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RAAF to fly F18 Super Hornets and F-35A Lightening II aircraft at Evans Head

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20 October 2022, 5:37 AM

RAAF to fly F18 Super Hornets and F-35A Lightening II aircraft at Evans HeadRAAF F-18 Super Hornets. Photo: supplied

The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has outlined planned operations for the next two months at Evans Head Air Weapons Range (EVDAWR), located on the north coast of New South Wales.

Air Force currently operates F/A-18F Super Hornet aircraft from RAAF Base Amberley and F-35A Lightning II aircraft from RAAF Base Williamtown over the range. 

Commander of Air Combat Group, Air Commodore Tim Alsop said EVDAWR was a suitable practice area for the F-35A Lightning II aircraft, as well as the Super Hornets.

(The RAAF F-35 Lightening II airplane. Photo: supplied)

“Fast jet military aircraft will conduct gunnery and bombing operations and low-level flying during each mission within the range airspace,’’ AIRCDRE Alsop said.

For safety reasons, the range southern overwater area will be closed from 10am to 5pm for the duration of the activities except where specifically indicated.

The scheduled program for October and November includes:

·         20 to 21 October 2022 – F-35A Lightning II

·         24 to 28 October 2022 – F/A-18F Super Hornets

·         31 October to 4 November 2022 – F/A-18F Super Hornets and F-35A Lightning II

·         7 to 10 November 2022 – F/A-18F Super Hornets

AIRCDRE Alsop said aircraft would not use the range every day for training activities. Training activities can involve up to two waves of fast jet aircraft each day and will involve live strafing and use of lasers. 

(RAAF F-18 Super Hornet)

“Local residents are advised access to the range remains restricted regardless of any activities being conducted. This is due to the historical use of the range and the possibility of unexploded ordnance remaining at the site,” he said.

“Defence personnel display red flags whenever live firing activities are conducted and carry out patrols to ensure people don’t stray into the area.

“Operations on the range can change due to weather or other considerations.

“Air Force appreciates the long-standing support the local community provides in terms of our operations,’’ AIRCDRE Alsop said.

The Evans Head Air Weapons Range Community Advisory Panel has been advised of these activities.

For further information please refer to the Air Force Operations website on

A copy of the overwater DPA map and GPS co-ordinates is available through; at the ‘Ops Near Me’ Evans Head tab.

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