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Terania Street reopening to light vehicles this Friday

The Lismore App

17 June 2024, 2:25 AM

Terania Street reopening to light vehicles this Friday

After being closed for more than four months, Lismore’s Terania Street will reopen to light vehicles from late Friday, 21 June, weather permitting. With the Bureau of Meteorology forecasting sunny and partly cloudy days, there should be no delays.

This follows the installation of traffic calming measures, designed to prevent the recurrence of damage caused to the rail-over-road bridge by oversized vehicles, which resulted in its closure between Tweed and Peate streets from 7 February.

That was the third time, Terania Street had been closed since September 2023, when it was closed for two months due to safety issues for the Terania Street Bridge after repeat collisions by overheight vehicles.

Transport for NSW Director Region North Anna Zycki thanked residents and businesses affected by the closure for their patience while work continues on a permanent solution for the bridge.

“Our specialist engineers have designed and installed temporary road treatments to slow down light vehicles and restrict heavy vehicles from using this route, so we can prevent any further damage,” Ms Zycki said.

“Terania Street is now equipped with speed humps, a reduced 25 km/h speed limit, restricted lane width, traffic islands and a surveillance camera.

“We’ll be monitoring vehicles on the east and west approaches to the bridge, ensuring those weighing more than 4.5 tonnes don’t enter the restricted road approaching the rail bridge.”

“New ‘No right turn’ signs have also been installed for vehicles entering and exiting Peate Street and Transport urges all road users to respect the new traffic conditions, which are designed to prevent the bridge from further damage.”

The NSW Heritage Council has approved the application by Transport for NSW to remove the Terania Street rail-over-road bridge. Transport is working through the heritage approval consent conditions and will notify the community when work is due to start.

A detour for heavy vehicles is available via Wilson Street, Elliott Road and Ballina Road. Residents wishing to enter or exit Peate Street need to detour via Pine, Crane and Tweed streets.

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