Simon Mumford
07 May 2020, 2:00 AM
The iconic Lismore Lantern Parade is another event that is going 'virtual' in 2020.
A virtual Lantern Parade will be similar to ANZAC Day with one addition.
Step 1 is to go on-line and purchase your Diamond or Pyramid lanterns from the Lismore Lantern Parade website ( for $15.
You can either pick up your lantern from Creative Director/CEO Jyllie Jackson and her team at 289 Keen Street or they can be delivered for a small fee of $5 within the Northern Rivers. Diamond lanterns can be posted to your family and friends throughout Australia so they too can participate for only $10 giving you up to 4 diamond kits per post.
Each lantern kit will contain your lantern, colourful tissue paper shapes to help you decorate your lantern, a tub of pva glue, sponge and an LED candle to go inside your finished lantern.
You are encouraged to take photos of you and your family decorating your lantern and the finished product and email them to Jyllie (details later) or upload on your favourite social media site with the hashtag #lightntheheart. Jyllie does say "it doesn't need to be fancy".
Step 2 is show your decorated lantern by gathering with family and friends at the end of your driveway, on your street, or your garden (socially distancing of course) or on your balcony, window or shop front at 6pm on Saturday June 20. The Virtual Lantern Parade will Live Stream at about 7pm.
If everyone gets behind the 2020 Virtual Lismore Lantern Parade we can show support to the wonderful work that Jyllie Jackson and her team of volunteers do each and every year as well as brighten our neighbourhoods during the winter solstice and "Bring light to our hearts in this challenging time!", adds Jyllie.
The Lismore App is a proud sponsor for the 2020 Virtual Lismore Lantern Parade.