The event follows the very popular inaugural Legends of Cricket event held in 2023, which was won by the Mayor's 11 by three runs. However, the memories were a little hazy today, as the cricket and crowd entertainment took precedence.Mayor Krieg outlined the plan for the two-day event as well as recognising some local Lismore cricketing legends."If you look around where we stand now, what's different from the last time we played here is that all of this work has been finished. The Gordon Pavilion is state of the art with coaches boxes and dressing rooms. We've actually got power and running water this time", the mayor joked with Steve O'Keefe."But we've also recognised some local legends as well. So, we've got the John McMahon Stand and the Lyn Larsen Stand, then on the 14th and 15th that weekend, we're going to recognise probably Lismore's greatest cricketer through the Adam Gilchrist Pavilion."Something that, as a council, we're really proud to be able to recognise some of the sporting greats of our community."We're starting with a golf day on the Friday afternoon, where people have the opportunity to come and play a bit of golf with some of these sporting legends and icons of the game. And then, on Saturday, we're going to do a bit of a breakfast where you can get up close and ask some weird, wonderful questions about what they used to get up to on tour."And then, of course, the legends of cricket game, the T20, not only cricketing greats are going to be participating, we're wrangling a few other celebrities and different people that are well known, not only locally, but across the country and possibly globally as well. There's a few surprises that might spring onto the field at that time."While the full list of names is yet to be confirmed, as well as council holding back names for a future surprise, Steve O'Keefe did say that Jason Gillespie, Andy Bichel, Mike Kasprowicz are all but confirmed. Jimmy Maher is looking good from Queensland, and, of course, Adam Gilchrist as the local host, along with Lismore's latest star, Grace Parsons, who is playing for the Brisbane Heat in the WBBL.(Jason Gillespie signs autographs on the boundary in 2023)Steve finished his Big Bash career earlier this year and is now a resident of the Northern Rivers. He remembers playing in the annual Under 12 Lismore Cricket Carnival, a moment his family still talk about."You know, a thriving town, great community, and it hosted some of the best players that I played with and went on to play for New South Wales as such an important stepping stone. And I guess to see it struggle through the floods and the hardships that the locals had was certainly touching from a personal point of view."Steve talked about how cricket is just a game. However, it can be more than a game when it connects and supports a community."Last year, we had Ricky Ponting and, I mean, I was able to play with them, but I'm just as star-struck as anyone being able to strap the pads on sitting in the change room with the likes of Jason Gillespie, Andy Bickel, Mike Kasprowicz, are all guys who will feature. And, of course, the great Adam Gilchrist is something amazing.(Adam Gilchrist is about to launch a shot into the crowd during the inaugural Legends of Cricket in 2023)"The turnout last year was just incredible. I don't think you can put into words the struggle that this town has been through, but they all turned out. The kids had an absolute ball. There's a lot of smiles on their faces. Chris Lynn, I remember hit me for about three into the Gordon Pavilion. I hope the holes have been repaired in the roof, but it was an enjoyable day."I think what Steve and this town has been able to do and turn around in a couple of years is amazing. It felt like it was a one-off game last time, but hopefully, this is something that can continue to grow and develop, and we can do year in, year out, and make sure that Lismore isn't forgotten."We encourage the locals to get out and bring and show us that spirit that they showed through some really tough times. Yes, we play cricket, but this town is an inspiration to us as players. So, anything we can do to help, to give back is just a small bonus."I'm really looking forward to the couple of days and, most importantly, the cricket match out here and mingling with the community."As well as the superstars of Australian cricket and some surprise celebrity names, young local cricket talent will once again get a run on Oakes Oval with their heroes. As Steve O'Keefe said, regional areas produce the best cricketers."They're the toughest, generally, in playing against men at a younger age, you learn to grow up a little bit tougher. You don't have it easy. You have everything you need in life, but you have to work really hard for it. So I think those are solid foundations to be a good cricketer. And, you know, it's no coincidence that a town like Lismore is able to produce one of the world's, if not the world's, best keeper-batsman. And I'm sure we might be able to see a few of those young stars on display in the same game.Mayor Krieg mentioned the likes of Cooper Williams, who substituted for the injured Stuart McGill and took two incredible outfield catches."He's just been named New South Wales captain for the combined Catholic schools. He's a kid I'd love to get on the field for the whole game this time. And there's a couple of other really good up and coming young people that would fit in really well. So, love to get them involved."In terms of the capacity of Oakes Oval, officially, 10,000 is the number. However, the mayor would like to see that tested on the 15th of February next year.(Nearly a full house in 2023 at Oakes Oval)"I'd love to see 10,000 people here to recognise one of our local absolute legends on that day. And you can't underestimate the impact that the Steve O'Keefe's, Andy Bichel's, the Michael Kasprowicz's have had through a generational cricketing institution. There was no better team in the world than Australia when these guys were playing and at the peak of their power. So, to have them here in Lismore is something incredible, something that I will be eternally grateful for because Gilly still calls Lismore home. So, to have the calibre of these people give up their time so generously and so willingly is a true credit to the calibre of people they are.""We want to test our capability. We've got these great facilities, but we need to test them, and we want to encourage anyone and everyone to come along and experience this amazing facility. We'll have food vendors and drinks vendors. Everyone will be here. It'll be a great family picnic day out.Unlike 2023, when government money allowed the inaugural Legends of Cricket match to go ahead, 2025's event needs to recover the costs to put it on. So, there will be a cost involved.Ticket Prices: Adult - $20, Concession - $10, Family - $50, U10 – free.Tickets are available now via Legends of the Cricket will take place on Saturday, 15 February 2025 from 3pm to 6pm at Oakes Oval, Lismore. Gates open at 1pm.It's not just ticket sales that will help pay the bill for the Legends of Cricket 2025; it is the sponsors as well."We've got some sponsors lined up, and we've got to thank Bennett's Construction, who are naming rights sponsors for the event. They've thrown in a heap and we're really grateful for that. And as I said, the reason we have to sell the tickets this time around is Council is underwriting it. We're backing it, but we have got some great sponsorship on board. As far as the golf day, if there are any companies or corporations or businesses that want to get out and sponsor a hole or enter a team, we'd love to hear from you."We really do need the business and corporate support to make this happen. Jason Gillespie is a South Australian, and there's a few little whispers of maybe a few West Aussies coming over. None of that comes for free. We've got to get them here. We're putting them up in local accommodation for the weekend. All of that sort of stuff costs money, so it is going to be a community event. It is going to be a community effort to make it a success, and we're really looking forward to the possibilities.

Reinventing house structure - bio based design
Reinventing house structure - bio based design

04 December 2024, 10:04 PM

Two men from two universities are combining their design efforts to coordinate a local alternative to the temporary housing we have seen since the 2022 floods.  With a focus on sustainability, in the products they utilise being locally sourced, they have been working on a solution that is being called the Sustainable Bio Based Cardboard Housing System for Northern NSW.Associate Professor Joe Gattas from the University of Queensland, and Professor Andrew Rose from Southern Cross University are the drivers behind the project, and they can’t speak highly enough of their third team member assisting, Mahmoud Abu-Saleem.The professors wanted to make something specific for Northern NSW and looked around for what was readily available to build with and design. “One of the main goals with the project here was to be able to use as much in the way of bio-based materials as possible,” says Andrew.  “Not only bio-based but ideally materials that were otherwise low value or potentially even end up as waste products. A good example being the cardboard here. Some of this cardboard was literally recovered from dumpsters. It may have been recycled, but that's a fairly low-value use.”The house sample that has been built is a test case. At 3m x 3.6m, it is half the size of a complete unit. The design is modular, so you can put more than one together to increase its capacity for a family. The size is limited by the ability to transport it - delivery is on the back of a truck.The sample is on display at SCU for today only and then will be subject to more testing, including the longevity of the products the team have developed. The professors are hoping to get feedback from vested stakeholders to whom something like this can assist in the future.The sample house in transit - all compact, ready for final construction. (Image supplied by Prof. Joe Gattas)The house is built using two products that make up the bulk of the structure and provide it with a distinct look. The round timber posts support the front, and potentially back, and the walls, which are made from a timber fibre composite external skin, a standard interior vertical timber skin, with a cardboard support in between, giving the wall strength. “The structural core of the wall panels is a cardboard sandwich structure. There are layers of glue between the cardboard, and then it's shaped into this beam. So, if this was a conventional structure, that might be a timber stud.”“This is actually at least as strong. And I think the testing that Joe and Mahmoud have done has shown that this is actually stronger than the standard foam core panelling, which is often used in these sort of panel structures.”The team show the alternative products for use in the temporary housing.Andrew elaborates on the localised importance of the materials they aim to use, “It's not just about using materials that are diverted from landfill but materials that can be sourced, locally, so that you're not trucking or flying in stuff. “Obviously, cardboard out of a dumpster is pretty local, and these timber components are sourced from Hurfords Sawmill, which is local. So this solution is tailored to the Northern Rivers.”News got around about the project, and initially, it was the DPI (Department of Primary Industries) that approached Hurfords to invite them to be involved. Andrew Hurford said, “I think it's fascinating because the idea of doing something bio-based, which can be used in the end or break down naturally, rather than something that's made out of plastic that has to be deconstructed, or potentially becomes landfill, is a good idea. “It's low cost, and it can be part of the circular economy. I think it's terrific.”A close up of the timber logs and the natural external finish of the structural wall. It can have finish applied to it, but the natural state is quite appealing.The logs are made from thinnings, or trees in a plantation cut down to make enough space for the larger trees to grow. They aren’t large enough to cut flat timber from.“We have a rounding machine that rounds the timber to make it into a constant size, which makes it easier to use in building. “It's a product that we developed to try to get better utilisation for those small logs from when we thin a plantation there. They're still quite strong and naturally durable. But you've got to get people to think about using round wood rather than square wood.” Discussing the details with an interested visitor.All the materials selected support local industry and business, not only the two major components being structure and walls, but the base frame, the front and rear “windows”, as well as the roofing. Joe explains, “The flooring is a commercial product that's 50% waste timber already. The company that produces it already has a reverse logistics program.”Their own methods reflect this ethos.“In bonding the panel, we've tried to make sure that all products are more or less compatible with their own recycling strategies. We haven't worked through the full details of that but there are pathways for any of these panels as soon as they come off. “There's absolutely no steel in them. You can chip it, there's no environmental contaminant, and it just slots straight into current recycling processes.’The house is being called temporary as it is undergoing testing, and is currently held down by strapping. There are no services applied to the structure at this point, which also adds to its temporary nature.Depending on ongoing results, the house can be held down by more permanent means to provide longevity. At this point, they are confident that it will last 6 months and potentially up to two years. They can be taken down and stored for use at a later date.The house itself takes about a week to prepare a module - but that would become quicker as more are made. The house ships, partially complete. It takes 3 to 5 people a few hours to half a day, and all you need is a drill and a ladder. A couple of neighbours can help each other out, and after delivery, both have a shelter within a weekend.For more information on exactly where to find it, have a look at the earlier story this week.

Landcare Australia on the search for Soil Heroes! $20,000 Prize Available.
Landcare Australia on the search for Soil Heroes! $20,000 Prize Available.

04 December 2024, 9:01 PM

On World Soil Health Day: Landcare Australia has opened nominations for the 2025 General Jeffery Soil Health Award. Back for the 3rd successive round, the prestigious General Jeffery Soil Health Award recognises the work of people who care for soil health and who are educating or inspiring others. The $20,000 award will provide invaluable support to the winner to help extend their work in soil health.  Previous award winners and notable figures in the world of soil health and science, Dr Oliver Knox and Emerita Professor Dr Lynnette Abbot, have confirmed they will be part of the specialist advisory panel to select the winner of the 2025 General Jeffery Soil Health Award. The 2022 winner, leading soil health champion, educator and researcher, of ‘Soil your Undies’ fame, Dr Oliver Knox, said “We all have a responsibility to our soils and our soil health and the more we all do, the more likely we are to see a fantastic future for Australia’s soils.” The two previous award winners have teamed up to encourage nominations for the influential General Jeffrey Soil Health Award. When asked what he was hoping to see from the next round of nominations, Dr Knox said, “Passion, drive and impact. Soil is full of surprises, so I’m hoping to learn from all of the nominations and expect to feel disappointed there can be only one winner. It’s exciting, and all that is needed now is for some nominations, so what are you waiting for? Nominate your soil’s guru.”  Leading soil scientist Emerita Professor Lynette Abbott, and winner of the inaugural prize in 2020, is encouraging soil science experts across Australia to nominate colleagues for the prestigious national award. “It is a very valuable process for highlighting the contributions that others are making to soil health in their various ways. There are many approaches.” “I think it is a good award – it is different to many other awards, unique in its focus on soil health of course.” As Australia’s first National Soils Advocate, General Jeffery passionately advocated for improvements in the health of our agricultural landscape. By championing soil health from Parliament House to the paddock, he successfully changed attitudes towards soil sustainability and energised change on farms right across Australia. He relentlessly pursued his focus on the importance of integrated management of soil, water, animals and plants to the benefit of all Australians and our environment. Emerita Professor Dr Lynnette Abbot said “I was fortunate to meet Major General Michael Jeffery on some of his visits to Perth. He was inspirational and passionate about the importance of focusing on landscape issues related to soil, in addition to soil itself, including how vegetation, grazing and water cycles are integral to overall management of agricultural lands to ensure soils are healthy and protected.” Managing and preserving soil health is critical and although Australia is internationally renowned for our high-quality agricultural industry, the health of our soil continues to decline due to erosion, acidification and salinisation which is why the General Jeffery award has taken on more significance in the world of Australian Soil Health.   Dr Shane Norrish, CEO of Landcare Australia explains “Healthy, well managed soil is a vital part of the sustainability and productivity of our agricultural sector and the natural environment. Soils are the basis of food production, food security and human health, and this award acknowledges people who are working to protect, conserve and build the health of our soils.” In effort to bring soil health to the forefront of critical biodiversity and environmental conversations, Landcare Australia has for the first time opened the eligibility criteria to include voluntary environmental groups and organisations who are actively involved in activities to protect and improve soil health.  “It is vital we give Australian soil health experts the recognition and national platform they deserve.  That’s why we believe it is the right time to widen the prize to included landcare groups, farmers, farming groups, land managers and educators.”  

Council secures state funding for 9 new garbage trucks
Council secures state funding for 9 new garbage trucks

04 December 2024, 8:00 PM

Lismore City Council's problems with kerbside bin collection should be in the past once their fleet of nine (9) new garbage trucks arrive in 2025, thanks to a $5 million one-off grant from the NSW Government.Council has experienced significant and ongoing impacts to its waste service following the devastating 2022 floods and its ageing fleet of trucks that spent more time in the repair shop than they did on the road. This led to complaints from residents saying their garbage had not been collected. The new trucks will help with council's ongoing reconstruction efforts and provide more efficient waste collection for the Lismore community thanks to each truck being fitted with the latest modern technology."A lot of the technology is around looking at what's coming into the truck, but also making sure that the routes that are selected for bin pick up are the most efficient that they can be," General Manager Jon Gibson explained, "The route will set within the truck, and tell you that if you need to collect a bin every 17 seconds or thereabouts, it will find the most advantageous route for the organisation to do that. And so that's all about trying to be very systematic about how we go about our business."It can weigh quantities of material coming in, but it really is about ensuring that we don't miss bins, that the route that we select is the best route to be as efficient and effective as we can be."While this is good news for all the residents in the Lismore LGA, the question of asset management still hangs in the air because that is how Lismore City Council arrived at the decision it made in November 2023 to outsource kerbside collection. It simply could not afford the $5 million to update its fleet of garbage trucks.The USU (United Services Union) initially felt council's decision was based on ideology. After a few strong discussions with council, they learnt the decision to outsource was a financial one, so they went to Minister Hoenig and the state government to ask for the grant to be given to council. Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin was also a strong advocate to get council the $5 million.This was one of those rare occasions where state government, unions and local government all had a win for the betterment of their community. Council staff keep their jobs, Lismore City Council delivers a better service to its residents, and the state government help Lismore's recovery.(Minister Hoenig, Mayor Krieg, Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin and the USU in discussion before yesterday's announcement)As for this council's ability to manage this fleet of garbage trucks now and into the future, Mayor Krieg was confident they can get the job done."We haven't had an asset management plan at our council for over 15 years. So, through the work that that the General Manager and Brendan Logan (Chief Operating Officer) is doing, we're getting those policies and procedures up to date so that we can actually have a system where we're getting nine new trucks now, but how do we manage those into the future? So that we're evolving our fleet into the future. We're upgrading our fleet as we can into the future."That has not happened, and that's why you can go down to our workshop downtown, and see three of these trucks parked up there getting fixed at any one time. It's not good for the drivers. They jump in a vehicle at 3:30 every morning, not knowing whether the bloody thing is going to start."This gives us surety, and it gives us certainty that we can deliver the services that our residents and our ratepayers deserve to get.Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin added, "The two things are operating; the assets management plan coming into being, plus this gives the circuit breaker to fix them all, and then the management goes forward with it."As Minister Hoenig said, "Waste collection is a core function of local governments, and this funding will make sure the council can deliver this service to the residents of Lismore more cost-effectively."The future looks a little brighter with our recovery once again.

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