19 September 2019, 11:00 PM
The Boys Hair and Makeup on Woodlark Street, Lismore is the major sponsor for this year’s North Coast National Showgirl competition.Jenna Robinson, 19, won last year’s North Coast National Showgirl competition and said she is passionate about being the Showgirl. “My passion for Showgirl is to get young women’s voices out there and to help make women strong,” Jenna said.Jenna has been entering the competition since she was 12, often placing as a runner up – but it wasn’t until she was 18 and studying for her HSC exams that she won.“On the first day of the show, I sat my first exam, then went straight over to the showground as part of the competition,” Jenna said. “I was busy, but it wasn’t difficult - and I loved it.”This year, she’s taking on a mentoring role to other entrants in the competition and is looking forward to helping them with ideas of what to wear.“I’m going to be there to answer all their questions and walk them to the judges and introduce them,” she said.“As the Showgirl, you are an ambassador and you get to talk to people.“Last year, I got involved with the Our Kids Samson Challenge and was on stage speaking to the crowd.“It was rewarding and challenging learning to speak on a microphone, but I like it and can see how much I’ve been able to grow.”Part of her prize last year was going to etiquette school in Dubbo. She said she learned so much from the experience that she encourages other girls to get involved with the competition, or the North Coast National in any way at all.“There’s so much talent in our area,” she said. “Whether you get involved with making cakes, or entering the photo competition – there’s so much to get involved in.“Elle Stephens, the 2015 Showgirl winner also won the Sydney Royal Easter Show and she travelled to all the shows in the state.”As showgirl and ambassador, Jenna said her task is to promote the Lismore region. Her family is in the beef cattle industry and Jenna works with horses as a strapper.“This is a rural region but its not just all about agriculture,” she said.“It’s about how we can make our town better to visit - to bring people here and get involved in events or visit the art gallery.“The idea is to get families to come with the kids, and to build their confidence and knowledge.”Jenna’s advice to anyone thinking of entering the Showgirl competition is “don’t be nervous”.“It’s just like a job interview - and you get to build your confidence in speaking to crowds,” she said.Presentation is the keyNorth Coast national assistant secretary Philip Penwright said the Showgirl competition had been running for 83 years and the Boys Hair and Makeup were a major sponsor for the competition for the first time. “Alex Jackson, owner of The Boys Hair and Makeup is going to be one of The Boys Hair and Makeup 2019 North Coast National Showgirl Competition judges,” Philip said. “His sponsorship assists us with being able to continue to run the event.”Alex runs The Boys Hair and Makeup on Woodlark Street, Lismore.As well as judging the competition, Alex will be doing the hair and make up for the entrants.“I have a team of make-up and hair stylists working with me,” Alex said. “The showgirl competition is a great environment for girls to be in and presentation is a key thing for the girls.”Alex said his family had been in Lismore for four generations and he’s excited to support the North Coast National. “I come from a farming background and the North Coast National showcases the roots of my family,” Alex said.“My great grandfather was part of the initial set up of NORCO.“I think sustainable food and water management in our area is so important and we need to highlight farmers and their work here.”About the Showgirl CompetitionEntrants are selected for their knowledge, presentation, passion for the agricultural show movement and their community. The competition is no beauty contest, nor is it a intelligence test. It is an award presented to young women who raise the profile of Agricultural Shows.The award provides an opportunity to excel in leadership, community involvement, key management and confidence. The winner will go on to represent the North Coast National at Zone where they have the opportunity to compete against other Zone 1 finalists, with two winners going on to compete at the Royal Sydney Show.Judging for the Showgirl and Miss Teen Showgirl will be held during the day on Saturday 12th October from 9 am at the Lismore Workers Club, with the formal dinner presentation evening at 6 pm.Prizes include a trip to Dubbo for deportment classes with all expenses and travel paid for. Plus $1000, flowers, jewellery and a tailored dress.Entries to The Boys Hair and Makeup 2019 North Coast National Showgirl Competition close on October 5 and entry is free.For more information, or to enter, visit http://www.northcoastnational.com.au/showgirl/