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Unfortunate truck gets stuck on Union Street

The Lismore App

Liina Flynn

15 April 2020, 4:37 AM

Unfortunate truck gets stuck on Union StreetTruck caught under Union Street overpass. Photo by Jason Placing.

An unfortunate mistake ended in a truck becoming wedged under the Union Street railway overpass today.

Lismore resident Jason Placing was driving down Union Street and snapped a photo of the stuck truck at about 12.30pm today.

It’s not the first time he’s seen a truck stuck there.

“I’ve seen it dozens of times - at least once every couple of months,” Jason said. 

Sergeant Underhill from Lismore Police Station said the police were on the scene to manage and redirect traffic.

“To get past, we had to drive through the lower truck pass next to the road – the pass where the truck should have gone,” Jason said.

“To get the truck out, they have to lower all the air out of the tyres to give them enough room to pull it out.”

Jason said he believes the overpass may have sunk over the years, and it’s not the height that the signage says it is.

Lismore resident Mark Bailey was also on Union Street to see the unfortunate truck today. 

Truck photo by Mark Bailey.

Mark believes the overpass needs better signage, because he’s seen it happen regularly too.

“There’s no big signs as you approach it,” Mark said. “It could do with solar activated red flashing lights and a sign adjacent to it, so drivers have more warning.

“It’s railway property that needs to be managed properly. If State Rail were managing it, it would have lights. 

“John Holland is in charge of managing this railway reserve, and if it was properly managed, it would have better signage. 

“It would reduce the number of crashes.

“That bridge ain’t moving for a truck.”

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