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Mt Nardi Bush Fire Update – Friday

The Lismore App

Simon Mumford

15 November 2019, 8:48 AM

Mt Nardi Bush Fire Update – Friday


The big news to come out of today is COMMUNITY MEETING being held tomorrow morning at the Nimbin Bowling Club at 10am. We will get the full picture from the NSW RFS, the Lismore City Council, SES and Police. Everyone who has properties in the Tuntable Creek area is encouraged to attend plus anyone else with concerns for their property and the forecast for the fire over the weekend and into next week.

The NSW RFS website has not changed the classification of the Mt Nardi fire, it still sits on 'Advice'. Firefighters are working on strategic backburns, and are identifying containment lines. Crews are working to protect properties as the fire comes from ridge lines.

Peter Larsen from Rose Road, Tuntable Creek has been working with firefighters on fair breaks on Young Road and sent us these photos.

The list of schools closed on Monday is reducing in numbers which is good news for teachers, parents and students. Closed for Monday are;

  • Tuntable Creek Public School
  • Whian Whian Public School

A severe fire danger is in place for the Far North Coast. Temperatures will be in the mid 30's both days with southeasterly winds on Saturday and northwest to northeasterly on Sunday then tending northeast to southeast in the late afternoon before a possible Thunderstorm in the afternoon. Unfortunately the rain forecast has fallen to 0-6mm.

Road Closures remain in place for some roads in the fire affected areas. The Lismore City Council lists these as;

  • The intersection of Tuntable Falls Rd and Upper Tuntable Falls Rd
  • The intersection of Wallace Rd and Tuntable Ck Rd
  • The Intersection of Standing St and Mills St at The Channon.
  • Road closure to National Park at intersection of Nightcap Range Road and Minyon Drive.

Stay up to date through the Lismore App, the governments Fire Near Me App or our Bush Fire button (Bush Fires)

11:30am - Liina Flynn

The out of control Mount Nardi bush fire in the Nightcap National Park near Nimbin, is still at alert level today, according to the NSW Rural Fire Service.

If you are in the areas of Tuntable Creek, Huonbrook Valley, Upper Wilsons Creek, Commissioners Creek and Upper Coopers Creek, the advice is to monitor conditions.

Firefighters from the Rural Fire Service, Nimbin Rural Fire Brigade, along with many volunteers have been fighting day and night to contain the blaze, with the community rallying together to create fire containment trails.

The fire, which covers 4840 hectares, was approaching Siddah Farm yesterday and locals have been hard at work, clearing trails with chainsaws and bulldozers.

Pictured: Day 7 Mt Nardi Fire West. The defence of Siddah Farm. Photo by Max Pike.

11:30am Friday

Terania Creek resident Terri Nicholson reported on Facebook that on the eastern side of Terania, "the fire front is currently right behind Rainbow (specifically Community house and Dave Yarnall and Robyn Whyte’s house)."

"There are two fire trucks there and volunteers. They are confident of containing near there," she said.

"On the western side of Terania, the containment line at Mop’s track has held overnight. No more southern movement on that side.

"Western/Tuntable side of Wallace Rd fire has held at Siddha Farm overnight with Fireys and massive volunteer presence."

This morning, Charlie Cohen from Nimbin Rural Fire Brigade reported on Facebook the good news that no houses were lost last night.

Nimbin fire emergency community coordinator

With many different community organisations and services in Nimbin working to help people through the emergency, Diana Roberts has taken on the role of overall Nimbin fire emergency community coordinator. 

Diana has compiled the following information for anyone assisting or coordinating responses and activity to local bushfires around Nimbin, including people who want to be part of a spot fire patrol.

The message is “it is not considered safe at this point for anyone to return home”.

Volunteers work to make containment lines near Siddah Farm community.


This is being coordinated from Tuntable Falls Community. 

Anyone with towels or sheets for Firies masks can leave them on the doorstep at 7 Sibley St Nimbin.

Donations for Firies – there’s a donation box in the Hotel for Nimbin RFS (red helmet on counter) and there’s a donation box at the Bowling Club for Blue Knob RFS. Donation box also at Summerland Credit Union

Fit, able people who can work with a team are needed to help protect Siddha Farm. 

If anyone can assist they must report to the staging area at Tuntable’s hall/bus stop Upper Tuntable Falls Rd - and should be in suitable safe clothing including leather gloves, head torch, mask and good boots.

Blowers, mcleod tools, chainsaws and hands on tools also useful.

4WD runners also needed – again, report to the staging area.



Local radio station ABC FM94.5, Bushfire info line 1800679737 NIMFM 102.9

Facebook - Nimbin Hook Ups Discussion Board, Nimbin CWA Group, Nimbin Hook Ups, ABC North Coast Facebook page for the latest Rural Fire Service warnings.


Being coordinated by the Nimbin Branch of the CWA out of the Nimbin Hall.


Food - phone 0484895603. There is limited storage for food so people should ring first.

To volunteer, phone 0484895603

There’s an account at the Emporium for firefighters. Donations to this account can be made at the Emporium front counter - account 911

FIREY UNIFORMS – being washed free of charge by Nimbin Village Laundry


Evacuation Centre located at Nimbin Showground, Cecil St. 

Before attending people are requested to register online at Register Find Unite or phone 1800 733 276.

Camping is also available at Nimbin Caravan Park and Lismore Showground.

Camping gear coordination – anyone offering gear for campers, contact Steph Seckold 0475135764.

Nimbin Community Centre, phone 66890000 – can offer storage space for a few days.


Food is being provided by the Salvation Army from Nimbin Showground.

If people would like to donate food there is a food drop off table but very limited facilities for people to cook – healthy, ready-prepared food options, healthy snacks (there are lots of kids there), vegetarian options, wholegrain bread etc welcome.

Vegetarian and gluten free are special asks.

For more information on needs of campers based at the Showground, ring Kael 0412479222.


Anglicare – at the Showground from 7.30am until after dinner - providing toiletries, canned and packaged food, water.

Contact: Doug Ridley 0415458473

St John’s Ambulance – at the Showground 9am-8pm. There until Friday 15th when their presence will be reassessed

FACS Disaster Relief – are managing the Showground evacuation centre. Can organise emergency accommodation.

Rural Adversity Mental Health Program – run by the Northern NSW Local Health District but thinly stretched as they have a big area to cover.

Offering counselling in person or by phone and can refer people for 6 free sessions with a psychologist – no referral needed – to those affected by bushfires.

Contact Steve Carrigg P 66207587. This is not a crisis service.

Lifeline 131144 or Beyond Blue 1300224636. Kids Helpline 1800551800. Emergency 000

NSW Disaster Recovery Chaplaincy Network – at the Showground at the Evacuation Centre for anyone needing a listening ear – not just evacuees.

Available until Sunday 17th Nov when need will be reassessed.

Nimbin Neighbourhood & Information Centre – 71 Cullen Street, has a counsellor Wed-Fridays, Mental health and drug/alcohol clinician Mon-Wed, Telstra and electricity bill vouchers, Centrelink and other DHS issues, assistance with unpaid fines, material aid, general support, advocacy and liaison with services etc, meals, tea and coffee, newspapers, access to internet, computer access 10am – 4pm weekdays.

Phone: 66891692 or email,

Telstra – has disaster relief packages (short and long term) for people impacted by the fires.

Can offer bill moratoriums, free call diversions, top up of prepaid mobiles, free service reconnection, credits up to $500.

Ring 132203 (the faults line) and have name, phone number and postcode ready. People can also leave their name on a spreadsheet at the evacuation centre and Telstra will contact them.


Phone Diana Roberts 0427886748


Animals are being housed in enclosures at the Nimbin Showground.

Assistance with cleaning cages and other tasks is appreciated.

Emergency fodder and water and assessment of animal wellbeing – hotline 1800814647


Phone WIRES on 6628 1898

Lismore Showground has camping available and facilities for animals including stables

Horses needing help – Everything Equine Northern Rivers NSW has a Facebook page for help requests.


Nimbin Environment Centre 54 Cullen St – will endeavour to be open all weekend as well as during the week.

Also Nimbin Neighbourhood Centre 71 Cullen St weekdays 10-4pm.

SCHOOL CLOSURES (government)

Nimbin Central School has a Facebook page.

Nimbin Pre-school is posting to Nimbin Hook Ups Discussion Board Facebook page.


Live Traffic NSW

Bushfire information line 1800679737


Quinns Bus Service – Cathy Quinn is on Facebook and providing updates


Quality is being monitored by Lismore Council. At November 14, the water does not require boiling. Council has back-up generators to guarantee supply should the power be taken down.

Stay up to date on bush fires in your area by checking the NSW RFS website, listening to your local radio station, or by calling the NSW RFS Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737.

For contacts and information and about bushfires, the Lismore App has a bushfires button on the main page: Bush Fires

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