Liina Flynn
06 February 2020, 5:28 AM
A second Flood Watch issued by the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) predicts a 75% chance of minor to moderate flooding in the Wilsons River catchment.
Minor flooding is also expected on the Richmond, Tweed, Rouse and Brunswick Rivers.
Read more: Local SES crews respond to flood and storm calls
The Flood Watch states “rainfall is expected to increase along the NSW north coast from Thursday, with a low pressure trough deepening across in the area.”
“This system is bringing heavy rainfall to the Northern Rivers and the Mid North Coast from Thursday into the weekend. Rainfall is expected to shift southwards from late Friday.
“Coastal catchments within the Flood Watch area are relatively wet due to recent rainfall in the last fortnight.
“High tides forecast on Sunday through to Tuesday may exacerbate flood conditions in low lying coastal areas.
“A Severe Weather Warning has been issued for the Northern Rivers, Mid North Coast and parts of Northern Tablelands Forecast Districts.
“The weather system has the potential to cause flooding for the catchments listed below from late Thursday onwards.”
Read more:
Heavy rains forecast and flood watch underway
Bureau of Meterology issues initial flood watch
Minor flood levels
Low-lying areas next to water courses are inundated. Minor roads may be closed and low-level bridges submerged.
In urban areas inundation may affect some backyards and buildings below the floor level as well as bicycle and pedestrian paths.
In rural areas removal of stock and equipment may be required.
Moderate flood levels
In addition to the above, the area of inundation is more substantial.
Main traffic routes may be affected. Some buildings may be affected above the floor level.
Evacuation of flood affected areas may be required. In rural areas removal of stock is required.
Major flood levels
In addition to the above, extensive rural areas and/or urban areas are inundated.
Many buildings may be affected above the floor level. Properties and towns are likely to be isolated and major rail and traffic routes closed.
Evacuation of flood affected areas may be required. Utility services may be impacted.
What you need to do:
• Never drive, walk or play in flood waters.
• Farmers are advised to monitor rainfall and river levels and be ready to move their livestock, pumps and other equipment away from rising waters.
• Oyster Lease Operators are advised to monitor the rivers for possible rises and be ready to move equipment.
If this weather system intensifies, flooding could develop in the coastal river valleys from Tweed Heads down to the Lower Hunter.
If so, the Bureau of Meteorology will issue Flood Warnings along with the State Emergency Service who will release Flood Bulletins to tell you about the situation and what you should do to protect your family and property.
For more information:
• Flood preparation advice
• Road information, for local roads contact Council or log onto
• Road information on State Government managed roads go to the Live Traffic NSW website at
• Rural animal and livestock assistance contact your Local Land Services Office
• You can find more information on the severe weather warnings and river levels from Bureau of Meteorology website at
For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500.
In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.