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The Weekend Wrap - weather, Lantern Parade, markets and jokes.

The Lismore App

Simon Mumford

19 June 2020, 5:04 AM

The Weekend Wrap - weather, Lantern Parade, markets and jokes.

This weekend is the Winter Solstice (the shortest day of the year), it is Sunday June 21 to be exact. As every local knows that means the Lismore Lantern Parade should be hitting the CBD with crowds of 25,000 lining the streets.

Thanks to coronavirus, the Lismore Lantern Parade has moved to November 14, however Jyllie Jackson and her team having been working hard to put alternative events on this year so we are not left with an empty space.

Tomorrow (Saturday) there are two events you can support and be involved with, either passively or actively.

The first is through the Virtual Lantern Parade where people who have bought and decorated their lanterns will put them out on their doorsteps, balconies, verandahs or front gardens from 6pm tonight in a show of support for the traditional Lantern Parade winter solstice timing. You can walk around your neighbourhood to view these lanterns or jump on their facebook page for a virtual tour starting at 6pm facebook page with

Checkout the video montage from people that have already decorated their lanterns as well as previous parade images video montage.

The second way to take the family and walk the streets of the CBD this evening.

The Lismore City Council has sponsored the Enchanted Windows display. This is where businesses in the CBD have purchased and decorated lanterns to hang or place in their shopfront windows. Plus Jyllie and her LightnUp team will be setting up some lantern pop-ups too, making it a drive or wander through the streets of the CBD viewing the lanterns before grabbing some takeaway from local cafes and restaurants.

The weather for the weekend is looking mostly positive with some showers likely but we are talking 40% so worth the effort to get into the CBD with the family. Rug up as minimums will be 9-10 degrees with tops of 19-20 during the day. By the way next week the weather is forecast to be brilliant blue sky with plenty of sunshine.

The Lismore Regional Gallery opened its doors again on Wednesday and will be open over the weekend between 10am and 2pm and the Nimbin Artists Gallery is open between 11am and 4pm for those that have missed the art world during COVID-19.

The Lismore Farmers Markets kicks off at 8am tomorrow. As well as the fresh fruit and vegies, hot coffee and hot food, Jyllie and the Lantern Parade team will have a stall so you can buy last minute lanterns to decorate.

There has been no addition to the bush walks we can do with Rocky Creek Dam still closed. The Rous County Council saying they are still looking for commercial cleaners for their facilities before opening again. Can anyone help?

That leaves us with Minyon Falls, Protestor Falls and the Big Scrub walks.

Time for some Friday jokes to put a smile on your dial.....

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