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The Lake Pool: is back on the agenda again

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Simon Mumford

12 April 2021, 8:58 PM

The Lake Pool: is back on the agenda again

The Lismore Lake Pool has been a controversial talking point among locals since it closed in 2011. Many want it to re-open while others say keep it shut.

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Councillor Bill Moorhouse has a motion in front of Council at tonight's meeting asking for expressions of interest to run and operate the Lake Pool.

Cnr Moorhouse's motion says:

1. Advertise for expressions of interest for 28 days.

2. Interested parties are then given three (3) months to submit a proposal for the precinct, including:

a. How the lake surrounds can be maintained

b. How the disused pool will be upgraded

c. How water can be put back into the lake

d. How works will be funded, including any financial assistance available from Council.

3. Council will be presented with a report on how this transfer of responsibilities can take place either in part or full for the precinct for up to five (5) years

Let's start with some history

In 2008 Councillors were asked to close the Lake Pool because it was run down and past its used by date. It needed so much work done on it to bring it up to standard and be WHS (work health & safety) satisfactory as well.

Councillors said 'No' and kept it open for the summers of 2008, 2009 and 2010 before it finally closed in 2011 and was set for demolition.

Since then it has been in every budget to finance its demolition, removal and repatriation but when we realised that we don't have any money to do, it falls off the worksheets but it still remains, sort of, as a dilapidated asset.

Over the years many people and groups have said they have a plan to rebuild and put life back into the old pool but nothing has come out of it other than a lot of meetings and people blaming LCC for not giving their particular group a chance to repatriate the Lake Pool and potentially the Lake to its former glory.

Then there was the $2 million Federal Government Grant saga in 2019 that was debated last year.

Maybe Councillor Moorhouse's motion will finally complete the sad and sorry last decade of the Lismore Lake Pool saga. One way or the other, it would be good to a definitive result, demolish it and repatriate the site or let someone try and revitalise the existing structure for public use.


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