12 September 2019, 3:50 AM
A man found with 24 grams of methamphetamine and a bullet in his car was arrested in Goonellabah yesterday and will face Lismore Local Court.
Police from the Richmond Target Action Group (TAG) allege that on Wednesday at 8am, highway patrol stopped a vehicle on Norwood Avenue in Goonellabah, a Richmond Police District Facebook statement said.
“The driver, a 23 year old Yarrabilba (QLD) man tested positive to methamphetamines.
“TAG Officers attended and carried out a search of the 23-year-old and the vehicle; they located 24 grams of methamphetamine, almost $2,000 cash, a bullet, jewellery thought to be stolen, a knife, an ice pipe and drug paraphernalia.
“The 23-year-old has been charged with Supply Prohibited Drug Greater than Indictable Quantity, Possess Prohibited Drug, Deal With Proceeds of Crime and Goods In Custody A.
“Further charge may be laid once the result of his secondary drug test is known.
Bail was refused and he was due to appear at Lismore Local Court yesterday.
“A juvenile who was also in the car has been charged with Possess Ammunition Without Licence, Goods in Custody and Deal With Proceeds of Crime.
“The juvenile was granted conditional bail and will appear at Lismore Children’s Court later this month.”