The illegal Pine Street squatters played a big part in yesterday's Lismore City Council meeting as a motion to write to the Richmond Police District Commander Grant Errickson, State Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin and Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan was put forward to ask for explanations as to why the squatters have not been arrested or to seek out assistance in removing the squatters from the NSWRA (Reconstruction Authority) owned buyback houses.The motion saw two distinct differences of opinion and an admission that The Greens are using the situation for political gain.After an amendment that removed council's involvement, the motion said that Council:Write to the Richmond Police District Commander to seek a formal explanation relating to why individuals who have broken into, damaged, stolen from, and continue to remain on inclosed lands, have not been arrested and charged with any offences or forcibly removed from the inclosed lands even though the owners have asked for police assistanceWrite to Janelle Saffin, our State Member of Parliament, asking her to seek out any assistance available to help with the removal of the Pine Street alleged criminals, including seeking out an explanation relating to why police are failing to act to prevent ongoing criminal activity in our area, which is resulting in increasing criminal activity and anti-social behaviourWrite to Kevin Hogan, our Federal Member of Parliament, asking him to seek out any assistance available to help with the removal of the Pine Street alleged criminals, including possible action relating to the cancellation of visas where appropriate on character grounds under section 501 of the Migration Act 1958.(Lismore City Councillors (without Big Rob, who refused to participate) were clearly divided on the topic of the illegal Pine Street squatters)Cr Dalton-Earls said that he fundamentally disagrees with the Pine Street squatters. He explained how he was approached by the local group Reclaim Our Recovery and proponents to support the relocation of buyback homes by squatting homes, which would force the government to relocate them." This is not a homelessness issue. This is a violent political campaign mostly being endorsed by The Greens. The only people that are actively speaking out in the public space to keep squatters in high-risk buyback homes are The Greens," Cr Dalton-Earls said."For Sue Higginson to say that the Premier's declared war seems like they're trying to instigate a domestic war. Exactly what (Cr) Rob was saying, where the riot police come in and pull out people. These are young people, mostly backpackers, some young locals that heard about free rent and came to Lismore and decided to squat. "And in someone's words, it was very kind to share with us in an email that was circulated, "dancing on the graves of tragedy". And that is how I also feel as a person who was flood-impacted."Our community has been through hell, and for people to come here and try and make a political campaign, on one hand, saying climate change is getting so bad we all need to make drastic action, while on the other hand saying, let's go and put people, vulnerable people, in flood homes. It defies any logic. It's hypocrisy, and it's an extremely dangerous political stance to be taking when it puts people's lives at risk."Cr Dalton-Earls went on to explain his personal situation because he voiced his objection. "Now, to speak to my own personal experience of this and the violent nature of it, I've been personally attacked, ridiculed, I've had people leak information within my job that's led to me resigning, that could only come from one person within the court system that's also a member of that political party. "I've had people send me horrible memes. I've had violent threats. I've had threats against my dog. I've had people stop talking to me that I've known for years because of this. And I have screenshots that proponents of this political campaign are messaging others in a character assassination attempt to change people's opinions of me because I stand against staying in high-risk homes in the buyback areas." Cr Rob explained how he drove down Pine Street after the evacuation orders for North Lismore had been issued under the impression that the illegal squatters had left the street for safety."There was two people standing in the street talking. One was on a push bike, no one talking. I went down the end of the street and did my multi-point turn because it's a dead end there; you can't turn around quickly. I went there to get a photo of the empty street, to do a report on it. Those people came towards me. I pulled up on the street and finished the call I was on, and within a minute, I was surrounded. Car loads were coming, surrounded by people, two, three deep at my door. "I said, What are you doing? You're intimidating a councillor. Are you serious? You're making it worse for yourselves. I've got out, confronted them, recorded it. They were filming me, and not one bit of their footage has been shown that I've seen anywhere, not one. And this has happened to me many, many times."Cr Rob went on to say that the result the squatters want is bloodshed. "When the police come, that's what's wanted, the media attention and the clash, it's going to be bloodshed. We don't fix it. We need to get the police to act."Cr Gordon shared his hater's opinions as well. "People call me a disaster capitalist. I love it. They call me a disaster capitalist. I pay for things we bought. Linda and I pay for those things. These guys turn up, and they just want to occupy. It's just not right. "There's plenty of people who went through this disaster, popped out the other side, the very worst for it, the very worst who have had to relocate, and they go and buy or remortgage or rent, go and pay their way. This is what it's all about. You've got to pay your own way. "And this whole idea of evacuating the floodplain because it's putting people in dangers way, and all that sort of conversation after one event, but here you are putting them back in again. I don't get it.""It's not about occupation or being homeless and stuff. That's not what it's about. That's the sheep's clothing that you present. This is activism at its worst, at its absolute worst. It's capitalising on a disaster to sell a political message. It's feeble. The people are weak. When it came to The Greens, Adam Guise's turn to speak, he started by saying there doesn't seem to be much love in the chamber. "There seems to be a lot of anger, resentment, envy. And there seems to be a thing about people paying their way and not liking others, and that's a really sad thing for Lismore because Lismoore is meant to be an inclusive, loving, caring community, and this, unfortunately, seems to have brought out the worst in people." Cr Guise then admits to The Greens running a political campaign."I feel it's very much a case of victim blaming. We're wanting to find someone to blame for the situation we're in. And yes, The Greens are running a political campaign, and we're saying the government's to blame. The government is to blame. We're three years on with significant government funding, and this process has been a divisive, damaging process for our community, it has divided our community. "Those who do and don't get buybacks, those who might or might not get any retrofits or house raising. Just the way we went about buybacks, we did not get a choice. We did not get a choice. People were divided and conquered and played off a one against one another."Cr Guise then mentioned the upcoming release of the CSIRO report that will lead to mitigation options for Lismore."We thought we'd leave it to experts in the CSIRO that we still wait for years on, and we hold hopes that grand, hard engineering solutions will be our saviour when clearly they will not. We can't hard engineer our way out of this, folks. The solution is a human solution. "We could live on the floodplain. Many people live on the flood plain, but we can't live it with lives full of stuff and things and put people in harm's way. If we want to live on the flood plain, if we want to have business on the flood plain, we need to do it differently. We need to do it sustainably, and we need to do it in a minimalist way, and that's a very hard thing for us to grapple with." The vote to put the motion to the floor was 7/3, with Cr Hall out of the room.When the vote for the motion was held soon after, the vote shifted to 7/4 (Cr Hall was back in the room). The strange vote was that of Cr Dalton-Earls, who doesn't support the illegal squatters; however he voted against the motion along with Crs Guise, Waters and Knight-Smith.Fifteen days ago, Premier Chris Minns said he was going to remove the illegal squatters and demolish the houses. It is certainly hard to see that happening until the Writ of Possession court order is received by the NSWRA from the Supreme Court at a cost of an estimated $350,000 and unless Police Commissioner Karen Webb gives the okay for police to support the court order.It is difficult to see this ending without a battle. Will it be before May's Federal Election?