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The Met Gala’s humidicrib donation to Our Kids

The Lismore App

Lara Leahy

05 June 2024, 9:00 PM

The Met Gala’s humidicrib donation to Our KidsThe gold plaque reads, "Donated to Our Kids by the Met Gala"

The Met Gala committee recently finalised last year's charity donation when they placed a plaque on a humidicrib, the Drager Isolette 8000 Plus. It was given to Our Kids as part of the $30,148.00 contributions raised during the inaugural Met Gala in 2023.

The team were able to see firsthand what their fundraising efforts achieved at Lismore Base Hospital and how it is making a massive difference in the community. 

One of the founding members, Jay Gibson, told us, “We are a team of locals with a vision of creating something fabulous while raising money for our wonderful local charities.

"This humidicrib allows some of our most special and vulnerable newborns to stay in Lismore with their parents when things don't go to plan at such a delicate time."

(Lisa Love and Jay Gibson with the humidicrib at Lismore Base Hospital)

Health NSW reports that about 8 in every 100 children are born prematurely in Australia. The earlier they are born, the higher the risk is to the newborn's health and existence. 

Well equipped neonatal intensive care units make a big difference to premature babies.

“The chances of survival depend on how early the baby arrives and how quickly expert care is available. Before 26 weeks of pregnancy, about 60 out of 100 babies will survive birth. By 28 to 30 weeks of pregnancy, 98 out of 100 babies will survive birth.”

A humidicrib or isolette, is a clear plastic box that provides a warm, controlled and clean, enclosed environment where the baby can be easily observed. It helps protect the baby from infection and excess handling, and prevents them from using vital energy/calories to keep warm. 

(The Drager Isolette 8000 Plus)

It can be set to a high humidity and warm temperature so the baby does not lose water through their skin, which is very thin when they are born prematurely.

The humidicrib donated to Our Kids at Lismore Base Hospital has some unique features:

  • Humidity levels can be set manually or automatically update based on the the air temperature setting.
  • Kangaroo Care mode allows parents to peacefully practice skin-to-skin care with minimal alarms and continuous temperature monitoring while the Isolette's settings are kept stable for baby's return.
  • It is height adjustable, it is lightweight, has a compact footprint, ergonomic foot-actuated brakes and smooth castors that allow virtually effortless movement
  • It includes an innovative Condensation Management System that is specifically designed to address hospitals’ practices for enhancing infection control and supporting hygienic care.

(Isolette 8000 Plus readout)

The Met Gala committee couldn’t be more pleased at being able to contribute such an important piece of equipment to the community. Jay says, “We all believed Lismore deserves its night of nights and how amazing is this spectacular event that raised more money than we all imagined.”

“We were also able to donate a Resusci Junior QCPR for the Kamala (Adolescent Unit), children’s clothes, milk warmers and other items on their wish list.”

The second annual Met Gala is happening again next month, and the committee is planning for another incredible event.  

This year, Lismore's Met Gala is on Saturday, 27th July from 5.00 pm until late at The Hotel Metropole. 

The dress code is formal with the theme, ‘Diamond & Pearls’, so get out your strings and tiaras and start thinking about how best to show off your sparkly assets!

All proceeds this year will be donated to another worthy cause, 'Jodie’s Inspiration'.

Jodie's Inspiration is founded by Jodie McRae with the aim of raising much needed funds to help purchase essential and non-essential medical equipment and resources for Lismore's oncology units. Jodie's Inspiration also seeks to promote the importance of early cancer detection and awareness.

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