02 April 2020, 7:40 PM
Wildlife researchers are embarking on a study to find if koalas are threatened by livestock - and they need you to fill in a short survey to help them out.
The survey aims to better understand how often livestock-inflicted injuries and mortalities to koalas occur. It’s not just cattle, but all livestock under investigation, as a potential threat to koalas in areas where koala habitat overlaps with grazing.
Koala-livestock conflicts have been anecdotally reported and koalas with injuries from livestock are admitted to wildlife hospitals throughout the year.
The survey, run through the University of Queensland, aims to investigate the extent and frequency of koalas suffering from livestock-inflicted injuries/deaths in Northern NSW, Southeast Queensland and other locations in Australia.
The survey takes only two to 10 minutes and will provide valuable information that can be used to develop management strategies to help reduce koala mortalities caused by livestock.
All responses are treated as anonymous and confidential.
A participant information sheet is also provided for more details once you open the link to the survey here.