Liina Flynn
12 December 2019, 11:20 PM
Jiggi Uniting Church’s motto ‘we are here to bear your load’ will make a lot of sense once the new outhouse is unveiled this Sunday, 4pm, at the Jiggi Christmas carols and service.
The outdoor toilet has a long history at the rural church and church council member Heather Jeffery said it has an important place in the hearts of parishioners.
“We found out it’s over 120 years old,” Heather said.
“A few months ago, our outhouse started to wobble after a big storm, and a local guy took it away, restored and reinforced it and brought it back.
“We hired a modern portaloo but no one wanted to use it.
“Now we are going cut a blue ribbon and officially unveil the toilet on Sunday before the church service and carols.”
Heather said she took photos of the thunderbox before it was restored and a local told her he remembered when it was first brought to the church on the back of a ute.
“It turns out the Smith family who owned the Smithfield farm on Boganville Road donated their old outhouse to the church about 60 years ago,” she said.
“So, we tracked down the family and their descendants will cut the ribbon on Sunday.
“We are going to have a plaque engraved on the door dedicating it to the Smith family, the guy who delivered it and the and restorer.
“Now, it will be good for another 120 years.”
The outhouse - before and after restoration.
Heather said the little country church has changed over time changed and a while ago, the number of people coming to the church dwindled.
“Four years ago, we held a garage sale to raise money to open the windows and fix the back steps,” she said.
“Now, people are coming back, particularly older residents.
“It’s still an an old fashioned country church with peeling paint and art works on the wall from the Sunday school kids ten years ago.
“Last Christmas, it brought people of all ages to the carols and service including farmers and teenagers.
“There’s been so much curiosity from the community and Lismore about it.
Everyone is invited to come along to the Jiggi Uniting Church carols and service on Sunday, December 15 at 4pm, on Jiggi Road.
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