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Second Hand Saturday leftovers up for grabs this weekend

The Lismore App

Liina Flynn

02 October 2019, 5:15 AM

Second Hand Saturday leftovers up for grabs this weekend

If you didn’t get a chance to get out and about to the hundreds of garage sales across the Northern Rivers region last Saturday, your chance to grab the leftovers is here.

This Saturday, October 5, garages, driveways and lawns will again be covered in second hand goods for sale - in Second Hand Saturday Part 2.

Second Hand Saturday organiser, Linda Tohver from the North East Waste Forum, said she had received positive feedback from people enjoying participating in the social day, with an environmental message. 

“When I was out and about looking at garage sales last Saturday, I spoke to a man who was travelling around with his mother in law,” she said.

“It was 10.30am and he’d been to 20 garage sales and was going to keep going till he’d been to 50 of them. 

“He and his wife make a shopping list of what they need for the kids and wait to get it second hand – and be a part of the circular economy. 

“He has enough money to buy new stuff, but believes there’s too much stuff in the world.”

“I found something for each member of my family – a book on airplanes for my son for $2 and a cool light for my daughters room and some jam for my husband.

“Lots of shoppers on the day travelled from beyond the region to come to this event - maybe it brings in tourism as well.”

To find out where this Saturday’s garage sales are, either check your local newspaper with the listings of garage sales, download the Second Hand Saturday App, or download the excel spreadsheet from the website

Garage sale addresses will be live on the App on Thursday.

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