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SUNDAY PROFILE: Millur Gao - Lismore's newest optometrist

The Lismore App

Maive McKenzie

22 June 2024, 8:00 PM

SUNDAY PROFILE: Millur Gao - Lismore's newest optometrist

Millur Gao is one of Lismore's newest residents and optometrists. He is a second-generation Australian who has now called Lismore home. Maive McKenzie sat down with Millur to get his life story.

I grew up in the vibrant city of Sydney, where I spent my primary years, soaking in the urban energy until a family decision took us up north to the, at the time, quieter shores of the Gold Coast.

This move wasn’t driven by necessity but by a desire for a change of pace. The Gold Coast offered a more relaxed atmosphere, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of Sydney.

Growing up as a second-generation Australian, I had always felt a strong sense of responsibility to work hard and aim for a future in which I could support my immigrant parents. To be able to give them a comfortable life, which they had given me. 

While navigating the bustling world around me, I discovered a passion for numbers. Mathematics had intrigued me from a young age, leading me to consider a future in engineering. Biomedical engineering also sparked my curiosity, but the idea of spending hours glued to a computer screen wasn't appealing to me. I had always craved social interaction and a field that would allow me to connect with people. Health-related professions seemed like a good fit, and after some exploration, optometry emerged as the perfect blend of science and human connection.

My work life began early. From the moment I was legally allowed to work, I jumped into the world of fast food and retail. These experiences were certainly a lot, as most people who worked in these fields know, but it was a great experience and I believe that it gave me a lot of valuable lessons. I loved being able to connect with people, which has transferred to my career now.

During my studies, I was also able to run my own BMX bike business as a side hustle, reaching customers all over Australia. 

Education was so pivotal in my life and something I enjoyed.

I attended the prestigious Queensland Academy for Health Sciences, a selective high school that surrounded me with like-minded individuals who shared my drive and my passions, and I was glad to form valuable friendships there.

This environment further solidified my desire to pursue a career in healthcare. When it came to university, my choice was clear: Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Here, I got to immerse myself in this world of vision science and optometry, earning my Bachelor's and Master’s degrees, which would become the foundation for my future career. 

University wasn't all textbooks and lectures. Working part-time as a dispensing optical technician during those years became a turning point. Sure, I honed my customer service skills (which came in handy!), but the real revelation was witnessing the impact optometry has on people's lives – that's when I knew this was the career path for me.

The experience was like a window into the world of optometry, perfectly merging my passion for science with the human connection I wanted. I was also fortunate enough to be the President of the Queensland Optometry Student Society, where I was able to connect students with industry leaders. 

I also got the opportunity to volunteer and help out with organisations like OneSight and Salvos to provide glasses for those in need. Doing this was so incredible and it was a blessing to make a tangible impact on people's lives. This experience solidified a growing sense of social responsibility within me, a commitment that pushed me to look beyond a typical career path.

I practised on the Goldie before I decided to move to Lismore. The lack of qualified and permanent optometrists in rural areas felt like a calling – a chance to use my arsenal of skills to serve a community in need. 

Of course, transitioning to Lismore wasn't a walk in the park. Having moved to a new town by myself was challenging. The pace here was different, and the environment was unfamiliar. But I quickly became part of the community. I joined a local gym, and actively sought ways to connect with the community, such as the Parkrun.

The warmth and welcoming nature of the people in Lismore truly shone through. This town offered a strong sense of community, a deep respect for each other, and a down-to-earth vibe.

These days, I find myself practising optometry in a lovely store here in Lismore. It's allowed me to build close relationships with my patients, something I truly cherish. The profession itself keeps me engaged. I love the intricate details, the problem-solving that comes with every case, and the immense satisfaction of helping people. Every patient brings a unique challenge and it's incredibly rewarding.

Though I'm still a fresh face in the field, my professional journey feels like it's just getting started. But my life outside of work has already taken a whole new turn.

Moving to Lismore wasn't just about a change of scenery; it was a chance to branch out professionally and contribute to regional healthcare. The demand for optometrists here was an exciting opportunity to establish myself and use my skills in a setting unlike that of the bigger cities. Lismore also resonated with me on a personal level. It had this strong sense of community that offered a sense of belonging and support. Sure, settling into a new town with limited social connections wasn't easy. But that's part of the adventure! 

One of the unexpected joys of working in a smaller practice is the chance to build deeper connections with my patients. Spending more time with each person allows me to truly understand their unique needs and concerns. These interactions are a constant reminder of the human element in my profession, the part that truly fuels my passion.

Being part of a smaller healthcare team here in Lismore has been another eye-opener. Collaborating with the staff and local doctors fosters a real sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. It's a fantastic learning environment where I can benefit from the experience of my colleagues.

The future is an exciting open book for me. I'm not one for rigid five-year plans; I'm more interested in embracing the present and letting Lismore show me where life wants to take me. One thing's for sure though – I'm committed to this community and see myself staying put for a good while. This opens up some fantastic possibilities!

My journey here is just taking off, and the road ahead promises both challenges and rewards, and I can’t wait to see what the future brings.  

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