20 October 2019, 8:26 PM
A local Arborist felling a tree in Lismore had a surprise when he found a nest in tree trunk which had split in two.
Still in the trunk were five very young Eastern Rosellas, their hollow was completely split and could not be reused.
Northern Rivers Wildlife Information and Rescue Service (WIRES) was contacted and a volunteer was quickly on the scene and collected the tiny, now homeless chicks.
The parent birds were watching - a truly heartbreaking scene for the people involved.
Pictured: The broken tree hollow after being felled.
The chicks were examined by WIRES bird carer Julie and found to be uninjured and all in perfect condition.
A call went out over WIRES communications system for the urgent need of a Rosella nesting box.
A nestbox was constructed almost immediately by WIRES volunteer Martin, and the following morning Julie went back on site, found a suitable tree and the nestbox was put as high as possible in the tree.
Pictured: The new next box for the chicks.
The five little Rosella chicks were placed inside.
Julie stood back but did not have to wait long.
The parent birds were still in the area and heard their chicks call.
Pictured: Rosella parents waiting to feed their young.
They were quickly back on duty, feeding their chicks.
If you are keen to make a difference for the wildlife in our area, consider joining WIRES.
For more information about how you can join and contribute call the WIRES rescue line 66 281 898.
You can also call this number if you find an injured native animal.
WIRES relies heavily on the generosity of caring people for support.
All donations $2 and over are tax deductible.
Now is also a great time to join WIRES and start learning to be a wildlife rescuer.
The 24-hour hotline is for all rescue, advice or membership calls in the Northern Rivers - call 6628 1898 or go to http://wiresnr.org/Helping.html to find out how you can help.