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Three local businesses combine to take on Evans Head

The Lismore App

Simon Mumford

29 June 2020, 3:24 AM

Three local businesses combine to take on Evans Head

Three local business owners have banded together to take on Evans Head by opening a new store this Wednesday July 1.

The Evans Emporium is the brainchild of Tracey Ryan from Fashion Profile in Woodlark Street and Petria Powell from Trea's Shoes in the Starcourt Arcade. They approached Matthew Healy from Daley's Homewares and Monograms soon after the initial discussions and now the three have taken the idea and turned it into a reality.

"A number of Evans Head shops have closed in recent months, which leaves a gap in the market leaving the people of Evans not being serviced", Matthew said.

"It's all based on what we currently do."

Trea will stock a range of beautiful shoes but will include some beachy type products like sandals and thongs that she doesn't stock in Lismore.

Tracey has taken all her dresses whilst putting in swimwear to cater for the Evans market.

"You can't buy a pair of thongs, you can't buy swimmer in Evans at the moment."

Matthew is doing a cut down version of his range of Sheridan sheets and Dunlop pillows as well as tablecloths and napkins while including Bonds under pants. Apparently, something else you can't buy in Evans Head at the moment.

Matthew added "the people of Evans have to travel to buy those items at the moment".

The three business will share the 93 square metre space as well as staffing costs. All staff have been trained to sell the three different lines.

Evans Emporium will also sell local products like Evans honey and Alstonville cosmetics so they can support the local community as well, just like they do in Lismore.

"In peak times during holidays we'll be open 7 days, normal hours closed Monday and Tuesday but open on the weekend."

For Petria it is going back to Evan's head. Her daughter has the original Muzza's Milk Bar which opened in Evans in 2013 and is directly across the road from the Emporium. Petria brought Muzza's to Lismore then couldn't juggle both Trea's Shoes and Muzza's so closed Muzza's last year.

It is nice to hear about three local business people seeing an opportunity then making it happen. It is not in the 2480 postcode but the profits will be brought back to Lismore.

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