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The purple plague tree arrives to take over Lismore
The purple plague tree arrives to take over Lismore

04 August 2021, 5:07 AM

Known as the ‘Purple Plague’, the highly invasive Miconia Weed could be set to take over Lismore.Recently found near Tuntable Creek, it’s a weed that Richmond Landcare coordinator Hannah Rice-Hayes said she has heard horror stories about if is left to spread unchecked.“It’s already happened in other parts of Australia and in Hawaii,” Hannah said. “If the incursion goes too far, we could lose entire hillsides - it’s a scary prospect.”While there has only been one or two discovered so far, the Purple Miconia tree invades rainforest and competes with native vegetation for resources and reduces habitat for native fauna.When established and in large numbers, Miconia can cause expansive hillside erosion due to its shallow root system.“Luckily, it has clear identifying features that make it easy to spot, so people can go online and find out more about it – and help stop it before it spreads too far,” Hannah said.The plant is easily identifiable by its very large leaves, between 20 and 80cm long, which are purple underneath.Hannah said in the past, other weeds like Giant Devil’s Fig were able to infiltrate the local area without being stopped quickly enough.“Now we are starting to see more popping up in Lismore,” she said. “It’s an easy plant to hate and I’m getting more enquiries about it.“We tried to get a hold before it spread too far, but unfortunately. it’s identification makes it difficult. With spring just around the corner and more plants about to grow, flower and spread – now is the time to take action.The discovered Miconia tree was already mature and fruiting, meaning seeds may have already been distributed by birds and mammals.landowners and landcarers are asked to be vigilant in checking their properties and assessing for weeds, including Miconia.This weed is classified as Prohibited Matter under the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015, meaning any known plants must be reported to your local authority, Rous County Council immediately on 66 233 800.For more information scan the QR code which will direct you to a full description of the plant via the Weedwise app.  

Two new exhibitions opening tonight at Serpentine Gallery
Two new exhibitions opening tonight at Serpentine Gallery

29 July 2021, 11:28 PM

Two new exhibitions are opening tonight, July 30 at Lismore's iconic community artspace, the Serpentine Gallery. "After the environmental exhibition which transformed the gallery with the strong presence of forest, the gallery is now filled with the blue hues of water. "We hope you all enjoy Michelle Gilroy's study of coral reefs and our latest members show called Flow," Serpentine Gallery posted on social media. "The Garden" by Michelle Gilroy is a body of work featuring under water scenes inspired by the great barrier reef, and "Flow" - a group show exploring the theme of water.Opening night is scheduled for a 6.00 pm start at 17 Bridge Street North Lismore. You will enter the gallery into 'The Garden' by emerging artist Michelle Gilroy. Gilroy's oil paintings are described as delicate and delightful, moody and technical.In the next room you enter 'Flow', a group show by members of the Serpentine Gallery exploring water, the birthplace of life on Earth and will showcase various mediums by a variety of artists. Drinks, cheese and crackers are available.The Gallery cordially requests those attending to behave in a safe and respectful manner and to please abide by the Gallery's covid rules:masks are to be worn inside the Gallerythe Gallery capacity is 18 people in order to comply with social distancing requirementsplease use the provided hand sanitiserThese two exhibitions are on show until 4.00 pm the 8th of August 2021.Upcoming exhibitions include 'Les and Lis - Drawn Together Again' which will be opening on Friday 13 August.

Fairy Dog Mother opens doggie day care in Lismore
Fairy Dog Mother opens doggie day care in Lismore

29 July 2021, 4:56 AM

Thursday is puppy day at Fairy Dog Mother Doggie Day Care - and just as with human children, the first day for some dogs (and their owners) can be nerve wracking.That’s where Donna Smith, the Fairy Dog Mother comes in.Donna loves working with dogs. She grew up with them and understands their behaviour and recently started the new doggie day care business in Lismore.Already she has had an overwhelming response from loving dog owners.“I used to work at another dog day care and grooming business that closed down because of Covid, so I knew there was a need for this service,” Donna said.Donna has created a welcoming space for small and medium sized dogs.Fairy Dog Mother Doggie Day Care is just like a preschool - there’s a sandpit, a pit of balls, lounges, water stations and play equipment.Some dogs arrive with packed lunches – and others just want to play all day.But just like with children at a human preschool, Donna said it’s important for dogs to have play time and rest time.“Dogs actually sleep 16 hours a day, so having quiet time is important – and I sit down with them and get them to chill out,” she said.At doggie day care, socialisation is an important part of play – and Donna said the dogs naturally form friendships with other dogs.On puppy day, the daschunds have formed a close bond - and the dogs with longer legs seem to have chosen each other to play with more.“Some dogs who have had a hard life have been changed by coming here,” Donna said. “I love that I can help change the experience for the dogs.“But it is important that any dogs coming here are already well socialised and desexed - particularly males because otherwise they are too aggressive - but breeding female dogs are ok.“I treat the dogs like my own and give them what they would get at home - including cuddles and pats – and they all get excited to come.“The owners know the dog is safe and secure and that the dog is getting loved.”One of the dogs on puppy day is an older, placid dog, Daisy.“Daisy was found by her owners on side of road with burnt paws burnt and they gave her a new life,” Donna said. “She’s so lovely. And Lilo the beagle is the sweetest ever. She makes friends with everyone and makes everyone feel comfortable.”So, if you want your dog to have a play date at doggie day care, the Fairy Dog Mother invites you to bring your dog and come and check it out first.It’s open Wednesday to Friday from 7.30am to 5pm and it’s a great service for working parents.Bookings are essential. For more information, visit the Fairy Dog Mother Doggie Day Care Facebook page.

Airport fence joins noise complaints for Lismore residents
Airport fence joins noise complaints for Lismore residents

28 July 2021, 9:03 AM

Flying ain’t what it used to be. Despite Covid changing the way we travel, Lismore Airport is still firmly in the local limelight.Since The Lismore App recently reported on aircraft noise complaints made by local residents, the issue has been discussed at a Lismore Council meeting and now, a community consultation is set to take place.To add to this, Caniaba resident Ross Robinson lives near the airport and contacted the Lismore App with concerns about the fencing that’s been built around the airport. In particular, he is worried about the unsuitability of the fencing that has been installed on a flood plain - across a creek bed and drain - on a bridge he regularly crosses on Caniaba Road.“When it floods, water can come over the bridge up to two metres,” he said.“I’m disappointed Council has wasted time and money building an unsuitable fence that won’t last.“It should have been built up off the ground, or as a swinging fence, like at Lismore Showgrounds with hinges so it swings up and down when water comes through.“The creek bed often has a lot of water come through in a heavy downpour of rain and the chain wire fence will collect any any rubbish that comes down, get bogged up, and fall over.”“I understand the new fence is to keep kangaroos off the runway,” Ross said. “It is definitely not for security purposes because it can be crawled under.”Council responseA Lismore City Council spokesperson said that the fence is actually a “first of its kind”.“The fence was designed to be collapsible so that in the event of heavy rain it will not stop the flow of water in the drain,” the spokesperson said.“The installation of fencing around Lismore Regional Airport is the final part of a $1.8 million NSW Government-funded project to upgrade the airport.“The fence is necessary to improve security at the airport and to prevent wildlife, such as kangaroos, from wondering onto the tarmac creating safety issues.“Other works carried out under this project included new runway lights, the refurbishment of the terminal, reseal of the runway and taxiways, street lighting at the general aviation end of the airport, one plane parking spot and a tourism display in the terminal.”Noise complaint update Following complaints from residents about increased aircraft noise from flying schools, the noise issue was raised at a Lismore Council meeting earlier this month. Lismore mayor Vanessa Ekins said she is taking the issue seriously and will begin a consultation process with the local community and open up a conversation about aviation rights and responsibilities, good neighbour policies, Council’s role and the future of the airport.“We know there is some confusion about what the regulations should be for plane noise and flying rules,” she said.“The Civil Aviation Authority (CASA) determines allowed flight hours and heights, not Lismore City Council. “But if people are being disturbed by noise, we have an opportunity to review our good neighbour policy.“Then we can the identify community expectations and begin a formal consultation process with CASA to make it clear.”Ms Ekins said the first stage of the consultation will involve information sharing about how the airport operates and gauge community expectation about the future of the airport.“It’s important we start getting information back from the community,” she said.“Since Covid began, the nature of the airport has changed, with Rex reducing flight numbers.“Aviation tourism has also increased the number of little planes flying into country areas – and the airport has expanded for flight schools to run out of Lismore airport.”

Southside farewells much loved pharmacist after 40 years
Southside farewells much loved pharmacist after 40 years

28 July 2021, 5:43 AM

After 40 years of bringing his dry sense of humour to customers at Southside Pharmacy, pharmacist Michael Hermann is retiring. Michael said he originally became a pharmacist because he “wasn’t smart enough to be a vet”."Being a vet was my first choice – but I’m scared of blood too - so it’s lucky I am a pharmacist,” he said.This week will be his last week of working in the local business that he opened in July 1981 – and the local community is sad to see him go.Michael said Southside Pharmacy is built on foundations of building relationships and providing great customer service – and it’s something that his customers have grown to love.“Being in South Lismore, I’ve seen a few floods over the years,” Michael said. “People came out of the woodwork to help us in floods in the old days - cleaning up the mess underneath and moving things back into the shop.“The community have been very good to me.”BeginningsMichael said he originally opened the pharmacy to fill in a needed gap in services for South Lismore residents.“There had already been a small pharmacy in Southside, but it closed down,” Michael said.“So, after locals asked me if I could do it, I originally opened a little shop down the road that used to be a junk shop. “We renovated it into a pharmacy and I had one staff member - Janelle Morrisey.“After a few years, the saddlery shop next door moved to North Lismore and was vacant, so we took that on too.”The current pharmacy opened in its current location 15 years ago and now Michael has 24 staff.“I’ve had the right staff to help me build the business over the years,” he said.“Although I’m the figurehead, it’s the staff you but staff you attract who make it happen through their hard work and service and you don’t have to watch what they are doing.”Over the years, as the pharmacy business grew, Michael started providing surgical equipment too.“The surgical hire business was a gradual addition because people were asking for surgical items, so it grew into a big business – Southside Health and Hire,” he said.“The time is right time for a new energy and enthusiasm to keep providing great customer service into the future.”The futureAfter working five and a half days a week for most of the past 40 years, Michael is ready for whatever retirement offer him.You might even see him filling in whenever a pharmacist is needed around town. Taking over the reins as pharmacist will be Kyle Wood. “Even though I’m retiring, the services will remain the same,” Michael said. “Kyle will keep the same staff and continue to expand the services."It's not Michael's just good customer service that will be remembered by locals, it's also his desire to give back to the community through supporting local charities that will be missed.Read more: Chemist's calendars keep the rescue helicopter flying

LisAmore! and Italian Film Fest rescheduled
LisAmore! and Italian Film Fest rescheduled

27 July 2021, 12:17 AM

Organisers of the city’s celebration of all things Italian have announced the postponement of LisAmore! 2021 and the Lismore Italian Film Festival. The Lismore Italian Film Festival at Lismore's Event Cinemas scheduled for Saturday, August 7 and Sunday, August 8 2021 has been postponed to April 2022. Organisers announced today their understanding of the disappointment felt by regional movie buffs and community partners. It is hoped when the challenges of the current health and safety protocols subside they can once again engage audiences for a wide range of high quality Italian films.While saddened to reschedule this event - which acknowledges the city’s Italian cultural heritage while celebrating over 30 years of the city’s friendship relationship with two NE Italian cities of Conegliano and Vittorio Veneto - they look forward to welcoming everyone next year. Lismore Friendship Festival Inc expects that like a phoenix LisAmore! will rise and return refreshed by the prospect of partnering with the revitalised Italo-Australian Club at their North Lismore premises in June 2022. This popular annual event offers authentic Italian entertainment, a fabulous Italian food court, games, dancing, displays of Italian cars and bikes and fun for locals and visitors of all ages.The Lismore Friendship Festival formerly held four very successful community celebrations at Spinks Park and had scheduled their family friendly outdoor event for Sunday, August 29 this year.They are disappointed they are unable to host the event this year due to the challenges facing most event organisers concerned for the health and safety of their guests. The festival committee is working with its supporters, sponsors, stallholders, performers and volunteers preparing to deliver a robust and engaging experience for all involved with this great community event in 2022. Once again it will acknowledge the contribution Italian settlers have made to our region. It is hopeful that by then COVID protocols will be better for accommodating such special events. Keep an eye on the Lismore Friendship Festival Facebook site for regular updates of preparations or at  Benvenuti e tutti.

Weekend weather looks fine and dandy
Weekend weather looks fine and dandy

23 July 2021, 12:26 AM

Weekend weather outlook for Lismore is shaping up for a nice weekend out in the sun, albeit with cooler daytime air temperatures accompanied by a cool North-westerly wind blowing off the ranges.A cold front is expected to move through the region on the weekend, bringing showers and windy conditions to mostly the ranges. Conditions are expected to stabilise Monday and Tuesday as a ridge of high pressure extends over the state following the front.Locally, Lismore has had cooler than average temperatures due to the cold front passing through on Tuesday and Wednesday.“With especially clear nights the temperatures have dropped further due to the already present cool daytime air temperatures,” Spokesperson from the Bureau of Meteorology said.Today, Friday there is a high-pressure area moving west to east and heading offshore. The high-pressure trough is over a low-pressure trough which is bringing clouds and medium chance of showers today with a top daytime temperature of between 16-19 degrees. Tenterfield has showers and a cold front passing west to east which indicates colder air moving in and will affect Lismore over the weekend.“Saturday we see daytime temperatures rising again, especially over lower terrain, sunny conditions with a daytime top expected temperature at Lismore 21 degrees.”No rain is expected in Lismore on Saturday.As the cold front moves east it will push cold air towards the coast with possible showers, however, Lismore and the coast will remain mostly dry and sunny. Sunday, the cold front will be passing west to east over the higher ranges with windy conditions starting and colder W-NW 15-20km/h picking up to around 30 km/h in the morning then easing in the evening. Small change in temperatures Monday after the cold front passes, with only slight changes, days will remain sunny but with cooler air temperatures. 

Tropical Fruits' clubhouse grows into rainbow community hub
Tropical Fruits' clubhouse grows into rainbow community hub

22 July 2021, 8:11 PM

A new rainbow pavilion and a queer black mob mural are on the way to the Tropical Fruits clubhouse in South Lismore. The new installations are set to make Lismore’s diverse LGBTIQ+ social club into an ever bigger, vibrant community hub than it already is.Tropical Fruits president Marie Reilly said the new infrastructure was thanks to two grants recently won by the club – one of which was a $9,000 Federal Government Stronger Communities Programme grant to build a new picnic shelter and additional art space at the clubhouse.“We have a parcel of land next to the clubhouse that we will build the permanent, roofed structure on, and we have bought a nearby house too, so we can expand and make the dream happen,” Marie said.“We have a big dream to make our clubhouse a community hub with more outdoor, all weather events held here. “Recently The Lesbian Caucus ran a women’s event ‘Women on the Green’ here and it was great.“Our long term goal is to have a pizza oven and a fire circle too.”Marie said the club also won a Healthy North Coast grant to create a ‘celebrating queer black mob’ mural at the clubhouse.“We are collaborating with the Queer Black Fruits Indigenous advisory group and local Indigenous artists for that,” she said.“We may create it as a free standing mural on the western side of the paddock and plant shade trees there.”With the help of community volunteers like the Bush Fruits Landcare group to plant trees, Marie is excited to make the two projects come to life.“We love the clubhouse,” she said. “We have the Transformers monthly trans social group and the Fresh Fruits youth group who meet here and use the space too. We love bringing people together.”EventsMarie said Tropical Fruits’ annual New Years Eve event brings in an estimated $5 to 10 million dollars to the local economy each year.“We are proud to be part of Lismore and the event’s cancellation last year was a blow to the club and the whole town,” she said.“It is not a little thing is a small regional economy like ours.“Tropical Fruits is a social club that is run by and for the LBGTIQ+ community and all our friends and allies and we have a great relationship with Lismore town,” she said.Fair Day in SeptemberMarie said plans were going ahead to hold the annual Fair Day at the Lismore Showgrounds on September 12, from 11am to 5pm.“It is an outdoors event and we are very confident it will go ahead as planned, under restrictions,” she said.“We will have the usual dog show, kids’ activities, cabaret show, hat parade show, bake off and photography show.“This year we also have a t-shirt design competition for young people. The winner gets their design printed onto a t-shirt.“It’s an inclusive day for the whole family – kids and dogs too. Come and chill on the grass and listen to tunes and it’s only costs a $5 entry fee.”

Queensland border to close to NSW - again
Queensland border to close to NSW - again

22 July 2021, 1:31 AM

It may come as no surprise – but this morning, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced that Queensland is closing its border to NSW.The closure begins at 1am tomorrow morning (Friday, July 23) as Queensland declares the whole of NSW a hotspot.For the next four weeks, only NSW/QLD border zone residents can enter the state for "essential reasons".In good news for Lismore – our area is included in this allowed border zone.This is despite the news that two construction workers at the Lismore Base Hospital redevelopment site were identified as close contacts of a COVID-19 exposure site in Coffs Harbour. Read more: Lismore Base Hospital construction workers in isolation.Essential reasons for cross border travel include healthcare, work, education, essential shopping and caring for vulnerable people.Queensland residents will be able to travel into the NSW border zone for similar reasons, but not further than the border zone.Queensland residents can return from non-border zone locations in NSW, but will need to complete 14 days in hotel quarantine.Other local government areas and regions in the NSW/Qld border zone are Ballina, Bourke, Brewarrina, Broken Hill, Byron, Clarence Valley, Glen Innes Severn, Gwydir, Inverell, Kyogle, Lismore, Moree Plains, Richmond Valley, Tenterfield, Tweed, Unincorporated Far West and Walgett.The border closure comes after NSW records 124 new locally acquired cases. It is the highest daily number in the current outbreak, which began mid-June.The QLD/NSW border could reopen sooner than the four weeks, depending on the outcome of their current outbreak.Travel requirementsFace mask restrictions will continue to apply in South East Queensland. This includes anyone who has been to the impacted areas in South East Queensland in the last 14 days.If you need to travel to Queensland, you must complete a Queensland Travel Declaration to enter Queensland from anywhere in Australia or New Zealand, including returning Queensland residents.You must complete the Queensland Travel Declaration in the 3 days before you travel to Queensland. It takes a few minutes to complete and your declaration will be sent to your email.You will be asked where you have been in the past 14 days. You must list all states and territories you have visited, even if your visit was brief or you travelled through an area.If conditions change or you need to update your travel details, you’ll need to complete a new declaration with updated details before you enter Queensland.Read more about where you can travel to: Covid updateOf the 124 NSW locally acquired cases, 67 are linked to a known case or cluster – 45 are household contacts and 22 are close contacts – and the source of infection for 57 cases is under investigation.Thirty-seven cases were in isolation throughout their infectious period and 22 cases were in isolation for part of their infectious period. Forty-eight cases were infectious in the community, and the isolation status of 17 cases remains under investigation.No new overseas-acquired cases were recorded in the 24 hours to 8pm last night. Four cases reported previously, but since found to be false positives, have been excluded, bringing the total number of cases in NSW since the beginning of the pandemic to 7,164.There have been 1,648 locally acquired cases reported since 16 June 2021, when the first case in the Bondi cluster was reported.There are currently 118 COVID-19 cases admitted to hospital, with 28 people in intensive care, 14 of whom require ventilation.There were 85,185 COVID-19 tests reported to 8pm last night, a new record compared with the previous day’s total of 83,477.NSW Health administered 23,549 COVID-19 vaccines in the 24 hours to 8pm last night, including 7,923 at the vaccination centre at Sydney Olympic Park.The total number of vaccines administered in NSW is now 3,226,932, with 1,258,864 doses administered by NSW Health to 8pm last night and 1,968,068 administered by the GP network and other providers to 11:59pm on Tuesday 20 July 2021.

Curious Kookaburra's new creatory is no laughing matter
Curious Kookaburra's new creatory is no laughing matter

21 July 2021, 8:54 PM

The Curious Kookaburra has flown into the Star Court Arcade, making a new crafty space for community creators.According to shop owner Rebecca Ryan, her new Curious Kookaburra Creatory might generate a lot of fun and laughter - but it’s a serious business.Rebecca recently opened the Creatory after a huge response from locals who loved her creative and artistic workshops. She said the new arcade space can be used by people in the community who want to run their own small gatherings and workshops.The Curious Kookaburra Creatory is Rebecca’s second business in Lismore. Last October, she opened The Curious Kookaburra on Keen Street - selling all things hand-made by local craftspeople.Read more: The Curious Kookaburra shop flies into the CBDAbove: Rebecca Ryan in the Curious Kookaburra Keen Street shop. Below: The new Curious Kookaburra Creatory space.“Last year, I knew business would be slow because of Covid and travel restrictions,” Rebecca said, “So to keep things busy, I started running crafting workshops in the small Keen Street shop. “They were so popular, I was coming in on my days off to rearrange the shop and set up for them. “I saw there was enough demand for workshops, so I needed a space that could be used for creating all the time. "When I found the new arcade shop space with its natural light and floor tiles, I knew it as perfect for doing creative things”“Now, I have social groups who meet there and people hire it for private creative functions - and their own workshops. “Someone recently had a crafternoon high tea birthday party and this week a class started there teaching Japanese lessons.”Rebecca said the new space is just another way she can support the local community to be creative.“Being creative is my passion,” she said. “I’ve been sewing since I was a kid and I’ve done loom weaving, basket weaving, photography, leather work, ceramics and mixed media collaging.“When I opened the Curious Kookaburra shop, it was all about supporting creative makers to get their stuff out in the community - and share their talent with other people.“It was a natural progression to start running workshops - and the new space encourages everyone to be creative.”Rebecca said this weekend, she will be running her own workshop in the Creatory, showing people how to make a fabric satchel bag.“Recently, someone held a leather gemstone pendant making workshop and the next leather work workshop is already booked out,” she said.If you would like to rent out the Curious Kookaburra Creatory space at 15 Star Court Arcade, you can rent it by the hour or on a regular basis. For more information, visit the Curious Kookaburra Creatory Facebook page or phone Rebecca Ryan on 0408 478 253.

Lismore Star Court Theatre celebrates 100 years
Lismore Star Court Theatre celebrates 100 years

16 July 2021, 5:09 AM

Culture buffs are in for a real treat this coming Saturday when Lismore Star Court Theatre celebrates 100 years of being the first and foremost live performance and film theatre in the Northern Rivers.Originally the ‘Diggers Theatre’ it was located next to Lismore’s Commercial Hotel in Woodlark Street.At the time an open-air theatre with a canvas roof it drew a prospectus and raised $22,000 for TJ Dorgan who then built what is known today as the Star Court Theatre and Arcade with its twenties brick façade, opening with much fanfare on 18th July, 1921.At the arrival of sound the theatre had a facelift, with new seats, carpet and drapes and the new RCA Photophone.Families could also enjoy a matinee and many films were accompanied by the latest leading Vaudeville artists.TJ Dorgan passed in 1944 leaving the management of the Star Court to Fred Kehoe between 1934-1963. During this time North Coast Theatres and HJ Harder managed the theatre. In 1980 Birch Caroll and Coyle acquired and refurbished it to accommodate a seating capacity of 450. It was renamed Cinema Lismore.Over the course of the following sixteen years many films were screened at the beloved cinema with its iconic green seats that put your bum to sleep.When 1996 rolled around prominent businessman, visionary and mentor Dr Floriano Volpato OAM bought the Theatre. To this day his son, Nicola Volpato in tandem with Court Stars Entertainment are committed to revitalizing The Star Court Theatre’s glory days by ensuring a space rich with avant-garde cultural flavours and live performances. In keeping with this theme, Sharon Rigby and Sarah-Jane Loxton have prepared a Gala to celebrate the Star Courts wondrous history and heritage with a special screening of the silent film ‘The Razor Gang’.“We went to the historical society and they had a snippet of it,” Ms Loxton said.“It was filmed in 1928 and was filmed at the same time as the memorial baths were opened. “There’s footage of the theatre, the baths, and other parts around the area.”Ms Loxton said that the film was made by American stuntman and husband to famous silent-era actress Eva Novak, William Reed. “There is a tie to Hollywood in Lismore.“It’s a really cool little piece of history – traditional silent film had live music playing with it.  “When the Star Court was first built there was an orchestra pit along with live ballet and music too.”The event will be hosted and MC’d by local musician and performer Ilona Harker and the silent film will have music accompaniment by Vincent and Buttons.There will also be performances by Black Train and Jex Lopez.The night kicks off at 7.00 pm. For more information please visit their event page here. Or via their Facebook event page.

Kate Bush look-a-likes called to dance on Wutherspoon Street
Kate Bush look-a-likes called to dance on Wutherspoon Street

15 July 2021, 6:40 AM

The strains of Kate Bush’s song ‘Wuthering Heights’ will float down North Lismore’s Wotherspoon Street this Saturday when a gang of Kate Bush look-a-likes gather to dance to the iconic song.There will be plenty of red dresses and floaty arm waving as Kate’s fans re-enact her unique dance style – made famous in the Wuthering Heights music video.This Saturday, July 17 marks an International day of celebrating Kate Bush’s birthday and in Lismore, the local gathering is called The Most Wuthering Heights Day Lismore.Organiser and Kate Bush fan, Donna Spotty Girl Walker, invites anyone interested in participating or watching, to come along.All you need to do is wear red, watch the song’s video and try to emulate her dance movements.If you can look like Kate Bush, even better - wear a floaty red dress, put on a black wig and wear a red flower in your hair.The fun all started about five years ago when a group of locals (The Kates of Lismore) who loved the song ‘Wuthering Heights’ started up the local event.“We all love the song, dressing up like Kate Bush and the energy of getting out and dancing in the park for fun,” Donna said.“Anyone who wants to get involved just needs to look at the dance in the song’s video before they come.“There’s even an instructional video on YouTube that people can watch to see the simple moves we will do.”People are encouraged to arrive by 10.30am and then go through a few practice runs of the song before it is captured on film by Tony Batchelor, with intentions to be uploaded to YouTube – along with hundreds of others across the world.“We will all be outside and socially distanced - and people can choose to wear masks,” Donna said.“Even if you don’t want to participate come, bring the kids and puppies, and just watch – and bring your own chair if you want to sit down.”The event will be held at the little park at the end of Wotherspoon Street in North Lismore, from 10.30 to 11.30am.Donna said there’s not much parking on the street, so it’s best to park on Bridge Street and walk down to the park.“It’s looking to be good weather on Saturday,” she said “If it rains we will call it off.“After we are done, we usually all go to the Northern Rivers Hotel together.”For more information, visit the event Facebook page

Rules enforcement makes some unhappy campers at Showgrounds
Rules enforcement makes some unhappy campers at Showgrounds

15 July 2021, 4:32 AM

The Lismore Showgrounds has long been a place of refuge for people who need a camp site.So, when some unhappy campers were asked to move on after their two week stay was up, the Lismore App wanted to find out what the camping rules there actually are.According to North Coast National secretary Mark Sollom, the length of stay for any campers has always officially been two weeks.“Our Development Approval (DA) allows people to stay here up to two weeks at a time and no more than 50 days a year,” Mark said.“This was not always adhered to and during Covid time, the previous secretary was told people could stay longer.“But to continue with this would be in contradiction of our DA.”EmergenciesThe Lismore Showgrounds has long been used in times of emergencies to support people in need. Read more: Lismore Showground shelters bushfire survivors Lismore Showgrounds is designated as a fire safety area, not an emergency evacuation centre.It was used during the 2019 bushfire season, where many locals and travellers camped there to escape potential fire threats.The showground has toilet and shower facilities and camping in tents and caravans only is allowed.It can only be used for camping when events are not being held there.“Everyone comes here on the understanding they have to clear out for events, so it’s not a big deal,” Mark said.The Lismore ShowMark said planning is well underway for the Showgrounds’ big annual event in October – the Lismore Show.“We are forging ahead with plans to hold the show on October 21 to 23,” Mark said.“Last year’s event was cancelled because of Covid, so it’s important that we are able to hold it this year – it’s one of the main ways we make money to keep the showground running.” 

Local musical diva wins $25K to tour Australia
Local musical diva wins $25K to tour Australia

14 July 2021, 8:19 PM

Lismore’s unique dramatic diva, Jex Lopez, is ready to spread her musical quirkiness on tour across Australia.Jex recently won a $25,000 contemporary music touring grant from the Australia Council to take her new self titled album on a national tour.It’s an adventure that will start in Lismore on September 10, when she officially launches the album at the Star Court Theatre.The grantJex said getting the grant was a massive process, involving a lot of work putting together an application to get her show on the road.“It’s a prestigious grant,” Jex said “When applying, you have to organise the tour as if you are actually going to do it – even though you may not get the money.“I dreamed big and booked all the venues, believing I was going to get the grant. I got support letters from Mojo Juju and Kate Stroud.”The tourOn tour with Jex (on piano and vocals) will be tour manager Gabby Le Brun, Bec Newman on guitar and harmonies, Melissa Hunt on double bass and clarinet and Jex’s partner Tia Mavanie on projections and visuals.With two pianos in tow, the three and a half week long tour will travel by van from Brisbane down to Sydney - at 12 gigs at different locations.Locations include Federal, Murwillumbah Brisbane, Tenterfield, Armidale, Sydney, Newcastle and the Blue Mountains.“We will perform at fancy old theatres along the way, and will join up with Newcastle’s New Annual Festival at the Civic Playhouse,” Jex said.Jex said having Elly on tour was important - as she could liaise with venues - and iron out the logistical details“There are so many hidden things people don’t realise happen in touring – such as organising accommodation and being on the door at venues," she said.“After 15 years of performing and doing most of it myself at gigs, it’s great to have the support.”The albumJex said she’s excited about the launch of her second album – which she self-funded to record.“I launched an online fundraiser online to help pay for the album – and I’m putting on a dinner,” she said. “It costs about $10,000 all up to record it.”Jex’s new album involved the musical talents of different local artists, including Tilly Jones, Mr Rhodes, Bec Newman, Melissa Hunt, Vonnstar, Helen Pollock and Matthew Lindon.Her genre-defying album is a musical mix of latin, blues, dramatic singing and skillful piano and her vocals have been described as “haunting” with a touch of operatic blues and a dose of Latin Diva.”Jex said her songs tell tales of truth on recovering from trauma, racism, hybrid identities, deaths in custody and self love.“I like to create safe spaces to talk about marginalized issues and taboo topics,” she said.“I’ve a long history of being involved with social justice issues over the years as a performer, activist, teacher and musician.“My songs draw on my own life experiences and speak about recovering from sexual trauma, racism, self love, mental health and migration.“I want to flip society on its head and celebrate diversity in all its forms, including sexuality, ethnicity and disability.“I am about truth, justice, bravery and beauty in all its weird and diverse forms.”The launch in LismoreThe album will be launched on September 10 at the Star Court Theatre, with local support act Mykaela Jay.Jex said launching the album in Lismore was important to her, as a big part of her fan base was here.“I have a lot of support from the queer and socially progressive activist communities in Lismore and Sydney,” Jex said.The event will be opened by local Widjabal leader Cindy Roberts – who will perform a smoking ceremony and Welcome to Country.Iranian spoken word artist Sahar will support Jex at the Regent in Murwillumbah.To attend or find out more about the Lismore album launch on September 10, visit can also follow her music on Facebook at

Masks and restrictions here for longer as Govt extends lockdown
Masks and restrictions here for longer as Govt extends lockdown

14 July 2021, 4:03 AM

The current Covid restrictions and mask wearing rules for regional NSW have been extended again by another two weeks until the end of July.Read more news: Disappointed organisers cancel Byron Writer's Festival In a press conference today, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the lockdown in the Sydney region which was due to end this Friday has been extended for at least two weeks to July 30. The Premier said the lockdown was necessary, after NSW recorded 97 new Covid-19 cases.She also said that while it "hurt" to have to extend the lockdown, state could not afford any setbacks."We want to get out of this lockdown as soon as we can and that is why we have the settings in place that we have,” she said.“The current settings in terms of what people can't do won't change for at least two weeks.“Of course, if health advice changes and we need to do anything further, we will.”Read more local news: Shopkeepers targeted in mask-wearing signage controversyCasesOf the recorded Covid cases, 70 of them were in Sydney's south west and 24 of the new cases were out in the community while infectious.While most of the new infections were linked to known clusters, the source of 36 remained under investigation.NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant said there were currently 71 COVID-19 patients in hospital.Twenty of them were in intensive care, four of whom were ventilated.StudentsThe extension of the lockdown means it will overlap with the start of HSC trials for Year 12 students, with home learning continuing for Sydney school students for another two weeks. The Premier said special arrangements would be put in place for those students.With tighter restrictions also now in place in parts of Sydney, the Premier said financial support measures were now in place to allow non-essential workers to stay at home.

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