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Pink tradies and BBQs shine light on cancer

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Liina Flynn

20 November 2019, 5:08 AM

Pink tradies and BBQs shine light on cancerSummerland Tool Supplies held a fundraising BBQ. Pictured: Santé Verardo, Jeff Little, Sally Sulllivan, Wayne McKee, James Marshall and Nathan Hallahan.

Summerland Tool Supplies owner Santé Verardo (aka Butch) and Jeff Little donned pink shirts and held a fundraising bbq yesterday on Pink Tradie Tuesday.

They joined the many businesses in the Lismore Industrial Estate flying pink streamers and balloons in a show of support for cancer awareness organisation Jodie’s Inspiration. 

"i know lots of people who have died from cancer," Butch said. "We always like to hold a fundraiser for this each year."

Pictured: Lismore City Council got together for Pink Tradie Tuesday.

Jodie’s Inspiration committee member Sally Sullivan said while cancer is a serious issue, the day was meant to be fun.

“Everyone has a bit of pink hiding at home, it’s a good chance to get it out and wear it,” she said.

“Every third Tuesday in November, we hold Pink Tradie Tuesday.

“It’s important that we get men more aware about cancer too. Men often don’t go and get tested.”

Pictured: Lifeline staff get into Pink Tradie Tuesday.

Sally had been distributing pink tins for money donations to 126 businesses in the area which had registered their support for the cause.

“We ask tradespeople to put in a gold coin donation and wear pink,” she said.

“Furniture Wiz on Casino Street held a morning tea today too to raise money.”

Jodie’s Inspiration is founded by Jodie McRae with the aim of raising funds to help purchase essential and non-essential medical equipment and resources for Lismore’s oncology units. 

Jodie’s Inspiration also seeks to promote the importance of early cancer detection and awareness.

Pictured: Furniture Wiz staff got together for Pink Tradie Tuesday.

Jodie McRae is a Lismore local who was diagnosed in May 2013 with a rare aggressive form of triple negative breast cancer. 

After being given the all clear in December 2013, Jodie was diagnosed in September 2014 with secondary breast cancer and then launched Jodie's Inspiration in mid-2015.


Run by volunteers, all the money from the charity is invested in supporting the local area.

Its first goal was to raise money to fund cold cap therapy machines, which keep the scalp cool during chemotherapy so cancer patients do not lose their hair.

Jodie and her team wish to raise funds and awareness to bring Jodie’s Inspiration’s mission to life.

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