14 March 2022, 4:30 AM
Yesterday, the NSW government announced it would invest $25 million in mental health support for flood affected people.
Lismore MP Janelle Saffin said since the flood she has been in regular talks with the Premier and Ministers in the NSW Government about mental health support.
"Supporting our community through the trauma of these floods must be a priority in our recovery," Ms Saffin said
"I welcome this announcement and will stay on the case to make sure our community gets what we need."
Details of the support package are:
$7 million over three years to fund Primary Health Networks to engage both clinical and non-clinical workforce, including staff for the Safe Havens, to boost local access to psychological and clinical support;
$5 million over three years to establish grants program for NGOs to fund trauma-based programs. Key focus on supporting young people, older residents and Aboriginal communities;
$5 million for state-wide needs based resourcing and support;
$3.5 million over three years to appoint Headspace and Lifeline work with affected communities to identify what each community needs;
$3.5 million over three years to recruit 10 Local Recovery Coordinators to: