Simon Mumford
15 September 2023, 8:02 PM
The notorious black spot on the Bruxner Highway at the Aphadale/Cowlong Road intersection will see a 10km/h speed reduction next week.
The stretch of road that will drop from 80km/h to 70km/h starts as you leave Goonellabah and ends 500 metres to the east of the Alphadale/Cowlong intersection. This is a 1.8km stretch of road.
This is step 1 for the NSW Labor Government as they promised to construct a roundabout at the black spot to reduce regular car accidents at the intersection.
On March 10 this year, Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin and Labor's John Graham MLC, then NSW Shadow Minister for Roads and Shadow Minister for the North Coast, announced $7.5 million to construct a roundabout if Labor won the March 25 election.
The roundabout would add between 12 and 25 seconds on a trip to Ballina, Ms Saffin said at the time.
Work to install new signage and road marking will be carried out from 6pm this Sunday, 17 September and is expected to be complete by 6am on Monday, 18 September, weather permitting.
For the safety of workers and motorists, single lane, alternating traffic control arrangements and a reduced speed limit of 40km/h will be in place during work hours.
Variable message boards are in place to inform road users of the new speed limit.
Motorists are advised to drive to the conditions, and follow the directions of signs and traffic control.
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