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Northern Rivers Wildlife Hospital proposes $12 million Wildlife Plan for Northern Rivers

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27 February 2023, 3:56 AM

Northern Rivers Wildlife Hospital proposes $12 million Wildlife Plan for Northern Rivers

An innovative regional wildlife care plan was launched today by Northern Rivers Wildlife Hospital Chair, Ninian Gemmell.


The 10-point plan seeks an extra $6 million for a region-wide strategy that will support all organisations and recognises the vital role played by the Northern Rivers Wildlife Hospital, Friends of the Koala Hospital and Currumbin Wildlife Hospital (which is a cross-border service and a key member of the Northern Rivers Wildlife Network).


“The NSW Government decision to earmark $6 million to Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital, has prompted us to step up our region-wide vision in line with NSW Government policy which supports networking wildlife services, so that all wildlife hospitals and the five wildlife rescue organisations in the Northern Rivers including hundreds of volunteers can be supported in addition to BBWH” Mr Gemmell said.


“WWF Australia generously funded the establishment of a Northern Rivers Wildlife Network (NRWN) last year. We are convening the network and want that to continue to ensure the best possible outcomes for wildlife.”


The extra $6 million sought would mean a total outlay of $12 million for Northern Rivers wildlife. Spanning seven Local Government Areas (LGAs), the Northern Rivers is one of Australia’s most biodiverse regions and home to numerous endangered species.


Wildlife services in the Northern Rivers work closely together under the Northern Rivers Wildlife Network to ensure all wildlife needs in the region are met.


The Northern Rivers Wildlife Hospital, Friends of the Koala Hospital and Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital are part of the network, as are wildlife rescue organisations WIRES, Northern Rivers Wildlife Carers, Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers, Australian Seabird & Turtle Rescue, Friends of the Koala, and an array of conservation groups working to restore wildlife habitat. All organisations play a crucial role in the welfare and survival of wildlife in the region.


The community based Northern Rivers Wildlife Hospital (NRWH) facility is being built on a 2.5-hectare site in Wollongbar over which it has a long term lease with NSW Crown Lands.


“This $2.8 million ‘bricks and mortar’ wildlife hospital is the result of years of collaboration by locals, the support of a Black Summer Bushfires Recovery grant, the generosity of philanthropists and a bequest. Ballina Council has approved the NRWH DA and we are working to be open for the busy Spring period.


“Our facility is on public land and the $1.4 million taxpayer investment to open its doors is secure in perpetuity, as is the governance of the organisation because it is community based and representative of the wildlife sector for the region.”


Friends of the Koala has been the voice of the region’s koalas for over 36 years. Their dedicated Koala Hospital treats all orphaned, sick, and injured koalas in the Northern Rivers, a region home to one of the most significant, genetically diverse koala populations in Australia.


BBWH is a licensed Wildlife Hospital providing an all-species service, with mobile capacity to respond to wildlife in need. It is staffed by a fulltime team of wildlife veterinarians and nurses.


“This $6 million enhancement recognises all volunteers and providers, noting that all wildlife have always been treated free of charge by all providers.


“Volunteers are absorbing out of pocket expenses of $4,000 per volunteer. A NSW Government survey of veterinarians revealed rural practices are spending an average of $15,176 and even over $50,000 per annum to treat wildlife. The operating costs of a dedicated wildlife hospital can exceed $1 million per year.


“Any wildlife investment plan for our region must consider the enormous pressure those volunteers, local vets and wildlife hospitals are experiencing and seek to make this work sustainable.”


Mr Gemmell also highlighted the increasing demand for region-wide wildlife care facilities.


“Our region’s population growth places ever increasing pressure on natural habitat, so that the volume of wildlife emergencies keeps escalating. Our region’s existing services are stretched to breaking point and deserve a holistic, strategic framework across all seven LGAs coupled with appropriate professional support.”


The Northern Rivers Wildlife Network aims to expand on the current relationships built by Friends of the Koala as the initiator of the Northern Rivers Koala Network, a broad collaboration involving all councils and other service providers in the Northern Rivers working to protect koalas.

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