Will Jackson
02 August 2019, 2:42 AM
Another runaway car careened down Bexhill and crashed this week after a customer at the general store forgot to put their handbrake on.
Eve Forman, who lives a few houses down the hill from the store, said it was the second time it’s happened in as many weeks, and the fourth time in two years.
About 5.50pm on Wednesday evening, the Toyota SUV that had been parked across the road from the store rolled down Bangalow Rd/Coleman St before hitting a tree outside Eve’s house and ending up on its side.
“It stopped on the pathway and didn’t hit my house luckily,” she said.
“It’s very lucky it did not hit any other car or people at busy hours after school.
“Last weekend a car almost hit my neighbour Glen’s house.
“We all want someone to do something to help stop this kind of dangerous thing from happening.”
The Toyota SUV that rolled down Bexhill on Wednesday evening. PHOTO: Supplied.
The area where people park on the western side of Bangalow Rd opposite the shop is on enough of an incline for for cars without handbrakes applied to roll.
Another Bexhill resident, Cheryl Hollands, said a red ute rolled down the hill from the Bexhill shop in February last year.
The red ute that rolled down Bexhill in February last year. PHOTO: Supplied.
"It went through the front yards of two houses entering the backyard of my neighbour," Cheryl said.
"A tree stump in her backyard stopped it from smashing into a shed in my backyard.
"The driver of this car had also left the handbrake off.
"Sooner or later someone is going to get seriously hurt."
It’s understood that because no other cars have been damaged or people injured, the police have not been called to the incidents.
The issue is only one of a Bexhill’s concerns about the road.
On Eve’s post in the Bexhill NSW Community Group on Facebook, people also complained of cars driving at high speed through the village with calls for a speed camera to be installed.
Eve said she wasn’t sure what could actually be done about the runaway cars, other than their owners remembering to put on their handbrake.
“Maybe they could put a guardrail on the roadside or something in the middle of the road try to stop the car rolling away?” she said.
Bangalow Rd is under RMS jurisdiction so Lismore City Council says it’s up to them to deal with it.
“Council has passed on the request to the RMS for further investigation/remediation if required,” said assets manager Scott Turner.
An RMS spokesperson responded to the Lismore App's inquiries by pointing to laws requiring driver's to apply their handbrake when parking.
The penalty for failing to do so is 20 "penalty units".
"Drivers in NSW are required to apply the parking brake effectively before leaving the vehicle," the spokesperson said in a statement.
The Bexhill general store declined to comment on the record to the Lismore App.
Article updated at 1:14pm on August 2, 2019: Added response from RMS.
Article updated at 2:29pm on August 2, 2019: Added additional photo and comment from Cheryl Hollands.