26 October 2022, 12:23 AM
Canadian couple and International Buddhist teachers Susan and Chris Bixby will be giving lectures in Alstonville at Diamond Way Buddhism Northern Rivers.
Susan and Chris Bixby met Lama Ole Nydahl in 1994 and soon after helped establish the Diamond Way Buddhist Centre in Calgary, Canada. In 2006, Lama Ole and his wife Hannah asked Susan and Chris to travel and teach Buddhism. Since then, they have taught Diamond Way Buddhism throughout the Americas and Europe.
At Lama Ole’s request, they were invited to Australia in 2020, but the teaching tour was postponed until now. It is their first visit to Australia since they lived in Sydney in the 1970s.
Chris is a retired lawyer and Susan’s background is in education and art. They have been married for over 50 years and are now living happily in Victoria, British Colombia, close to their three married children and nine grandchildren.
This is a series of talks in their Australian Tour visiting Diamond Way Buddhist centres and groups.
Diamond Way Buddhism Northern Rivers meets at 7.00pm on Wednesdays to share practical Buddhist teachings useful in everyday life. There is a short talk related to Diamond Way Buddhist view or practice followed by meditation.
The Diamond Way Buddhism Centre is located at 5 Daley Street, Alstonville.
Wednesday evenings are suited to those new to Buddhism and also more experienced practitioners. If coming for the first time, it is good to call ahead so we can ensure someone is available to welcome you and give you some useful introductory information.
Susan and Chris Bixby Teaching Schedule:
Friday, October 28th – Friday at 7pm – Alstonville – Public Talk: “Buddhism in the Modern World”
Saturday, October 29th – Saturday – Alstonville – Talk 1: “Karma – Causality” & Talk 2: “The Six Liberating Actions”
10am: Private Practice Meditation Session
Meet at 9:30 for coffee and cake
12pm: Lunch – Details to be discussed
1 to 3pm: Talk 1 – “Karma – Causality”
4 to 6pm: Talk 2 – “The Six Liberating Actions”
Dinner – Details to be discussed
Sunday, October 30th – Sunday – Alstonville – Public Talk: “The Meaning of Sangha
The pricing for the public talk is $15 each or $50 for all four and bookings and enquiries can be made by contacting:
Michael & Sandy Koenen