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CASPA Foundation hosts NSW pre-election debate

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14 February 2023, 7:09 PM

CASPA Foundation hosts NSW pre-election debate

With just over 5 weeks to go before we head to the polls for the 2023 State Election, it is time for the community to meet the candidates and listen to debates about various issues.

The CASPA Foundation is hosting, Debate for your State on Wednesday 22 February from 6:30pm.

The debate will be a great opportunity for local residents to hear from the debate panel on a topical policy that impacts our community. The panel includes Labor's Janelle Saffin, The Greens Adam Guise, The Nationals Alex Rubin and Shooters Fishers Farmers Matthew Bertalli.   

The moderator for the evening, legal commentator, Foundation Director and Dean of Law at Southern Cross University, David Heilpern, will lead the evening of an entertaining, yet informative debate.  

“Too often young people are forgotten in policy and at election time – most are too young to vote and the result is their voices go unheard. Through this evening of debate we can focus attention on the rights and responsibilities of young people and bring them a better future” - David Heilpern 

The CASPA Foundation aims to help young people who have experienced the Care system, achieve their goals by ensuring they are supported with housing, transport and providing financial support for their education needs. 

Topics debated on the night will focus on youth issues across New South Wales. 

Current research indicates the majority of children interacting with the Justice system experience poverty, abuse and neglect.  

“The environmental factors we see in the children and young people we support being raised in, for the most part, are the same as those presenting within the Justice system – this isn’t a coincidence. More needs to be done to break this cycle and lift these children out of poverty and disadvantage. Raising the age of criminal responsibility is an issue gaining more visibility across the states and our leaders are listening to communities on this issue.” - Naarah Rodwell, CEO CASPA Services and Chair, CASPA Foundation. 

Debate for your State is a free event, to be held at the Sherwood Lismore on Wednesday 22 February, from 6:30pm. 

About CASPA Foundation 

CASPA Foundation is focussed on ensuring young people leaving care are fully supported to pursue further education, vocational training or trade apprenticeships and break the cycle of intergenerational disadvantage. The Foundation offers support across the NSW Northern Rivers and the Mid-north Coast regions. 

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