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Waste vouchers open for applicants for 2025

The Lismore App

24 January 2025, 9:00 PM

Waste vouchers open for applicants for 2025

The start of the year means a big cleanout of unwanted household items or the extra waste generated by the festive season for a lot of Lismore homes.

The cost of the cleanout can be considerable.

To help with the cost of disposing of those unwanted household items, Lismore City Council provides one (1) waste voucher per eligible property, which is capped at 5,000 in total per financial year.

You can apply if you are a property owner or someone paying rent.

The application process is simple and quick and can be done online.

Once a voucher is issued, you have 30 days to take your waste to either Lismore Recycling & Recovery Centre or Nimbin Transfer Station.

If you don’t use your voucher within the 30 days, it will expire and you can apply again another time.

The value of the voucher is $74.40. It is best that you sort your waste beforehand as much as possible because it will it be cheaper for you and enable Council to recycle items and keep more out of landfill.

For more information on conditions of use and to apply for a voucher, go to, call Council on 02 6625 0500 or visit the front counter at our Corporate Centre in Goonellabah after the long weekend..

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