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Meteor lights up the night sky: sightings reported

The Lismore App

Liina Flynn

20 February 2020, 9:57 PM

Meteor lights up the night sky: sightings reportedThis is not the meteor which fell last night! Just a cool picture of another green meteor falling.

A very strange bright light was seen in the sky in the early hours of this morning by residents living near Nimbin. 

The reports were scattered across social media forums this morning and were backed up by reports of a meteor sighting on the Australian Meteor Reports Facebook site. 

“At approximately 2.20am AEST a nice bright green meteor lit up the sky at about 30 degrees vertically, North of Mt Burrell in Northern NSW,” the site reported.

“It was travelling probably South to North, but maybe North to South.”

Another report on the same site stated “something BIG passed over central NSW last night and headed for QLD”.

One local resident said her internet had stopped for 20 minutes then described the sighting at about 2.30am as “a green blue really bright light, lit up the sky from behind a dark cloud and fell from the sky over mt Warning. Then a rumbling sound, not a star in the sky. What was that? I've NEVER seen anything like it?”

According to, thousands of tiny pieces of space rock, called meteorites, hit the earth each year, but most are undetected.

“Meteoroids are rocky remnants of a comet or asteroid that travel in outer space, but when these objects enter Earth's atmosphere, they are considered meteors,” the site reported.

“Most (between 90 and 95 percent) of these meteors completely burn up in the atmosphere, resulting in a bright streak that can be seen across the night sky. However, when meteors survive their high-speed plunge toward Earth and drop to the ground, they are called meteorites.”

For more information about meteor sightings, you can visit

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