16 December 2019, 2:59 AM
With a heatwave set to impact large areas of south-eastern Australia this week, some places are predicted to break the maximum temperature on record.
Bureau of Meteorology climatologist Dr Blair Trewin said temperatures in many locations are forecast to approach or even exceed December and potentially annual records.
"Australia's warmest day on record occurred in January 2013, when the average maximum temperature across the continent was 40.30ºC,” he said.
"We’re closely monitoring the development and progression of this heat but based on current forecasts we could see that record broken this week."
The Bureau is reminding communities to remain alert to the risks posed by heatwaves, as a week of extreme temperatures approaches.
A heatwave is when the maximum and minimum temperature in a location is unusually hot over a three day period.
The Bureau predicts that temperatures will begin to rise in South Australia today, and will continue to build in the coming days, pushing east into New South Wales and Victoria over the course of the week.
"We saw significant heat build over Western Australia over the course of last week, and that heat is now pushing east over the continent, which is going to lead to several days of exceptional heat," Dr Trewin said.
Bureau meteorologist Sarah Scully said tempratures across large areas of New South Wales, inland South Australia and Victoria may experience temperatures in the mid to high 40s.
"For many areas, severe to extreme heatwave conditions will be felt, so it's important people follow the advice of health authorities, stay up to date with the latest forecasts and warnings from the Bureau and remember to check in on any vulnerable family and friends."
Listen to an interview with climatologist Dr Blair Trewin discussing the climate and historical significance of the upcoming heat: http://www.bom.gov.au/bomtransfer/misc/BOM_Video_News_Release_20191216_BlairTrewin.mp4
See the Bureau's latest heatwave forecasts: http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/heatwave/
Stay up to date with all the latest warnings and forecasts via the Bureau of Meteorology website: http://www.bom.gov.au/?ref=logo
Check past national, state and territory temperature records: http://www.bom.gov.au/cgi-bin/climate/extremes/daily_extremes.cgi