More than 30 Lismore electorate community projects are competing for votes to receive money through the NSW Government’s My Community Project.The My Community Project funds projects in each NSW electorate to help improve the wellbeing of people and communities.Successful projects will be determined through a public vote and the projects that receive the most support will receive funding. Up to $260,000 is available for each electorate.Projects nominated in the Lismore City area include:Gingerbread Jarjums Belonging Outside, Lismore $33,649To update and refurbish the outdoor environments creating warm, engaging, natural materials focused play environments for the children.Our Happy Women Designs – Cultural Arts Hub, Goonellabah, $50,000To establish a local cultural arts hub and social enterprise to transform the lives of Aboriginal women and their families, providing a vehicle for social and economic self-determination.Gathering, Yarning & Creating: A Local Women's Initiative, East Lismore, $22,000To implement the Gathering, Yarning and Creating Project, which will be self-sustained after year one. The project will educate and empower women to have a voice in violence prevention; and celebrate cultural diversity and identity.Bringing Wayapa to Lismore, Goonellabah, $45,430The funding will train 10 facilitators in Wayapa Wuurrk - an Indigenous-based, earth mindfulness practice - and promote and deliver six public sessions to the Lismore community. Securing the Safety of the Region's Koalas in Care, East Lismore, $56,532Provision of security fencing around the rehabilitation runs at Friends of the Koala and constructing a koala kindy to ensure all the koalas are safe.Connecting and Revitalising our Communities with the trail, Girards Hill, $35,750To develop an interactive website for the Northern Rivers Rail Trail. A world class rail trail requires an innovative and interactive website to help all visitors enjoy its full potential.Flood proofing the Lismore Rugby Union Club, North Lismore, $188,959To flood proof our future, upgrade our facilities and provide a free community facility to all.Nimbin Community Centre Aged Care - New Car Platform, Nimbin, $70,000To build a level vehicle load/unload platform to improve all-abilities access to the Nimbin Community Centre Aged Care facilities.Waterless Compost Toilet at Lismore Community Garden, Lismore, $68,733Providing an accessible waterless compost toilet facility at Lismore Community Garden for volunteers, event participants and visitors.Building Wellbeing in our Young People, Nimbin, $67,650Fitness equipment in our grounds suitable for our secondary students will create opportunities for exercise and to build their fitness.Lismore's Heart Safe Defibrillator Initiative, South Lismore, $42,946Installing public access defibrillators in strategic locations in case of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Defibrillators increase chance of survival by 85 per cent.Integrated PlayScape-to build fitness, brains and bodies, Nimbin, $75,000To construct a play environment from largely sustainable materials that stimulates a child's imagination, creativity, social skills and healthy mind.Lismore PCYC Community Facility Upgrade, Lismore, $59,400To air-condition the gym, boxing & dojo rooms, upgrade the lighting in the main hall and to purchase new dojo matting.Heritage Park:Our Rainforest Adventure:Central Pathway Spine, Lismore, $28,710Create a central pathway spine (1.5 metres wide) connecting play spaces, waterpark, picnic areas and entry/exit points providing accessibility for whole community.Improving Lismore's Cyclability, Lismore, $24,042The project will deliver 15 heart bicycle parking stations and two deluxe bicycle repair stands to support healthy lifestyle choices.Tregeagle Community BBQ, Tregeagle, $22,000Provide an electric BBQ and shelter at Tregeagle Hall and Tennis Courts for local community.Green Innovation Awards Northern Rivers, Goonellabah, $36,000It is a competition for primary school and high school students to submit their green innovative ideas.Clifford Park Seating Project, Goonellabah, $62,528The project will provide seating for 60 people at Clifford Park in the heart of the Aboriginal Community in Goonellabah.Finding Financial Freedom, Lismore, $55,602A series of regular financial education nights covering different themes with a healthy dinner and babysitting service being provided.Mortimer Oval Fencing, Lismore, $115,000Installation of white PVC fencing of Mortimer Oval for cricket, Australian Rules Football, school sport and general public recreation.Access for all, South Lismore, $80,000To provide an access solution at the Tropical Fruits club house in addition to our stairs and an accessible toilet for our less mobile members.To see more details of the projects head to: Dominic Perrottet encouraged people across NSW to get involved in the innovative program, which empowers communities to make decisions that will enhance their local community, by proposing and choosing projects to get funded.“My Community Project gives you the chance to develop your great idea to revitalise or renew your neighbourhood, whether that be through the addition of a community garden, a safe and inclusive playground or holding a cultural fair,” Mr Perrottet said.“Through this program, locals can think about what their community needs, develop that idea with a sponsor such as a local council, TAFE or a charity, and then work with them to transform their concept into reality.To vote for a community project go to until 15 August 2019. You’ll need a MyServiceNSW Account and your Medicare card to vote.You can vote for up to five projects with points awarded as follows:1st preference – 10 points2nd preference – 5 points3rd preference – 3 points4th preference – 2 points5th preference – 1 point