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Lismore community projects compete for votes to get funding
Lismore community projects compete for votes to get funding

25 July 2019, 9:20 AM

More than 30 Lismore electorate community projects are competing for votes to receive money through the NSW Government’s My Community Project.The My Community Project funds projects in each NSW electorate to help improve the wellbeing of people and communities.Successful projects will be determined through a public vote and the projects that receive the most support will receive funding. Up to $260,000 is available for each electorate.Projects nominated in the Lismore City area include:Gingerbread Jarjums Belonging Outside, Lismore $33,649To update and refurbish the outdoor environments creating warm, engaging, natural materials focused play environments for the children.Our Happy Women Designs – Cultural Arts Hub, Goonellabah, $50,000To establish a local cultural arts hub and social enterprise to transform the lives of Aboriginal women and their families, providing a vehicle for social and economic self-determination.Gathering, Yarning & Creating: A Local Women's Initiative, East Lismore, $22,000To implement the Gathering, Yarning and Creating Project, which will be self-sustained after year one. The project will educate and empower women to have a voice in violence prevention; and celebrate cultural diversity and identity.Bringing Wayapa to Lismore, Goonellabah, $45,430The funding will train 10 facilitators in Wayapa Wuurrk - an Indigenous-based, earth mindfulness practice - and promote and deliver six public sessions to the Lismore community. Securing the Safety of the Region's Koalas in Care, East Lismore, $56,532Provision of security fencing around the rehabilitation runs at Friends of the Koala and constructing a koala kindy to ensure all the koalas are safe.Connecting and Revitalising our Communities with the trail, Girards Hill, $35,750To develop an interactive website for the Northern Rivers Rail Trail. A world class rail trail requires an innovative and interactive website to help all visitors enjoy its full potential.Flood proofing the Lismore Rugby Union Club, North Lismore, $188,959To flood proof our future, upgrade our facilities and provide a free community facility to all.Nimbin Community Centre Aged Care - New Car Platform, Nimbin, $70,000To build a level vehicle load/unload platform to improve all-abilities access to the Nimbin Community Centre Aged Care facilities.Waterless Compost Toilet at Lismore Community Garden, Lismore, $68,733Providing an accessible waterless compost toilet facility at Lismore Community Garden for volunteers, event participants and visitors.Building Wellbeing in our Young People, Nimbin, $67,650Fitness equipment in our grounds suitable for our secondary students will create opportunities for exercise and to build their fitness.Lismore's Heart Safe Defibrillator Initiative, South Lismore, $42,946Installing public access defibrillators in strategic locations in case of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Defibrillators increase chance of survival by 85 per cent.Integrated PlayScape-to build fitness, brains and bodies, Nimbin, $75,000To construct a play environment from largely sustainable materials that stimulates a child's imagination, creativity, social skills and healthy mind.Lismore PCYC Community Facility Upgrade, Lismore, $59,400To air-condition the gym, boxing & dojo rooms, upgrade the lighting in the main hall and to purchase new dojo matting.Heritage Park:Our Rainforest Adventure:Central Pathway Spine, Lismore, $28,710Create a central pathway spine (1.5 metres wide) connecting play spaces, waterpark, picnic areas and entry/exit points providing accessibility for whole community.Improving Lismore's Cyclability, Lismore, $24,042The project will deliver 15 heart bicycle parking stations and two deluxe bicycle repair stands to support healthy lifestyle choices.Tregeagle Community BBQ, Tregeagle, $22,000Provide an electric BBQ and shelter at Tregeagle Hall and Tennis Courts for local community.Green Innovation Awards Northern Rivers, Goonellabah, $36,000It is a competition for primary school and high school students to submit their green innovative ideas.Clifford Park Seating Project, Goonellabah, $62,528The project will provide seating for 60 people at Clifford Park in the heart of the Aboriginal Community in Goonellabah.Finding Financial Freedom, Lismore, $55,602A series of regular financial education nights covering different themes with a healthy dinner and babysitting service being provided.Mortimer Oval Fencing, Lismore, $115,000Installation of white PVC fencing of Mortimer Oval for cricket, Australian Rules Football, school sport and general public recreation.Access for all, South Lismore, $80,000To provide an access solution at the Tropical Fruits club house in addition to our stairs and an accessible toilet for our less mobile members.To see more details of the projects head to: Dominic Perrottet encouraged people across NSW to get involved in the innovative program, which empowers communities to make decisions that will enhance their local community, by proposing and choosing projects to get funded.“My Community Project gives you the chance to develop your great idea to revitalise or renew your neighbourhood, whether that be through the addition of a community garden, a safe and inclusive playground or holding a cultural fair,” Mr Perrottet said.“Through this program, locals can think about what their community needs, develop that idea with a sponsor such as a local council, TAFE or a charity, and then work with them to transform their concept into reality.To vote for a community project go to until 15 August 2019. You’ll need a MyServiceNSW Account and your Medicare card to vote.You can vote for up to five projects with points awarded as follows:1st preference – 10 points2nd preference – 5 points3rd preference – 3 points4th preference – 2 points5th preference – 1 point

Call for donations as drought appeal packing delayed
Call for donations as drought appeal packing delayed

25 July 2019, 1:44 AM

The organiser of the Food for Farmers - North Coast Drought Appeal, Anne Thompson, has delayed the packing of hampers for drought affected farmers. Ms Thompson said packing was due to begin at the end of July but would not start until the first or even second week in August because of a lack of media coverage. The North Coast Drought Appeal has been sending truckloads of necessities out west for 26 years.“Last year the drought conditions were dire; now they are disastrous, with many places running out of water,” Ms Thompson said. “People are asked to donate non-perishable food items that are not past the use-by date or in rusty cans. “We only have to look in our own cupboards for grocery items we can do without.”Items needed include tea, coffee, sweet biscuits, crackers, fruit cakes, cereal, tinned fruit/vegetables/soup/tuna/salmon, jams, vegemite, peanut butter, honey, packet mixes, sauces, pasta, rice, long-life milk, as well as treats like dried fruit, nuts and lollies, toiletries, sanitary and laundry products and pet food.Items can be dropped at the following places:Lismore Showground Pavilion – next to the OfficeLismore Library – Magellan St. Lismore,Goonellabah LibraryCurves - BallinaWallace’s – River St., BallinaEric Box Mitsubishi – CasinoClunes Auto Centre – ClunesCentury 21 Real Estate – Main St, AlstonvilleAnglican Church Op-shop – Byron BayBangalow CWA Gift Shop – BangalowRay Towers Carpets – MullumbimbyVolunteers will be needed when packing commences at the Lismore Showground Pavillion during August. Cash donations can also be made to North Coast Drought Appeal: BSB 728 728 A/C No 22321288.Follow Food for Farmers - North Coast Drought Appeal on Facebook for updates.

Last chance to shop at iconic Lismore minimart
Last chance to shop at iconic Lismore minimart

24 July 2019, 7:31 AM

The doors of the Leycester St Foodworks - still often affectionately known as Menins - have temporarily reopened.Owner Christine Lancaster is having a closing down sale in a bid to sell off the last of the shop’s stock.Among the items still left are drinks, juices, breakfast cereals, washing powders, petfood and frozen meals.“Everything is under $10,” Christine told the Lismore App.“The soft drinks are all $1, deodorants are all $3, regardless of variety and brand.“Everything across the whole store is drastically reduced.”Christine decided to shut the shop - which has been a local fixture for decades - when the lease came up for renewal at the end of June.Almost all of the fixtures have already been sold.“Basically the only thing I've got left to sell is the deli cabinets,” she said.Christine said her plan was still to move back to Queensland, where she has family.She said she had no idea what would become of the building once she left.The closing down sale would last a few more days and she would close the doors of the store permanently on Monday or Tuesday, she addedJobsHernes Freight Service:Local HC/MC DriverHernes has been a recognised & respected name in the refrigerated road transport industry for two generations.The origins of what is now Hernes Freight Service can be traced back to Harvey Herne’s humble beginnings in 1974 when he started off carrying frozen groceries down the east coast of Australia & frozen chickens back up with just one Mercedes Benz prime mover. Today Stuart, Harvey’s son, owns & operates a modern fleet of over seventy vehicles comprising of mostly Western Stars, Kenworths and Volvo’s; being one of the most versatile privately owned fleets on the eastern seaboard.We have a position available for a LOCAL HC/MC Driver based in our Lismore depot. This is position is Casual or Full-Time.

Health authority issues meningococcal warning
Health authority issues meningococcal warning

24 July 2019, 6:26 AM

Northern NSW Local Health District is urging people to be on the lookout for lesser known signs of meningococcal disease, with two cases already reported in the area this year and the peak period for the disease still more than a month away.North Coast Public Health Unit director Paul Corben said meningococcal disease could occur at any time of year but cases normally started to increase towards the end of flu season, when people’s immune systems are weaker from viruses.“Last year there were nine reported cases of meningococcal disease. It is a rare but serious bacterial infection that can cause death within hours so the more symptoms people know about, the better,” said Mr Corben.“Most cases occur in infants, young children, teenagers and young adults, although people of any age can be affected.”NSW Health’s director of communicable diseases, Dr Vicky Sheppeard, said meningococcal could mimic other common illnesses, so it was important people be aware nearer spring that nausea symptoms, vomiting, neck stiffness, joint pain, light sensitivity, or a sudden fever, could be something else.“Most people normally associate meningococcal disease with a rash of red-purple spots or bruises but in some cases a rash doesn’t appear, or it could be the last symptom to take shape,” said Dr Sheppeard.Meningococcal is spread by secretions from the nose and throat of a person who is carrying the bacteria but close and prolonged contact is needed to pass it on.“It more commonly occurs in people aged between 15-24 years as they tend to be involved in more intimate social activities such as kissing,” said Dr Sheppeard.Vaccination is the best means of protection against meningococcal disease. Vaccination for meningococcal disease types A, C, W and Y, is available on the National Immunisation Program for infants at 12 months of age and for adolescents in Year 10 through the School-based Vaccination Program offered to all high schools across NSW.Any adolescents aged 15 to 19 years who miss the vaccine in school are eligible for a free vaccine from their GP. However, as there are several strains of meningococcal disease, and vaccination does not cover all strains, even vaccinated people need to be on the lookout for symptoms.The latest Annual Immunisation Report shows vaccination rates in NSW are at their highest level ever, with close to 95 per cent of five year olds fully vaccinated.The NSW Government will invest around $130 million in the 2019-20 Immunisation Program Budget, including Commonwealth and State vaccines.

Tails wagging in anticipation of Lismore Paws in the Park
Tails wagging in anticipation of Lismore Paws in the Park

24 July 2019, 3:15 AM

Lismore’s biennial big day out for dogs is on again this weekend.Organiser Jane Spinaze, from the Keen Street Veterinary Clinic, said Paws in the Park was a fun day and an opportunity for owners to get their dogs out and about and socialising.“We’ve been doing it for a few years now and people have been so excited that it’s on again,” Ms Spinaze said. “It’s really popular.“There isn’t heaps for local dog owners in our local area and they normally have to travel a long way for dog events.”Some dogs go all out for the fashions on the field competition. PHOTO: Supplied.Ms Spinaze said there would be a tonne of activities to keep owners and their dogs busy during the morning.Competitions will include fashions on the field, a talent show and golden oldies, a pawfect puppy parade, tennis ball lotto, the great spoon lick and seven legged race.An agility course with obstacles such a tunnel, walkthrough and high jump will be available and Photos in a Booth will be running a canine photo booth costing $5 for a strip of shots.Get a snap with your best friend in the canine photo booth. PHOTO: Supplied.For the children, there will be a ball tossing, colouring in and guessing games and the story dogs and Northern Rivers Wildlife Carers will be running a fundraising barbecue brunch store."We've got heaps of prizes to give away so pretty much everyone will walk away with something," Ms Spinaze said.Entry is $10 which goes to Northern Rivers Animal Services with almost everything else free except the photo booth, food and coffee.“It’s just a fun day to get out there, supporting dog owners and dog responsibility,” Ms Spinaze said.“We normally get about 150 dogs and we’re hoping to raise at least $1000.”Paws in the Park will run from 9am until about noon on Sunday at the Lismore City Rugby Club, 1 Rugby Rd, Lismore. No EFTPOS facilities are available so remember to bring cash.JobsHernes Freight Service:Local HC/MC DriverHernes has been a recognised & respected name in the refrigerated road transport industry for two generations.The origins of what is now Hernes Freight Service can be traced back to Harvey Herne’s humble beginnings in 1974 when he started off carrying frozen groceries down the east coast of Australia & frozen chickens back up with just one Mercedes Benz prime mover. Today Stuart, Harvey’s son, owns & operates a modern fleet of over seventy vehicles comprising of mostly Western Stars, Kenworths and Volvo’s; being one of the most versatile privately owned fleets on the eastern seaboard.We have a position available for a LOCAL HC/MC Driver based in our Lismore depot. This is position is Casual or Full-Time.

'Boundary pushing' Dark Science festival coming to Lismore
'Boundary pushing' Dark Science festival coming to Lismore

23 July 2019, 6:37 AM

The Lismore Quad is to host a new “freaky festival of fun” over two nights during Science Week next month.Dark Science is billed as a free event for adults celebrating the intersection between provocative art, performance and the sciences.“The Northern Rivers region is full of creative, experimental, underground artists and performers who are pushing the boundaries,” said Quad Placemaking Officer Marisa Snow. “Dark Science provides a new platform for those works to be presented.“It is a free showcase of creative works and experiences that sit outside the mainstream – performance, music, film, visual art as well as many things that defy neat categorization!“Some of Dark Science will be provocative, even shocking, but it will also be hilarious, awe-inspiring and a lot of fun.”The lineup for the festival includes:The Space CowboyAs the holder of more than 55 Guinness World Records The Space Cowboy is leading the frontier of extreme performance and has baffled doctors and scientists across the globe. The Space Cowboy has created new show especially for Dark Science called ‘Imagination Rules the World’ packed with thrilling stunts, science trickery and mental marvels. Experience him sword swallowing, chainsaw juggling and more as he pushes the boundaries of science and possibility.Andy ForbesSplendour in the Grass stalwart Andy Forbes brings his unique style of performance installation to Dark Science with a macabre show set in a vintage caravan. Two gothic characters, Mr Filthy and Professor Pickles, undertake a durational performance over four hours exploring themes of science gone wrong and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein set to an eerie soundtrack of War of the Worlds.Intergalactic Dub Lab with DJ Wonkytooth and Kellie O’DempseyTravel the bass spacewaves with Intergalactic Dub Lab, a live roots dub mix-up with DJ Wonkytooth at the controls of a custom-built sound system while well-known visual artist Kellie O’Dempsey draws large-scale projections in Dark Science’s new venue – The Dub Dome.UnigloExperience the sounds of Uniglo as costumed anti-heroes Zeta von Tack and Percival Sealevel mesmerize audiences with their own blend of uniCore; a fusion of electronic styles, punk, industrial and metal, delivered through loops blended with female vocals, guitars and the occasional slice of live drums.Dark Shire ChoirCome together on Saturday night to learn a pop song in three-part harmony in a special Dark Shire Choir pop-up singing experience (separately ticketed $10 event). Singers and non-singers all welcome. The suitably dark pop song will not be revealed until the night!Public Act TheatrePublic Act Theatre will perform ‘The Conduits’ a two-hour interactive performance art piece involving 5 performers and members of the audience combining physical theatre, movement, projection, sound and ‘automatic painting’.Eve on Tour: Encounter on a Precarious SurfaceA new work being created in residence at The Quad - Eve on Tour: Encounter on a Precarious Surface will build sculptures with scaffolding, create rhythms with bodies and objects and dance rapturous choreography to rock songs. Berlin-based Italian born performers Maria Giulia Serantoni and Andrea Parolin join local Kate McDowell to run a daily workshop at The Quad open to all professional and non-professional participants who identify as a woman. Workshop participants will then take part in the performance at Dark Science.Conservatorium of MusicThe dark dungeons’ of the Conservatorium of Music will feature a host of work and installations such as the Dark Museum of intrigue by Cloudbeard and AñA Wojak, animated videos by Karena Wynn Moylan and interactive art and DJ’s from the Social Futures Club House - who’ll be specially opening their doors late. The Lismore Regional Gallery will also be keeping their doors open into the evening so people can experience the Idle Worship exhibition.Al KhemAnother of The Con’s spaces will be transformed into the Alchemist's Den for Al Khem. Enter in silence for a performance and sound work exploring ancient alchemy and the transmutation of base metal into gold, performed by Galaxy Stone and Luxul, presented by Octopus π.North Coast AstronomyNorth Coast Astronomy will be out in the Quad precinct with their mega powerful telescopes so you can watch the moon rise and see our galaxy up close.Dark Science is on August 16 and 17 at The Quad, 11 Rural St, Lismore. For more details check out:

Input wanted on council's economic development strategy
Input wanted on council's economic development strategy

23 July 2019, 5:38 AM

Lismore City Council is developing a new Economic Development Strategy and is running a series of workshops to get input from the business community.The subjects of the workshops range from "Innovative and Connected City" to "Growing Professional Services" and "Enabling the Agri-Economy".Economic development manager Tina Irish said the strategy would identify ways to support sustainable growth of our existing industries and services, and encourage the development of new ones over the coming decades.“We want to hear from our business community – we know there is a huge brains-trust of business people out there with good ideas and expert knowledge and experience,” Ms Irish said.“We want to explore people’s feedback and incorporate the best of that feedback into a comprehensive Economic Development Strategy that will help us grow Lismore over the next 20 years. “Lismore is a key driver for the whole Northern Rivers economy and we need a detailed action plan so we can strategically implement projects that will improve our city and help us attract businesses, increase jobs and boost tourism.”Council is running the workshops over the remainder of July and in August. Business people are encouraged to register for a session below on a topic of interest. There is no limit to how many workshops people can attend.Innovative and Connected CityWednesday, 24 JulyVenue: Lismore Workers ClubTime: 6pm – 7.30pmExploring Economic Development initiatives in NimbinThursday, 25 JulyVenue: Birth & Beyond Hall, NimbinTime: 6pm – 8.30pmRiver City LifestyleWednesday, 31 JulyVenue: Lismore Workers ClubTime: 6pm – 7.30pmGrowing Professional ServicesThursday, 1 AugustVenue: Lismore Workers ClubTime: 6pm – 7.30pmEnabling the Agri-EconomyWednesday, 7 AugustVenue: Lismore Workers ClubTime: 6pm – 7.30pmCultural and Sporting PowerhouseThursday, 8 AugustVenue: Lismore Workers ClubTime: 6pm – 7.30pmThose people who cannot make a workshop can still participate in the development of Council’s Economic Development Strategy by completing an online survey.To complete the survey or register for the community workshops visit or phone 1300 87 83 87.Registration for community workshops is essential and light refreshments will be served.

New authorised John Deere dealership to boost employment
New authorised John Deere dealership to boost employment

23 July 2019, 2:40 AM

A new authorised John Deere dealership is opening in Lismore. Chesterfield Australia last week lodged a development application with Lismore City Council for the site at 9 Three Chain Rd, South Lismore, to change the approved use from a bulky goods showroom and warehouse to a vehicle sales, hire and repair premises.The site in the industrial estate was previously occupied by Ray Towers Carpets.A statement of environmental effects accompanying the development application says the new business will employ about nine full-time staff.“As the John Deere authorised dealer for the Northern Rivers region as well as a supplier of other incidental farming equipment, Chesterfield will carry out full dealership activities,” the SEE says.“These include sale of agricultural machinery, commercial and golf mowing equipment and residential lawn care products. Full parts supply for all of the other listed products as well as servicing and repairs.”The authorised dealer for John Deere in the area was previously Ongmac Trading in Conway St.A statement on Chesterfield’s website says the company hopes to have the new dealership open in August.Until then, John Deere owners can get in touch with the company through the Beaudesert Branch.Headquartered in Queensland, Chesterfield Australia is one of the largest John Deere dealers in Australia with 13 locations in Queensland and NSW. The company is also an importer and distributor of Faresin Equipment.The development application is on display for community comment until August 5.“The proposed development has a negligible/minor environmental impact which can be satisfactorily managed,” the SEE says.JobsHernes Freight Service:Local HC/MC DriverHernes has been a recognised & respected name in the refrigerated road transport industry for two generations.The origins of what is now Hernes Freight Service can be traced back to Harvey Herne’s humble beginnings in 1974 when he started off carrying frozen groceries down the east coast of Australia & frozen chickens back up with just one Mercedes Benz prime mover. Today Stuart, Harvey’s son, owns & operates a modern fleet of over seventy vehicles comprising of mostly Western Stars, Kenworths and Volvo’s; being one of the most versatile privately owned fleets on the eastern seaboard.We have a position available for a LOCAL HC/MC Driver based in our Lismore depot. This is position is Casual or Full-Time.

All the winners from the Lismore Business Awards
All the winners from the Lismore Business Awards

22 July 2019, 5:36 AM

The Northern Star Lismore Business Awards on Saturday night were a “roaring success”.Lismore Chamber of Commerce and Industry co-president Sarah Smith said about 250 people attended the event at the Trinity Sports Hall.“It was awesome - a really, really good night,” said Ms Smith.“The music was great. The food was great. The girls did a great job on the venue“I think we can safely say it was a roaring success.” Ms Smith said a big highlight was the number of new faces and new businesses entering the awards.It was also great to see Wrightway Products recognised with a “Lismore’s Finest” award having previously won awards three years in a row, she said.Connect Accountants & Advisors took out the Excellence in Business and Business of the Year Awards.Co-owner Andrew Stevens said he and partner Melanie Serone were humbled to win the award and be recognised by their peers."It's a fantastic result for our team and our business," Mr Stevens said."When we started our business about three years ago we made a conscious decision that we would do a good job at a fair price."The growth and benefit we've got out of that has been fantastic."Mr Stevens said the awards were well run and it was a "great night"."The place looked fantastic," he said."We've got to give a big thankyou to the chamber and all the sponsors, because without them these sort of events don't happen."Award Winners and Highly CommendedConnect Accountants & Advisors were the Business of the Year. PHOTO: Supplied/Black Tie Photo Booths.Excellence in BusinessConnect Accountants & AdvisorsExcellence in InnovationTAFE NSWRoxy Rose Burlesque won the Excellence in Micro Business award. PHOTO: Supplied/Black Tie Photo Booths.Excellence in Micro BusinessRoxie Rose BurlesqueSportspower Super Warehouse won the Excellent in Small Business Award. PHOTO: Supplied/Black Tie Photo Booths.Excellence in Small BusinessSportspower Super WarehouseHealth, Care & Wellness IndustriesLismore Karate Pty Ltd trading as Success Martial ArtsNaarah Rodwell chief executive of CASPA won the Outstanding Business Leader award. PHOTO: Supplied/Black Tie Photo Booths.Outstanding Business LeaderNaarah RodwellCASPA Services LtdNgunya Jarjum Child & Family Network won the Outstanding Employer of Choice award. PHOTO: Supplied/Black Tie Photo Booths. Outstanding Employer of ChoiceNgunya Jarjum Child & Family NetworkOutstanding Young EmployeeSkyhe HoytLismore City CouncilOutstanding Young EmployeeJayde McMurrayCASPA Services LtdJoel Jensen Constructions took out the Oustanding Young Entrepreneur award. PHOTO: Supplied/Black Tie Photo BoothsOutstanding Young EntrepreneurJoel JensenJoel Jensen ConstructionsProfessional ServicesEveryday-LegalRetail & Personal ServicesLazuli Sisters Hair and Makeup StudioStart Up SuperstarNorthern Rivers PodiatryTourism & Visitor ExperienceLismore Symphony OrchestraTrade, Construction & ManufacturingArmsign Pty LtdBUSINESS OF THE YEARConnect Accountants & AdvisorsHIGHLY COMMENDEDHealth, Care & Wellness IndustriesCancer Compassionate Fund Inc.Outstanding Employer of ChoiceConnect Accountants & AdvisorsRetail & Personal ServicesSportspower Super WarehouseTrade, Construction & ManufacturingMaccas All Mechanical Excellence in Workplace Health & SafetyHighly CommendedMaccas All MechanicalSucess Martial ArtsJoel Jensen ConstructionsMortgage Choice Northern RiversLismore Symphony OrchestraWinnerMortgage Choice Northern RiversLismore Business awards sponsorsMajor sponsor Northern starGold Sponsors OptusService NSWNorcoTursaAONWin TelevisionBlack tie Photo BoothLion and LambSouthern Cross UniversityLismore City CouncilSafe Work NSWSilver Sponsors Thomas Noble and RussellJTSNorthern rivers Ford and Isuzu utesTAFE NSWBronze Sponsors The Enchanted FloristThe Aussie House sittersJobsHernes Freight Service:Local HC/MC DriverHernes has been a recognised & respected name in the refrigerated road transport industry for two generations.The origins of what is now Hernes Freight Service can be traced back to Harvey Herne’s humble beginnings in 1974 when he started off carrying frozen groceries down the east coast of Australia & frozen chickens back up with just one Mercedes Benz prime mover. Today Stuart, Harvey’s son, owns & operates a modern fleet of over seventy vehicles comprising of mostly Western Stars, Kenworths and Volvo’s; being one of the most versatile privately owned fleets on the eastern seaboard.We have a position available for a LOCAL HC/MC Driver based in our Lismore depot. This is position is Casual or Full-Time.

ICEHOUSE pays tribute to Lismore bandmate Anthony Smith
ICEHOUSE pays tribute to Lismore bandmate Anthony Smith

22 July 2019, 12:23 AM

Australian band ICEHOUSE have paid tribute to founding bandmate Anthony Smith who died on Friday at his Lismore home aged 61."It is with heavy hearts that we let you all know of the passing of Anthony Smith yesterday," the band said in a Facebook post on Saturday."Anthony was one of the early members of Flowers which became ICEHOUSE."He played keyboards on the debut Flowers Icehouse album as well as touring extensively with the band between 1979 and 1981."He went on to play and perform with many other musicians in the subsequent years including Matt Moffitt of Matt Finish and Peter Koppes of The Church among others."In recent years Anthony had been living in Northern New South Wales."Our thoughts go out to his family, loved ones and friends at this time."JobsHernes Freight Service:Local HC/MC DriverHernes has been a recognised & respected name in the refrigerated road transport industry for two generations.The origins of what is now Hernes Freight Service can be traced back to Harvey Herne’s humble beginnings in 1974 when he started off carrying frozen groceries down the east coast of Australia & frozen chickens back up with just one Mercedes Benz prime mover. Today Stuart, Harvey’s son, owns & operates a modern fleet of over seventy vehicles comprising of mostly Western Stars, Kenworths and Volvo’s; being one of the most versatile privately owned fleets on the eastern seaboard.We have a position available for a LOCAL HC/MC Driver based in our Lismore depot. This is position is Casual or Full-Time.

Dunoon company wins award for motorcycle puncture repair tool
Dunoon company wins award for motorcycle puncture repair tool

19 July 2019, 6:43 AM

A Dunoon family business has won an award for a puncture repair tool they designed.The MotoPressor 4in1 Puncture Repair Tool - designed by Greg and Janice Jansen of Rocky Creek Designs - received a prestigious Good Design Award Gold Accolade in the Product Design category in recognition for outstanding design and innovation.“We designed a four in one multi-tool that uses pre-vulcanized repair strings and the whole package stores in a sheath small enough to fit in your pocket,” Mr Jansen said. “The tool contains a pair of pliers, a rasp, an insertion tool and a knife, including five strings.”The “repair string” plugs the hole and leaves a “patch style” repair on the inside of the tire.The Good Design Awards Jury praised MotoPressor 4in1 Puncture Repair Tool commenting: “A compact and highly functional puncture repair tool with an industrial look that goes with the motorcycle aesthetic. The complete package and storage pouch is clever for the amount of tools making it small enough to fit in your pocket.”The Jansens moved to the Northern Rivers in 2004 where they started planting 18,000 coffee trees on their Dunoon property. During that time, their brand, Hills of Byron, won numerous awards for outstanding taste. Both are motorcycle riders and have a passion for seeking new and innovative ideas.  Janice’s background is sourcing promotional gifts for companies seeking gift with purchase items with their brand name and handling the public relations side of the business, so together, they formed Rocky Creek Designs, which has taken them on a totally different path.  “We have built the business from one product which we designed back in 2010, called HELMETLOK,” Mr Jansen said. “This product was so successful that Harley-Davidson asked us to manufacture it for them with their logo on it. We were also approached by Schuberth Helmets to do the same for them, so the HELMETLOK is a well known and used, brand name.“We then added line items to our portfolio and with the new MotoPressor Puncture Repair Tool, we have over 50 items in our range, 99 percent of which have been designed by us.”“This Gold Design Award is a real feather in our cap,” said Ms Jansen. “We are very proud to have the ‘tick’ which means a great deal about the design of our product.”

Men accused of trying to fraudulently obtain mobile phones
Men accused of trying to fraudulently obtain mobile phones

18 July 2019, 5:59 AM

Two men accused of trying to obtain mobile phones from a Lismore retailer using false documents had a map of phone stores between here and Victoria. Crime prevention officer Senior Constable David Henderson said police would allege that at 3:30pm on Tuesday a 59-year-old Victorian man attended the store in Zadoc Street and purchased a new mobile phone on contract and offered the usual ID needed to establish his identity. Staff carried out some checks on their store database that raised concerns. Meanwhile, a 66-year-old Victorian man who was with the 59-year-old also tried to buy a phone plan. The police were called and spoke to the men, and found identification on them which appeared to be fraudulent. Police searched their car and found a large number of proof of age cards and medicare cards that appeared to have been created fraudulently. Police also found a large amount of cash, three new iphones in their original boxes and a map of phone stores between Victoria and Lismore. Both men were charged with Dishonestly Obtain Property By Deception, Possess Identity to Commit an Indictable Offence and Use False Documents to Obtain Property. Both were bail refused by police and the courts, and will appear at Lismore Local Court in August."Kudos to the retail staff who were quick and smart enough to call their local police," Senior Constable Henderson said in a post on the Richmond PD Facebook page. "If you are serving someone who you think has fraudulent ID please speak to your boss ASAP, and if they have concerns police should be called. "If you work in a store that sells mobile phones anywhere between Victoria and Lismore and think you may have served these two men recently, you may want to contact your local police."

NORPA bringing stage adaption of Roald Dahl's Twits to Lismore
NORPA bringing stage adaption of Roald Dahl's Twits to Lismore

18 July 2019, 2:22 AM

A new "razztwizzling" adaption of Roald Dahl’s classic children's book The Twits is coming to Lismore.Spare Parts Puppet Theatre’s director, Michael Barlow, said The Twits was a classic twisted Dahl comedy about a pair of horrible bullies getting their just desserts in the end.NORPA is presenting the show at the Lismore City Hall in partnership with the Macadamia Castle on August 20.The Macadamia Castle will have a special visitor for kids to meet prior to the performance at NORPA and a pop up diner will be serving delicious food from 5pm.“Mr and Mrs Twit are terrible people but very funny characters and it’s so satisfying seeing Muggle-Wump and the Roly-Poly Bird outwit them,” Barlow said.“Roald Dahl has a special gift for making fun of adults who treat children unfairly and our heroes can only win by breaking the rules and playing a few tricks of their own."As laugh-out-loud entertaining as The Twits is, it is a great show for encouraging us all to think about how we treat each other.”Spare Parts Puppet Theatre is one of the longest running theatre companies in Western Australia and is Australia’s flagship puppetry company. Its extensive annual program includes four metropolitan performance seasons, industry training and puppetry workshops, and an extensive touring program across regional WA and the nation.Spare Parts Puppet Theatre's production of The Twits is on at Lismore City Hall on August 20 from 6pm suitable for ages five and up. More info: JobsHernes Freight Service:Local HC/MC Driver

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