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Mt Nardi Bush Fire Update - Sunday

The Lismore App

Simon Mumford

17 November 2019, 1:38 AM

Mt Nardi Bush Fire Update - SundayAnother tree save in the Nightcap National Park. Photo Dunoon Rural Firebrigade.

After we first reported the outbreak of fires in the Nightcap National Park on Friday November 8, we can finally begin to get life back to normal and think about Christmas which is only five and a half weeks away. This is not to say that the fires are under control at Mt Nardi or that our fantastic firefighters are not continuing their hard, exhausting work in creating fire breaks to protect threatened properties, they are and we cannot thank them enough.

Max Pike is one of the many volunteers that have given so much to help our community in the past nine days. He posted this on Facebook today (shared by Lismore Helping Hands);

"Hanging up the helmet for a little while. After 8 days, and with Tuntable, Siddah Farm and West of Wallace Rd fire fronts contained to a small patch of Siddah, my role as Logistics for Mount Nardi Fire-West Sector is winding up.

Going to have Sunday off and head into work Monday. Not looking forward to the back log of emails. Big thanks to my employer Rainbow Power Company for granting me Compassionate Leave so I could fully dedicate myself to defending the Mountain I grew up on and the valley I love.

"This is far from over though. For the valley, the long and arduous task of monitoring the fire ground for flare ups, spot overs and trees falling over containment lines, has just begun.

Massive thank you to Blue Knob RFB, Goolmangar RFB, Hanging Rock RFB and especially that monster from Tuncester RFB (you know who you are).

"The work of the Tuntable Home Defenders this last week has been amazing. Without their help Nimbin RFB would not have been able to hold the fire away from residences. The combined efforts of the Tuntable Defenders, the Siddah Farm Defenders and timely assistance from some Bohdi Farm Defenders allowed RFS to squeeze the main front of the fire west of the ridge into a corner.

There is so much more to do in Nardi South, East and North Sectors. This fire will not stop burning until we have decent rain."

There is a message in Mike's post that we should acknowledge, the willingness of businesses to support their employees to take time off and go and help fight the bush fires. To all the businesses like the Rainbow Power Company, we say a huge 'THANK YOU'.

The Dunoon Rural Fire Brigade posted this picture on the ABC North Coasts facebook page today and said "We helped save this beautiful tree yesterday by clearing the leaves around it and soaking it with water and foam before the fire went through this location.” The tree is that tall we could not fit it in this picture!

The Lismore City Council have closed the evacuation centres at the SCU in Lismore and the Kyogle Memorial Hall at midday today. The Nimbin Showground remains open as an official evacuation centre as does the Lismore Showgrounds (for campers only and large animals).

The above comments do come with a warning! We can not be complacent in the coming days and weeks. The Mt Nardi bush fire is still out of control and classified as 'Advice' as it is burning over 4,900 hectares. Our neighbouring towns in the Tweed Shire like Doon Doon and Commissioners Creek are suffering like we were last weekend and the town of Woodenbong in the Kyogle Shire is under threat as I write with the Bora Ridge fire. This photo looks at the Bora Ridge fire courtesy of Jimmy Malecki.

Conditions can change very quickly so the advice is to stay aware, stay alert and stay safe as Councillor Elly Bird told the Lismore App yesterday. We will be leaving our Bush Fire button on the Lismore App front page for the coming week so that everyone can monitor the situation at any time. We also encourage you to download the NSW RFS 'Fires Near Me' app as it is a great source of information.

There is a total fire ban in place today and the Fire Danger is Severe. You are encourage by the NSW RFS to keep your Bush Fire Plan handy at all times.

We will monitor the situation with you and update you immediately if conditions change and there is a direct threat or possibility of a threat to any community in the 2480 post code. We will continue to update the bush fires in our news stories but not as a sense of urgency as we have in the last nine days.


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