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The Long Weekend Wrap - weather, petrol, jokes and what's open

The Lismore App

Simon Mumford

05 June 2020, 5:00 AM

The Long Weekend Wrap - weather, petrol, jokes and what's open

Three days off with the freedom to travel and mostly blue skies, enough to make you smile.

There has been a steady stream of camper trailers and caravans leaving our community since the easing of travel restrictions on Monday and no doubt more to come this afternoon.

NSW Police are back on the roads targeting speeding, drink and drug driving, driving while fatigued, mobile phone usage, helmets and any other traffic offence! Traffic and Highway Patrol Commander, Assistant Commissioner Michael Corbuy said “Drivers can expect to see plenty of officers out on our streets, enforcing the road rules and ensuring that all road users reach their destination safely.” This does include stationary RBT's and RDT 's.

If you are heading as far south as Coffs, you will get to enjoy the new 36 kilometre Pacific Highway upgrade between Tyndale and Glenugie. There will be some road works between Woolgoolga and Ballina due to highway upgrades on Monday.

Some good news on the petrol pricing front, it was expected to rise for the long weekend but hasn't with 109.9 the cheapest still at the United Station on Ballina Road near Keen Street. Everything else is about 114.9.

Back at home, a reminder that the Minyon Falls, Protestor Falls and Big Scrub bush walks are all open although Big Scrub will require a walk in and out due to road closures. Check out the bush walks here Walks. Rocky Creek Dam remains closed.

Camping is open at Rummery Park but all camping needs to be pre-booked before you visit any camp grounds.

The Lismore Farmers Markets are on again tomorrow from 8am with live music, hot breakfasts, hot coffee and a great array of local produce. The Blue Knob Markets open their gates at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

It has ben announced in NSW that libraries, museums and art gallery's could re-open from June 1st. To clarify Lismore City Council has said that the Regional Gallery, libraries in Lismore and Goonellabah, GSAC and the Lismore and Nimbin Information Centres will remain closed until "we put new COVID-19 safety measures in place".

Lismore City Council’s Manager Major Recreation and Cultural Facilities Tony Duffy said "these procedures can not be rushed".

Family entertainment remains closed until at least June 13 so no roller skating, ten pin bowling or movies over the long weekend.

If you are stuck for something to do, check out some real estate for sale (For Sale) or cars to buy (Used Cars). Don't forget to buy local over the long weekend.

You can also check out our Games & Puzzles button to keep yourself amused (Games & Puzzles).

Our weekend stories will have Blogs from Neil Marks tomorrow morning talks about Councillors forgoing 10% of their councillor salary, on Sunday Gianpiero Battista talks about free community access to all council briefing meetings and our Sunday Profile on the Lismore App is Widjabal Elder Ros Sten, one of Lismore's Aboriginal Community Liaison Officers in Richmond District Police.

The weather is looking pretty good for Saturday and Sunday with maximums of 20 or 21 before we see some rain on Monday which will continue for the rest of the week.

Now, for some jokes to end your week;


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