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Lismore's Salvos bring Christmas cheer to families and kids
Lismore's Salvos bring Christmas cheer to families and kids

25 December 2020, 12:07 AM

The salvation Army’s Pastor Phil Sutcliffe has finished organising 105 family hampers to be distributed to 300 people who need them this Christmas. There’s not just food in the hampers, but toys for the 180 children who might otherwise go without.It’s been a challenging year for the Salvos, as their usual volunteer coordination to get the hampers ready was restricted by Covid regulations. But, thanks to the generosity of the individuals and businesses who contributed to the Christmas appeal, Pastor Sutcliffe said the community stepped up and made it happen through donations given through the Kmart wishing tree and business and school toy drives.Inside the Salvos toy warehouse were hundreds of donated toys for Christmas.“In the Christmas hampers were Woolworths grocery cards to allow people to purchase fresh produce and a Christmas ham, and they received a Christmas Day goody bag which had – chips, lollies, soft drink, custard, plum pudding and candy canes,” he said.Pastor Sutcliffe’s Christmas message to the community is about taking time to value friends and family.“After a chaotic and tough year for us all, it’s important to take the time to move away from commercialism and presents and really value the time we spend with family,” he said.“The reality is that many people have had Christmas plans changed and up-ended – so we need to value that time spent together. It’s maybe not what we hoped for, but if we push aside the differences, we can enjoy the company of who we get to spend it with.“In the new year, we expect to see an even greater need for the Salvos services as Jobseeker and Jobkeeper allowances come to an end.Packed hampers for Christmas.The salvos wish to thank the following for their donations:Kmart Lismore – Wishing TreeRotary Club of Summerland SunriseWyrallah Road Public SchoolBexhill Public SchoolClunes Public SchoolCommonwealth BankWestpac BankNewcastle Permanent Building SocietyJanelle SaffinLismore City CouncilLismore Square

Who will put their hand up to be Lismore’s next mayor?
Who will put their hand up to be Lismore’s next mayor?

24 December 2020, 12:37 AM

Now that Lismore’s Mayor Isaac Smith has handed in his resignation, the task of choosing the next Mayor will fall to Lismore City Council’s eight remaining Councillors at the next Council meeting on February 9 next year. Read more about Cr Smith’s resignation: Isaac Smith resigns as Mayor of LismoreThe councillors will then vote on which of them will become mayor until the local government elections take place in September 2021. It will be a time for whoever is voted in as to show the community what they can do as mayor before the polling booths open later in the year.So, after drought, pandemic, floods and fires caused havoc in our corner of the world, who out of our current councillors will put their hands up for this challenging top job?Cr Neil MarksAt the moment, Cr Neil Marks is the Deputy Mayor, and the mayoral duties have already fallen into his hands since Cr Smith took leave in November. He has also held the deputy position once before, when Jenny Dowell was Lismore’s mayor.“I’ve already been standing in as mayor and will continue to do so until the February meeting,” Cr Marks said. “I do intent to put my hand up for mayor – but the outcome will depend on who councillors deem to be best.“I took on the role knowing it will be demanding of my time and knowing I would be running most of workshops as Isaac was very busy. You always need to step up when you are acting in a community role like this and it’s good there’s a break over Christmas to take a deep breath until the next workshops begin in late January.”Cr Darlene CookCr Darlene Cook has also taken on the deputy mayor role during her term as councillor, and said she intends to run for mayor at the September election.“So, I imagine I will put my hand in February for mayor and see how my peers feel about me taking on the role,” she said.“Councillors need to realise this is a full time job. Isaac struggled to do two full time jobs and it was difficult for him. Lismore deserves someone capable of giving the job their full attention.”Cr Cook said her term as deputy mayor was challenging and she learned a lot, including how to handle media and not be nervous when giving speeches. She said it is important to her to be a voice for the outlying villages in the Lismore LGA.“I’m the only councillor who lives outside of town and I try my best to attend village forums and events,” she said. “Especially in Nimbin to make sure they have a voice – they feel as though they don’t get enough and want more representation.”Cr Nancy CassonCr Nancy Casson said she is definitely going to throw her hat in the ring for the February vote for mayor, but thinks it’s unlikely she’ll be chosen by her peers.“I put my hand up for deputy mayor in September, but didn’t get it,” she said. "Crs Lloyd and Guise voted for me and the rest voted for Cr Marks.“I was down about it, but a friend said it’s council voting, but if it was the community voting, I would get it.”Cr Casson said while she was looking forward to running as an independent at next September’s election, the downside was the costs she had to bear.“It costs 18K to run alone in an election, so you do a lot of knocking on doors to get donations for printing and other costs.“I have all those costs and the next term of office is only for three years – until 2024 - not four like usual, because Covid made the current term a year longer.”Cr Elly BirdCr Elly Bird said it was still early days at this stage about whether or not she would put up her hand as mayor.“But, yes I plan on putting my hand up - but will be making my mind up in the new year,” she said.“I was deputy mayor in 2018 and I know that being mayor is a real challenge, but it’s an honour. I’m sure whoever is chosen will do a good job.“I want to acknowledge the work Isaac Smith put in over last four years through a number of challenges we have faced, and he did a good job. I wish his all the best in hisendeavours.”Cr Bill MoorhouseCr Bill Moorhouse said he won't be putting his hand up for the role of mayor.The Lismore App also contacted Crs Vanessa Ekins, Adam Guise and Edie Lloyd, but we are still waiting to hear from them.

Decorations competition brings Christmas spirit to St Vincent's wards
Decorations competition brings Christmas spirit to St Vincent's wards

23 December 2020, 11:05 PM

Every year at St Vincent’s Hospital in Lismore, there’s a coveted prize that all the staff fiercely fight for. It’s the accolades for winning the best decorated ward competition.This year, the competition was won by the renal dialysis unit – to the happiness of staff and patients on the ward, including the ward’s clinical nurse specialist, Jacquie Mallaby.Jacquie said it’s a highly competitive event, with all wards across the hospital going to a huge amount of effort to make them as inviting and cheerful as possible.Renal Dialysis UnitAs you enter the renal dialysis unit, you walk down a corridor lined with paintings of all of Santa’s reindeer - they were painted by one of the artistic minded nurses on the ward. Then you spy the Christmas tree, lit up with presents underneath it. Behind it is a present wrapping station.The whole ward is inviting and feels like the Christmas spirit resides there.Jacquie said for many patients at the hospital who have to come multiple times a week for treatment, having a cheerful and inviting environment makes everything so much better.Read more about the renal dialysis unit: St Vincent's Hospital renal dialysis unit gets an early Christmas presentWhen you tour around the different wards of the hospital, you see so many different and colourful themes of decorations.OncologyIn oncology, there’s a huge tree growing up the wall behind the nurses’ station, with leaves and branches dripping down and baubles hanging from the roof. Along the walls are pictures of all the staff dressed as Santa’s elves.There’s also a huge hospital fundraiser hamper there - and people have been buying tickets to win it. It’s a hamper that grows bigger every year as people come together to support the hospital.Ward fourIn ward four, the decorations are in the theme of Disney’s movie Frozen.The corridor has icicles and there’s a snowman made of hard foam the staff squeezed into shape.Costume competition and ward threeIn ward three, the surgical unit, unit manager Jenny Prosser carries the title of best dressed staff member in a Christmas theme.It’s a title she has been winning year after year – which becomes apparent when you see her costumes. She often searches online for her stunning dress ups.“Every year all the staff have the opportunity to do this dress up but not everyone does,” Jenny said.“Every year we have a theme in this ward and whatever the theme is, I try and get a costume that goes with that theme.Candy cane laneThe ward this year had a candy cane lane theme, so she dressed as a candy cane.“Last year we had a snow theme, so I dressed as a penguin,” Jenny laughed.“I’ve been a Christmas Tree and a snowman and a Christmas bauble.”“We have a staff member here that makes all the baubles in the ward by hand. It’s a huge amount of effort and they go all out.“Were a highly competitive bunch – and the prize is just a certificate – so, it’s all about the accolades.Judges Jenny said most years, it’s usually the kids that judge the competition, but this year it was some of the hospital managers who judged the winner.“When the kids see the decorations, they smile,” she said.“I had a three year old who had her tonsils out the other day and she walked out in the morning and had a big smile and said ‘mum, he’s been’ and she got a candy cane.“It’s so lovely - we don’t it for competition, but for fun.”Jenny Prosser in some of her previous years' costumes.

Isaac Smith resigns as Mayor of Lismore
Isaac Smith resigns as Mayor of Lismore

23 December 2020, 10:27 PM

Yesterday, Lismore’s Lord Mayor, Isaac Smith handed in his resignation from his role in council. He said his resignation will take effect on January 31 and a new mayor will be elected at the first Council meeting on February 9 next year. Read more: Who will put their hand up to be Lismore’s next mayor?“I wanted to be clear before the end of year what my intentions were,” Cr Smith said. “I wanted to let all the politicians and council staff know that next year I’m stepping down.Cr Smith began his career in Lismore City Councillor in 2008 - 13 years ago - spending eight years as a councillor and four and a half years as mayor. Earlier in 2020, just before Covid began, he also stepped up as chief executive of local NGO, HART Services. Next year, he intends to focus on his CEO role.“Juggling the role of mayor and chief executive is time consuming,” Isaac said. “It is better if someone else who has time to do everything the role of mayor needs steps in to do it.“2020 was a difficult year for everyone there have also been impacts on my family life, with having a busy job.”In the course of his term as mayor of Lismore, Cr Smith said the hardest times were during the 2017 flood.“For me being on the ground from beginning and staying there for weeks on end with the community took a hard toll,” he said “My term as mayor was about extremes - natural disasters and complicated issues at council."Then there were the Council budget shortfalls, the SRV and resignations of fellow councillors Gianpiero Battista and Greg Bennett in August this year when their elected terms expired.“It’s been one of the toughest jobs being on a council trying to get decisions made between different groups of people – whether it was a small DA to a large environmental issue.“Being mayor can be hard, but we act together as a group of councillors to make the hard decisions. We saw other councils fall over last year and Lismore City Council stayed.“We’ve tackled some tough issues over the past four years, but I see my legacy as leaving a foundation for the future of city. I’ve spent all my life taking about the potential for the future of Lismore.”Before Cr Smith took the mayoral reins, he said he was mentored by previous mayor Jenny Dowell and that the ensuing years have all been worthwhile.With an election coming up in September 2021, Cr Smith advises anyone considering to step up onto council or into the role of mayor in future to do your research, go to meetings, and understand what you are putting your hand up for.“I leave knowing Council is in good hands and I trust Council staff – they do a phenomenal job," he said.When it comes to the people who have given him a hard time through his term as mayor, Isaac said “in the end, people hate the position”.“Most of the people I meet are trying to get the best outcome for themselves or their families,” he said.“I believe everyone wants the best and I don’t wish anyone ill. I hope they all have a safe and peaceful Christmas and work with people on Council to get things happening.”

On the road? Be aware of double demerits and holiday highway traffic changes
On the road? Be aware of double demerits and holiday highway traffic changes

23 December 2020, 6:52 PM

With Christmas and the holiday season upon us, many people will be heading out on the road to visit friends, family, or begin our holidays. So to enjoy yourself and arrive at your destination safely, take breaks, buckle up, put the phone away - and be aware of the following highway traffic changes if you are heading north or south.Double-demerit points NSW Police have advised that double-demerit points come into play from midnight (12.01am) on Thursday December 24 until and 11.59pm on Sunday, January 3, 2021.They apply for speeding, seatbelt, mobile phone and motorcycle helmet offences.NSW Police officers will also be targeting other high-risk driver behaviour, including the Four Ds; drink, drug, dangerous and distracted driving.Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Paul Toole said road crashes have claimed the lives of 291 people in NSW so far this year and almost half of those fatalities involved speeding.“Country people make up only a third of NSW’s population but last year deaths on country roads made up two thirds of our road toll - and 79 of those killed on NSW roads so far this year died as a result of crashes on country roads," he said.“The impact is massive for so many more people, with more than 11,000 injured in road crashes in 2019 alone.“Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to travel, don’t speed, drive to the conditions, wear your seatbelt, avoid distractions, make sure you’re well rested and if you’ve been drinking or have taken drugs, don’t drive.”Pacific Highway changesMotorists can expect the following traffic conditions on the Pacific Highway until Sunday, January 10, 2021 while the Woolgoolga to Ballina upgrade is happening, weather permitting.Heading North?Transport for NSW has advised there will be no roadwork on the Pacific Highway between Kew and the Queensland border until 6pm Sunday 3 January due to the high traffic volume expected for the school holidays and Christmas and New Year period. Emergency maintenance and safety repair work will be carried out as required.  Heading South?From Monday 4 January, there will be six days of work on Woodburn-Evans Head Road at Woodburn and Broadwater-Evans Head Road at Broadwater for property access and finishing work. Motorists can expect lane closures, traffic control and a reduced speed limit between 6am and 6pm. Also from Monday, there will be six days of work on Whites Road, Marozin Road, Redgate Road and Gallon Road at New Italy and Tuckombil Road at Woodburn for property access work, guardrail maintenance and finishing work including paving, drainage and fence installation. Motorists can expect traffic control and lane closures between 6am and 6pm. Motorists are advised to drive to the conditions and follow the direction of signs and traffic control. For the latest traffic updates download the Live Traffic NSW or call 132 701. 

St Vincent's Hospital renal dialysis unit gets an early Christmas present
St Vincent's Hospital renal dialysis unit gets an early Christmas present

23 December 2020, 5:47 AM

Peter Hunt has been coming for kidney dialysis at St Vincent’s Hospital days times a week for the past four years. He’s one of the 17 regular patients who is benefiting from the 12 new renal dialysis machines and chairs just installed at the hospital as part of an upgrade to the Renal Dialysis Unit.Peter Hunt in St Vincent's Hospital Renal Dialysis Unit.Christmas in hospitalBecause it’s Christmas time, Peter wears his elf hat, and sits in a special dialysis chair in the unit for four hours while he is hooked up to a dialysis machine which cleans and filters his blood.“It gets me out of the house and is not painful at all,” he laughed.Before he started dialysis, Peter experienced symptoms of a “terrible itch” in his legs.“I think it was brought about by my Type 2 diabetes,” he said. “I was on tablets before I started dialysis which didn’t do much good.“The toxins that cause the itch and being hit by a truck feeling disappeared once I started dialysis and my blood was cleaned.After he has dialysis, Peter has a rest at home and he said his health is markedly improved.Peter and the other patients, are are cheered by the friendly staff, in a comfortable ward which has been beautifully decorated for Christmas. In fact, the renal dialysis unit won the highly competitive ‘best decorated ward’ competition at the hospital. Read more about it: Decorations competition brings Christmas spirit to St Vincent's Hospital wardsInside the Renal Dialysis Unit.Servicing the communityRenal Dialysis Unit clinical nurse specialist Jacquie Mallaby said the ward becomes like a second home to the regular patients in the ward.“The staff get to know them well and become friends,” she said. “We also service the wider community for people who come here on holidays or come to visit relatives, haveprivate health insurance and need dialysis.“It can be a restrictive life for people needing dialysis and it’s good they can get away and have a break.”Jacquie said there are three nephrologists (doctors who look after kidneys) in Lismore and one of them, Dr James, is based at St Vincent’s.Statistics Currently more than 1.5 million Australians are living with early signs of kidney diseases, according to Kidney Health Australia.On the North Coast of NSW, nearly 5000 men and 4000 women are hospitalised every year for chronic kidney disease.St Vincent's Hospital Renal Dialysis Unit staff and hospital management staff.New machines and chairsJacquie said the 12 new renal dialysis machines are replacing the older ones which have reached the end of their life span. There’s also a new reverse osmosis machine, which is responsible for cleaning the water used in the dialysis machines during the blood cleaning process.“The machines mimic the function of our actual kidneys,” Jacquie said. “Our kidneys are responsible for filtering the blood, maintaining blood pressure and acid base balance in the body.“Once the kidneys have failed, they excrete wastes of metabolism and when they build up cause itching, nausea, and patients don’t want to eat.“When someone is getting close to needing dialysis they are feeling pretty crappy and they start feeling better and their appetite and sleep improves when we start cleaning their blood."Increasing capacitySt Vincent’s Hospital chief executive Steve Briley said buying the new machines meant there was capacity to increase the numbers patients and staff.“We are seeing an increase in the number of patients using the hospital’s renal service and we are now in a position to better service them,” he said.“We have ten dialysis chairs now, but we bought 12 to increase the number available,” he said. “At the moment we only have staff on one shift a day, but we would like to increase it to two.“It also means quicker treatment, as having a spare helps when each machine is taken offline after a treatment and put into a cleaning mode to prepare it for the next patient.“Getting these new machines gives us another ten years of life with the machines – and we can continue to provide this important service.“We see ourselves complementing patients in the public system receiving treatment at Lismore Base Hospital and having the most modern medical equipment available is great news for our medical teams and our patients.”

Bruce and Bev make Grevillea Grove a sparkling Christmas lights wonderland
Bruce and Bev make Grevillea Grove a sparkling Christmas lights wonderland

22 December 2020, 5:22 AM

Bruce and Bev Supple have taken joy in setting up a Christmas lights display at their home for 42 years. They also love to stand out the front and say hi to people as they come driving or walking past to see their spectacular lights show.Before they came to live in Grevillea Grove in Goonellabah seven years ago, they lived in Modanville for 35 years.“In the early days, we did the milk carton trick, where we put candles into milk bottles to make a lights show,” Bruce said. “You don’t see that anymore.“Then there came the lights that needed the bulbs pulling out if they blew – but now with the new LED bulbs, the low wattage makes it a great for power bills.“In the past days, people would want to donate money toward the lights bills or to a cause, but noone is allowed to take donations any more.”Waterfalls, reindeer and kangaroosWhen you look at the roof of their Grevillea Grove home, you see there’s a waterfall of light that flows down the side of the house and across the path and over the front lawn, before becoming a lagoon on the grass. Then there’s two reindeer having a drink from the stream.There’s a musical Christmas lamppost out the front, containing a Santa with falling snow around home, that Bev brings in every night to keep it dry.They are not Catholics, but they have a Nativity scene with Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the lambs.This year, because of Covid, Bev said the only difference is that they can’t have a real life Santa on the lawn handing out lollipops to children.“Last year, we handed out 700 lollipops,” she laughed.Labour of loveBruce said he wasn’t even sure how many lights they have – but there are so many the couple start setting them up in early November, so that they are ready for the beginning of December.Bruce used to set up all the roof lights himself, but he’s getting older now and a neighbour helps the couple out these days.“It takes a day to lift the lights off the lawn and mow it,” Bruce said. “Then it takes five mows over the month to keep it all looking good.“Last year we put the lights up in the heat,” Bruce said. “We had bushfires and the dust, and this year, we’ve had Covid and the rain.”Last week’s extreme weather event last week stopped the couple from coming out and saying hi to people – but they love it when someone tells them their lights brought the magic of Christmas back into their lives.Christmas dayThis year, the couple said their Christmas day will the smallest they have ever had – with only six people at their home instead of the usual 20.“The border closures are affecting family coming down to visit,” Bev said,“We have children, four grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren now,” Bev said. “The lights have become the wow factor for the little ones.See the lightsIf you want to check out the couple’s lights, they will be switched on from 6pm to 11 pm until the end of Christmas day, so make sure you go and look before then.The Lismore App has a listing of Christmas lights show in the area, so if you have lights at your place, please let us know by emailing simon@lismoreapp and send us a photo!See the Lismore App’s Christmas lights location listings in our Christmas section: Christmas

Christmas lights show shines bigger at the Balderi's house
Christmas lights show shines bigger at the Balderi's house

17 December 2020, 7:45 PM

For Crystal and Jason Balderi, the love of all things Christmas has grown every year. This year, the front of their Ballina Road house, lawn and driveway are lit up with hundreds of sparkling lights – and there’s Christmas carols playing from a speaker system.The couple have been lighting up their home for the past four years and this week, they were excited to add a two metre high Santa Claus to their spectacular Christmas show.“We love Christmas,” Crystal said. “We have two young children and my six year old loves the display.“My mum gave us the new Santa Claus because she knows we love it – now it’s our favourite decoration.”It took the couple three days to set up the magical light show and Crystal said since they have been lighting up, more and more people on their road have been decorating their houses too and she loves seeing it.“We had a few people stop and tell us how good it was and beep their horn as they go past,” she laughed.There’s little snowflakes and a rope light lining the footpath, Christmas boxes, a kangaroo and waterfall lights on two sets of windows.“The window lights are laser lights and they beat in time to the Christmas carols,” Crystal said.The Balderi’s lights turn on at 6.30pm each night and turn off at midnight, so if you take a drive by 173 Ballina Road, you can take a look at the Balderi’s spirit of Christmas.Send us your picturesThe Lismore App has a listing of Christmas lights show in the area, so if you have lights at your place, please let us know by emailing simon@lismoreapp and send us a photo!See the Lismore App’s Christmas lights location listings in our Christmas section: ChristmasChristmas lights display at Rosella Gardens, Goonellabah There are other Christmas light displays in Goonellabah and South Lismore. In Rosella Gardens at Goonellabah, the following lights display is spectacular.

UPDATE: Nimbin town water is restored after being cut off
UPDATE: Nimbin town water is restored after being cut off

17 December 2020, 4:52 AM

Lismore City Council has repaired a major water main break at the Nimbin reservoir and is advising residents that water usage can return to normal.A severe storm that hit Nimbin overnight washed away part of the refilling line between the DE Williams dam and the High Street reservoir, cutting off the town water supply.Council has completed a temporary fix on the water main and the town water supply is now restored. Crews will undertake permanent repairs over the next few days.Lismore City Council would like to thank everyone in Nimbin for their cooperation today.ORIGINAL STORY:A severe storm at Nimbin overnight has led to a major water main break at the Nimbin reservoir, cutting off the Nimbin town water supply.Read more news: PM visits and declares Lismore a natural disaster areaNimbin residents on the town water supply are urged to only use water for essential purposes while Lismore City Council works to repair the break. The storm damage has washed away part of the refilling line between the DE Williams dam and the High Street reservoir.Storm damage in the Nimbin area is significant with major damage to a culvert on Blue Knob Road cutting the road north out of Nimbin.Council crews are now working to repair the water main break at the reservoir and are undertaking urgent repairs on the worst-affected roads such as Blue Knob Road.“We are keen for residents to report any other major road or storm damage such as trees over the road or places where access has been cut so we can schedule the most urgent works,” Scott said.Nimbin residents on town water should minimise water consumption and conserve water wherever possible.Council is working to temporarily fix the water main break this morning so there is access to water and more permanent repairs will be undertaken in the coming days. More information will be provided as it becomes available.To report storm damage, please phone Council on 1300 87 83 87.To stay up-to-date with the latest information from all local agencies, visit the Lismore Disaster Dashboard at:

PM visits and declares Lismore a natural disaster area
PM visits and declares Lismore a natural disaster area

17 December 2020, 1:13 AM

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian have visited Lismore today to view flood damage and declare the Northern Rivers a natural disaster area.Deputy Mayor Neil Marks said it was terrific to see the Australian and NSW Government take swift action and the declaration opens the way for Lismore City Council to receive significant funding under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).Read more news: Health authorities advise people to avoid contaminated floodwater He said the severe weather in recent days has resulted in major damage to Lismore’s road network and city infrastructure that is expected to exceed $15 million.Read more news: Council closes a section of Kellas Street, Lismore after landslip“We would like to thank the Prime Minister and Premier for their quick action and I would like to thank federal MP Kevin Hogan and NSW MP Janelle Saffin for their assistance in lobbying for this speedy declaration,” the Deputy Mayor said.“We do not yet know the full cost of this weather event, but we know it will be very significant. It will take time for Council to properly assess the damage and have a clear picture of the total cost, but to know we can access disaster recovery funding is good news for the city.”Severe storms, heavy rainfall and flooding since last Friday has wreaked havoc on roads in the Lismore Local Government Area, with culvert washouts, landslips and major damage to both the sealed and gravel road network.Lismore City Council has commenced urgent road repairs and has mobilised all Council crews in a major clean-up and repair effort.Read more news: Nimbin water cut off after major storm hits the village

Councillors vote to stop Dunoon dam at Rous meeting
Councillors vote to stop Dunoon dam at Rous meeting

16 December 2020, 6:03 PM

Dunoon will not be getting a new dam, after Rous County Council councillors voted against it in a meeting on Wednesday afternoon.The three and a half hour meeting saw the local water authority discuss how best to secure a regional future water supply into the future to 2060.Rous councillor Vanessa Ekins said she had worked for days to prepare a motion to see the dam option removed from the proposed integrated water management strategy - and was excited that other Councillors voted to support her motion. Read more news: PM visits and declares Lismore a natural disaster areaCouncillor Cook, Richardson, Ekins, Cameron, and Williams voted for the motion, while Crs Cadwallader, Mustow and Humphreys voted against.“The motion stated we should cease all action on Dunoon dam and acknowledge all of the consultation we had done,” she said.“It also said we should report on what we do with the land and look at Aboriginal Traditional Owners accessing land with significant cultural heritage value.”Cr Ekins said the way forward now was to progress groundwater options at Marom Creek and Alstonville for the next ten years on water security. Then to adopt recycled water options for future development.“We need to change how we use water and all the experts say recycled water is the future. We need more than 50% of our water supply not to rely on rainfall.“Recycled water options will be for the people who come to live here later,” she said.“Using recycling water means we always have a supply of recycled water.“Even when we are in drought, water use never ceases – it just goes down the toilet or shower and is treated as waste - but it shouldn’t be. We can process it and use it.“This is happening all round the world, except in NSW – so we will be heading the and demonstrate to the State Government how we can do it.”Cr Ekins has been a part of the Rous County Council since 2008 and said the dam option had been on the agenda and discussed for a long time.“The water plan we looked at in 2014 after two years of community consultation came up with the preferred options of groundwater and recycled water – so we have just now reinforced the decision we made then,” she said.The next stage is now to talk with the community over the next ten years. “We are giving ourselves lots of lead time lead time to consult with the community and overcome many fears people have about recycled water,” she said.With over 1300 public submissions made to the Council about its proposed water strategy to 2060, Cr Ekins said the level of engagement showed how important the issue of water was.“Today is a pivotal day,” she said.

UPDATED list of Lismore's flooded road closures
UPDATED list of Lismore's flooded road closures

15 December 2020, 9:34 PM

A number of roads in the Lismore City Council area are currently closed due to flooding, so take care on the roads and make alternative plans if you need to travel to affected areas.Wilsons River peaks with minor flooding and weather warning liftsThe following list of closed roads is accurate as of this morning:Boatharbour Road, between McKinnon Road and Cameron RoadBoatharbour Road, between Richmond Hill Road and McKinnon RoadHensley Carpark (Lower Level - Free Parking)Molesworth Street, Between Zadoc and Orion Streets, LismorePitt Street, North LismoreRowing Club Car Park (Paid Area)Simes Bridge, North LismoreTown Bridge, Town Road (off Terania Creek Road) The ChannonWoodlawn RoadWyrallah Road (RR742)Exercise caution on the following roads:Bice RoadBoyle Road, GoolmangarCorndale RoadJiggi RoadKeerong Bridge Road, KeerongKeerrong RoadNimbin RoadTerania Creek Road, Terania CreekTuntable Creek RoadThis picture shows the flooding over the road on Nimbin road, on the Lismore side of Goolmangar School at approximately 12pm yesterday.The NSW SES advises people not to walk or drive through floodwaters as this is the main cause of death and injury during flooding.If you need to evacuate from where you are due to flooding, the SES also advises you toRaise belongings by placing them on tables, beds and benches.Put electrical items on top. You may be able to place some light-weight items in the roof space.Collect together essential medicines, important documents, mementos and photos to take these with you.Make arrangements for care of pets or other animals or take pets with you to an evacuation centre.Turn off the electricity and gas.Take three days’ supply of clothes with you.Continue to listen to a local radio station for updates.For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW SES on 132 500. In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.For more information:• Radio: Listen to ABC North Coast radio 94.5FM and your local radio station• Lismore Council Disaster Dashboard: Go to• Social Media: Follow NSW SES Northern Rivers and NSW SES Lismore City Unit on Facebook or monitor NSW SES website -• Latest Weather, Warnings, Rainfall and River heights: Go to both and• Road Closures: Go to or• Rural animal and livestock assistance: Contact Local Land Services 

Wilsons River peaks with minor flooding and weather warning lifts
Wilsons River peaks with minor flooding and weather warning lifts

15 December 2020, 9:19 PM

This morning, the Wilsons River peaked at 6.78 metres and is falling, with minor flooding in parts of North Lismore and flooding on some low lying rural roads.The NSW SES expects that people upstream of the Rowing Club River Gauge should allow for a level at least half a metre higher than the gauge reading - due to the flood slope. Read an updated list of local road closures: UPDATED list of Lismore's flooded road closuresThe Bureau of meteorology has also cancelled the Severe Weather Warning for the Northern Rivers forecast district.The SES advises that if you are in an area and your property or business is likely to be impacted by flooding, consider raising moveable items, such as furniture, as high as possible onto benches or tables and place electrical items on top.You should also secure outside belongings and before leaving; turn off the power, water and take essential medicines and clothes with you.Monitor emergency warnings and severe weather updates.Never drive, ride or walk through flood water.Monitor equipment and livestock and move machinery, livestock, pumps and fodder including waste and chemical containers to well above predicted flood levels.For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500. In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.Please stay safe as water recedes and remember to never drive through floodwater.For more information:• Radio: Listen to ABC North Coast radio 94.5FM and your local radio stations• Lismore Council Disaster Dashboard: Go to• Social Media: Follow NSW SES Northern Rivers and NSW SES Lismore City Unit on Facebook or monitor NSW SES website -• Latest Weather, Warnings, Rainfall and River heights: Go to both and• Road Closures: Go to or• Rural animal and livestock assistance: Contact Local Land Services

Wilsons River may peak at 8.2m early Wednesday morning
Wilsons River may peak at 8.2m early Wednesday morning

15 December 2020, 1:50 AM

With some blue sky present and rainfall ending for the time being, the picture for Lismore is becoming clearer as most tributaries have peaked.See the list of Lismore's flooded road closures todayFlood peaks have been observed in the upper tributaries. Nashua peaked at 4.9m around 6am today, The Channon peaked at 7.2m around 5am today and Corndale is currently near its peak at 7.2m.The main flood peak is expected to reach Lismore overnight tonight.Minor flooding is occurring at Lismore. Rises to the moderate flood level are expected at Lismore later today.While the rain has eased today, showers and thunderstorms are predicted for the rest of the week and will continue to bring the risk of flash flooding.What we are expecting:Lismore is expected to exceed the moderate flood level (7.2m) around 6pm Tuesday.The Wilsons River level may peak near 8.2m around 2am Wednesday, with moderate flooding.Based on the prediction provided by the Bureau of Meteorology it is expected the following locations may be affected:• Properties in Lower North Lismore may be affected.• A number of low lying rural roads may be flooded.• People upstream of the Rowing Club River Gauge should allow for a level at least ½ metre higher than the gauge reading due to the flood slope.• Residents and businesses in the Lismore Basin may experience localised flash flooding prior to river rises.What you need to do:People in areas likely to be impacted by flooding need to consider the following:• Residents and businesses in areas likely to be impacted by flooding in North and South Lismore and the Lismore CBD should relocate immediately to family or friends outside the impact area.• If you are advised by an emergency services officer to evacuate, please do so.• If your property/business is at risk of inundation, please raise moveable items, such as furniture, as high as possible onto benches or tables, placing electrical items on top.• Secure outside belongings and before leaving; turn off the power, water and take essential medicines and clothes with you.• Monitor emergency warnings and severe weather updates.• Never drive, ride or walk through floodwater.• Farmers are advised to monitor equipment and livestock and should move machinery, livestock, pumps and fodder including waste and chemical containers to well above predicted flood levels.For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW SES on 132 500. In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.For more information:• Radio: Listen to ABC North Coast radio 94.5FM and your local radio station• Lismore Council Disaster Dashboard: Go to• Social Media: Follow NSW SES Northern Rivers and NSW SES Lismore City Unit on Facebook or monitor NSW SES website -• Latest Weather, Warnings, Rainfall and River heights: Go to both and• Road Closures: Go to or• Rural animal and livestock assistance: Contact Local Land ServicesThe Lismore App will continue to provide updated information as it comes to hand.

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