23 December 2019, 11:01 PM
Protect their home from opportunistic thieves throughout the Christmas holidays.That's the message to the community from Richmond District Police.As summer is the most popular time for going on holidays, particularly over Christmas and New Year, people are reminded to take some time to assess their home security before they head away.Youth and Crime Prevention Commander, Superintendent Mark Wall, said break-ins are usually an opportunistic crime, and criminals will target homes with poor security.“In the last-minute rush to get ready for Christmas celebrations, it can be easy to forget the basics of home safety and security,” Supt Wall said.“Whether you are going away for a day or a few weeks, you need to secure your home properly to avoid a financial – and emotional – disaster.“Most of the recommended precautions are very simple, particularly just checking to make sure doors and windows are locked and secured – an unlocked window in an empty home, full of valuables, is an opportunistic thief’s dream.“I’d also recommend limiting what you post on social media about your holiday, especially if your home will be unattended for an extended period.“For those who will be celebrating at home, you should still secure doors or windows in unoccupied areas of the home, especially parts of the house that are visible from the street.”Supt Wall added that it was important to be vigilant with mail, which is another valuable target for thieves.“Criminals don’t necessarily need to be face to face to steal from you. If they have the right mail, it only takes a few steps for them to take your identity and access you bank accounts,” Supt Wall said.“It’s relatively inexpensive to put a good lock on your letterbox and ask someone you trust to empty it regularly – or organise to have your mail held at your local post office while your away.”The NSW Police Force has a wealth of information about safety and security, including fact sheets, available at: https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/safety_and_pr…/safe_and_secureHoliday home safety and security tips:• Let a trusted neighbour or family friend know of your whereabouts and contact details. Ask them to watch your home, empty your mailbox, mow your lawn and, most importantly, call Triple Zero (000) if they notice anything suspicious, or if a smoke alarm is activated.• Dispose of Christmas wrapping and delivery/goods packaging carefully. Don’t advertise your new valuables to would-be thieves.• Lock away your handyman/gardening tools, which may be used to force open doors or windows, and any item that may be used to gain access to the property or cause damage.• Record descriptions, models and serial numbers of your valuables and then put them somewhere safe.• Switch off and disconnect non-essential electrical appliances and IT equipment.• Ensure any electrical items you decide to leave on continuously, or on timer circuits, are in good working order – that includes lights left on to deter thieves both inside and outside.• Make sure that any lights you have left switched on are away from combustibles such as curtains and are of the right wattage to prevent overheating.• Switch off and empty clothes dryers before you leave.• Close all internal doors before you leave to help contain any fire that occurs.• Pay bills in advance including electricity, gas, water, and telephone so that your supply continues while you're away.• Avoid posting information about being away on holidays because thieves will often use this information to target properties.• Be sure your home and contents insurance is adequate and up to date.• Check your doors, windows and garage are locked securely, and remove spare keys from hiding places. As you leave, check everything again.• Finally, if you have a home security alarm, activate it.If your home has been broken into:• Call your local police station immediately.• Don't touch anything. Let police see your home exactly as the thief left it.• While you are waiting for police to arrive, compile a list of what you think is missing; include brand names, model numbers, serial numbers, accurate descriptions and any engraving details.If you have concerns about possible criminal activity in your local neighbourhood, call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or use the Crime Stoppers online reporting page: https://nsw.crimestoppers.com.au/Information you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence. We remind people they should not report crime information via Police Facebook and Twitter pages.