Liina Flynn
09 September 2019, 4:14 AM
Read the story and see the picture gallery of Riverfest from Saturday, September 7.
Sitting under shady trees by the Wilson’s River listening to live music and talks were some of the highlights of the Riverfest for festival goers.
Hundreds of people enjoyed music from the Romaniacs, Mikaela and Sara Tindley, as well as talks and displays from the SES looking at flood safety and how to rescue people in a flood.
Local Landcare groups and science displays on the day focussed on river health and local services and brought an awareness of the local river and floods to the Lismore community.
People gathered by the Wilson's River for Riverfest on Saturday, September 7
SES community capability officer Janet Pettit said the Riverfest was a fantastic opportunity to talk to the Lismore community about local risks and beauty and danger of floods.
“We have lots of demonstrations about what the local SES does during flood rescues,” Janet said.
SES crew John Ludlow, Kelly Bohn, Andrew Adams, Paul Von Bratt, Jason Balderi, Layla Balderi and Crystal Enspey at Riverfest.
Riverfest MC Lisa Sharpe said she had worked in Lismore for four years and didn’t know this area by the river was here.
“I’ve got a new thing to do in this town,” Lisa said. “It’s one of the best places to come at lunchtime and sit under the shade of the trees next to the river. I have a vision of swimming in the river.”
MC Lisa Sharpe and Pip Ross. "River Health is so important," Pip said.
Keith Bale said he attended one of the talks in the River Talks tent by John Larsson called ‘The changing face of oysters’.
“I learned about oysters,” Keith said. “The Sydney rock oyster died from contamination in the ocean.
"Now there’s a new breed of oyster in the Richmond River. Oysters are essential for the health of the river as they filter the water clean.
"We need oysters for clean water.
"There was a flood in the Richmond River in 2017 some of the oysters survived the contamination of the river – but we need millions of them to clean the water.”
Keith Bale and Malcolm Young.
Ray parry writes poetry at the 'Write a limerick' workshop'.
Omega, Rana White and Mark Broomhall.
Kieran Shah, Liz Shah and singer Amanda Shoebridge.
Barbara Jensen from Lismore City Council explains how flooding works in a model of town.
Mel Marshall and Kylie Watson.
Proprietor of Fox Den Studios, Guy Ingham.
Riverfest organisers Elly Bird and Maddy-rose Braddon.
Wendy Lane.
Dave Dreher and Alex Stephens.
Alex Clarke enjoys looking at the river.
Mikaela performs on the River Stage.
Zac Mifsud said he used to be an SES volunteer.
Sara Tindley performs on the River Stage.
Melinda Turner and Jay Watts.
Information displays went from small to big.
Children learned about SES rescues during floods.