29 October 2021, 2:47 AM
In the countdown to the December 4 Lismore City Council elections, the Our Sustainable Future party, led by current Councillor Elly Bird, has officially launched its campaign today.
Councillor Bird is running for Mayor of Lismore City Council with a team of long term locals, business owners and environmental advocates on her ticket.
“As Mayor I would lead our community to face our challenges head on, focusing on working together with councillors, staff and our community, to find practical, positive and sustainable solutions," Ms Bird said.
“Our priority focus for the next term of Council and beyond is climate resilience and disaster preparedness; affordable housing; financial sustainability for the organisation; and prioritising roads, infrastructure maintenance and efficient waste management into the future.
"We are totally committed to sustainable economic development and supporting our business community to grow and to establish new initiatives that will enhance and improve our unique community identity.”
“Our positions on key policy areas of interest to our community are:
“I've been on Council for five years, I was elected in 2016 after five years working on the successful campaign to make the Northern Rivers Gasfield Free.
"Since then I've proven that I am an active and responsive Councillor - I led our flood recovery with Lismore Helping Hands, supported our community through the bushfires, and I have consistently advocated for local businesses. I am experienced, diligent and committed. I show up, I work hard, and I listen.
“I have the right balance of experience and passion required to lead a new Council with many new faces following the upcoming election.
"I have the skills, the dedication and the commitment to be the next Mayor of Lismore and I am looking forward to working in partnership with our community to build a future we can all be proud of.”
“Gwen Trimble is a long term resident of Nimbin and is on our ticket as number two. We are working hard to have Gwen elected to Council alongside me as a sorely needed Nimbin representative. As our largest village and our most significant tourist destination Nimbin needs dedicated representation on Council.”
“Gwen is active in the community, she is a member of Lismore Council’s Nimbin Advisory Group; actively campaigned against coal seam gas mining; and drove the campaign for Nimbin’s rural water consumers to retain their town water supply.”
Other candidates on the Our Sustainable Future ticket are Carlos Vieira-Silva and Deborah Ray, who are both business owners in the Lismore CBD, Jyllie Jackson the driving force behind the Lismore Lantern Parade, and Simon Clough previous Deputy Mayor and long-term community campaigner.