08 March 2025, 6:33 AM
Late yesterday afternoon (Friday, 7 March), Byron Shire Council authorised the removal of three Norfolk Pines in Byron Bay.
One tree was in Jonson Street and two were in Apex Park near the Byron Bay Surf Club.
Council is very aware that our community strongly values trees and the removal of any tree is not taken lightly, especially the iconic Norfolk pines in Byron Bay.
The sustained strong winds over much of the week had weakened the root systems of the Norfolk pines and they were swaying dangerously.
Council engaged an independent arborist to assess the trees and he found that the heaving of the root systems due to the movement of the trees in the wind was an indication they would fall down and that they were beyond saving.
The risk to public safety was deemed too great and contractors felled the trees.
Council staff are keeping a close eye on the other Norfolk pines in the area.
In coming weeks, staff will be assessing many trees on Council-managed land and more may have to be removed.
In the meantime, if people’s property next to Council land has been damaged by trees, please send photos and information to council@byron.nsw.gov.au so staff can assess claims.