Liina Flynn
01 April 2020, 3:21 AM
Another 4 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in residents of the Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) have been reported since yesterday, bringing the district’s total to 42.
Lismore’s total still stands at 5, Byron Bay at 8, Tweed at 11, Ballina at 1-4.
These numbers are sourced from the NSW Health website, where reported cases are broken down into Local Government Areas
From tomorrow, a new Covid-19 clinic will be set up at Byron Central Hospital by NNSWLHD to deal with the increasing numbers. The clinic will be open 10am-4pm, seven days a week.
NNSWLHD chief executive Wayne Jones said the new free clinic will welcome backpackers in the Byron Shire who have any Covid-19 - like symptoms, even if those symptoms are mild.
It joins the three other Covid-19 clinics at Lismore, Tweed and Grafton hospitals, which are open from 10am-6pm.
Mr Jones said NNSWLHD will be working with agencies including Byron Shire Council to advertise the Byron clinic and the expanded target group eligible for testing in order to connect with the backpacking community.
“This is in addition to the current testing criteria for people presenting to COVID-19 clinics,” he said.
Testing will be for people with respiratory symptoms or fever who meet one or more of the following criteria:
• a close contact of a confirmed case
• international travel in the 14 days prior to illness onset
• a cruise ship passenger or crew member who has travelled in the 14 days prior to illness onset
• a healthcare worker, aged care or other residential care worker
• in a geographically localised area with elevated risk of community transmission.
“It is vital that these respiratory clinics are not overwhelmed with people who are not in the high risk groups, which could result in delays identifying those most vulnerable,” Mr Jones said.
“People do not need to phone ahead to attend the clinic.
“People without symptoms do not need to be tested.”
The symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, headache, runny nose, or shortness of breath. Anyone with symptoms should isolate themselves from others.
Mr Jones also reported that 36 of the district’s cases have a likely source of infection coming from having been overseas; 2 from having been in contact with a confirmed case or in a known cluster; 2 are not sure where it came from; and 2 are under investigation.
Of the NNSWLHD cases, currently 4 Covid-19 patients are being cared for in hospitals, and 1 of these is in ICU elsewhere in NSW.
The Public Health Unit is following up close contacts of cases who are located within NNSWLHD, who are being asked to self-isolate for 14 days from last contact with the confirmed case.
They will be contacted daily to check that they are well and anyone who develops COVID-19 symptoms will be tested for the virus.
If you are considered a close contact of a confirmed case, a Health officer will contact you directly.
For advice and information about COVID-19 visit Coronavirus
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