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All State forests to the border closed from today

The Lismore App

06 November 2019, 8:33 PM

All State forests to the border closed from today

All State forests from the north of Sydney to the Queensland border, including the Far North Coast, will be closed to the public for three days from today.

The forests are closed from Thursday, November 7 until Saturday, November 9 due to the very high to extreme fire danger over the coming days.


The closure applies to all State forests in the Rural Fire Service zones in the Greater Sydney Region, Far North Coast, North Coast, Greater Hunter, New England and the Northern Slopes.

The only exceptions are Cumberland State Forest, Treetops Adventure Park at Ourimbah State Forest and Sealy Lookout at Orara East State Forest.


Forestry Corporation of NSW’s Senior Manager Forest Stewardship Kathy Lyons asked the community to stay out of these State forests due to the very high risk to public safety.


“We are expecting very high to severe and extreme fire weather over the next three days and there are already extensive fires across the north coast and tablelands. Fires are likely to be uncontrollable in these conditions,” Ms Lyons said.


“All State forests from the north of Sydney to the Queensland border and the northern tablelands will be closed for the next three days due to the high fire danger.


“This closure will affect popular camp grounds and picnic areas throughout the region including Olney, Heaton and Strickland State forests, Swans Crossing near Kendall, Coopernook Headquarters and recreation areas along the Allyn River and Telegherry River in the Chichester State forest.


“Please do not enter these forests over the next three days.”


For the latest information about fires, visit the Rural Fire Service website


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