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Thunderstorm warning and more flooding likely for Lismore

The Lismore App

Liina Flynn

13 February 2020, 8:10 AM

Thunderstorm warning and more flooding likely for LismoreSimes Bridge this afternoon.

With a minor flood warning in place for the Lismore area, and another severe thunderstorm warning in place for the Northern Rivers, it’s likely we’ll see more flooding along the Wilsons River in Lismore by Friday. 

The NSW SES Lismore City Branch this afternoon reported that the river had already reached the underneath of Simes Bridge in North Lismore and there is a high chance it will go under tonight. 

The SES is also predicting the Wilsons River level may reach around seven metres by early Friday.

If minor flooding takes place in Lismore, the SES predict that the low lying parts of North and South Lismore are likely to be impacted by flooding and people in these areas should prepare for potential isolation. 

The following areas are also likely to be affected in the following ways:

• Flood water starts to inundate the lower car park behind Westlawn Finance building 

• Slater Creek may back up and inundate Pitt Street near the Richmond River Sports Oval in North Lismore 

• Slater Creek may back up and inundate Pitt Street near the Richmond River Sports Oval in North Lismore 

• Simes Bridge may close 

• Road access between North Lismore and Lismore may become restricted or close 

The following streets may close; 

• Alexandra Parade, Tweed Street, Terania Street, the southern end of Bridge Street and over the bridge to Woodlark Street, Tweed Street, Wilson Street via the Robert White Bridge, Casino Street, Union Street then via Woodlark Street or the Bruxner Highway 

• Bridge Street, near McKenzie Park in North Lismore may close 

• Junction Street, between the southern ends of Molesworth and Keen streets, may close 

• Flood water may inundate the Lismore Tourist Caravan Park 

• Woodlawn Road at the railway underpass may close 

• Road access to Woodlawn College may close 

• Flood Water may enter low lying parts of Trinity College 

• Winterton Parade at the Richmond River High may close 

• Alexandra Parade on the southern edge of the showground may close 

The SES have reported that low lying farm land has been affected and farmers are advised to monitor equipment and livestock. 

What you need to do: 

People in areas likely to be impacted by flooding should consider: 

• Refraining from driving or walking through flood water 

• Road closures and flood isolation may impact on work, family and educational commitments 

• Monitoring emergency warnings and severe weather updates on local ABC radio, NSW SES Northern Rivers Facebook Page and Bureau of Meteorology website 

• If your property is at risk of inundation, please raise moveable items, such as furniture, as high as possible onto benches or tables, placing electrical items on top 

• If you are advised by an emergency services officer to evacuate, please do so 

• Securing outside belongings and before leaving; turn off the power, water and take essential medicines and clothes with you 

• Farmers should move machinery, livestock, pumps and fodder to flood free ground 

For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500. In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately. 

For more information: 

• Listen to your local ABC radio station, follow the NSWSES on Facebook or 

• Latest Weather, Warnings, Rainfall and River heights: 

• Road Closures: or 

• Rural animal and livestock assistance, contact Local Land Services.

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