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Terania Street Bridge to come down at the earliest in June

The Lismore App

Simon Mumford

10 April 2024, 9:02 PM

Terania Street Bridge to come down at the earliest in June

The ongoing saga regarding the Terania Street Bridge looks like it is ending, as Lismore City Council gave an update at last night's April meeting continuation.

Councillor (Cr) Bing put forward a question with notice to General Manager Jon Gibbons to provide an update on the bridge's removal.

Mr Gibbons's response was:

Terania Street viaduct

"Council has been verbally advised by TfNSW, the Terania Street viaduct will be open in coming weeks following the installation of traffic calming islands and signage."

"The viaduct will remain closed to heavy vehicles. Their section 60 heritage application to remove the viaduct has been submitted and heritage personnel have been on site with the application currently on public exhibition at

"Advice has been received the earliest date for removal would likely be sometime in June 2024. In the meantime, pedestrian access has been opened.

"TfNSW will continue with communicating progress to the community and businesses in the vicinity.

Alexandra Parade viaduct

"Council has been verbally advised the Alexandra bridge will remain open under 24/7 traffic control for vehicles using the 2.8 metre height clearance lanes following improvements to protect the piers with the 3.5 metre clearance lane remaining closed for the foreseeable future."

"Council have been requested to undertake the necessary lease and licence arrangements to enable the nearby crossing to be opened as an alternate route for vehicles exceeding 2.8 metres in height.

Winterton Parade and Union Street viaducts

Council has been advised minor works have been undertaken to ensure safe traffic flow.

Crane Street viaduct

Remain open. No update.

LCCs Chief Operating Officer Brendan Logan added further information that was received since the business papers were printed.

"Since then, we have had an application from Transport for NSW to occupy land right next to the Terania Street Bridge to set up sites that are going to be just for the bridge removal."

"So, there is actually action on the Transport for NSW side and they are taking steps to get set up for removal."

No date has been set, but as Mr Gibbons mentioned the earliest would be June 2024, but more likely, it will be in the second half of 2024. With an end in sight, I am sure you can hear the hollers and applause from North Lismore businesses and residents throughout the LGA.

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